Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 604

Xiaobao ignores the happy mother and the depressed brother. He reaches over and grabs Niu Niu's braid and yells, "sister!"

I don't know whether Xiaobao's hand strength is too big and rude, or the rubber with pigtail is too loose. Niuniu's pigtail is pulled by Xiaobao, and then it comes apart.

Niuniu is a little curly hair, so she never likes to have hair on her head. Seeing that her hair is loose, she grabs her hair with her fat hand and asks for help from Letong, "Mommy..."

Letong just wants to put down Xiaobao and help Niuniu. Sitting on the sofa over there, he absently changes to Dabao on the TV channel, throws away the remote control and pats the position beside him, "Niuniu, come here! Brother, help you

Originally, Dabao, as a brother, did not do less for Niuniu to comb her hair and braid her hair.


Niuniu heard her brother's call, covered her head with fluffy curly hair, ran over obediently. Her slightly fat body bent into a small ball, and climbed up the sofa with a little difficulty. Dabaoyou was still taut, so she couldn't help but lift her lips, bent over and put her round butt on the sofa.

"Little fat ya..." when Dabao grinned and teased the little girl, her black eyes were full of smile.

Little fat Ya finally sit well, is very dissatisfied with the tuzui protest, "brother, Niuniu is not fat!"

Dabao grinned and reached out to pinch her face. "Well, Niuniu is not fat, it's meat."

Niu Niu tilted her head for a moment, nodded her head and agreed, "yes, Niu Niu is meat, not fat!"

Obviously, the kind-hearted chick was cheated by her brother. She didn't know that fleshy and chubby actually mean the same thing

Dabao couldn't help laughing. He seemed to have recovered a lot. He went to kiss Niuniu's fat face. No, it should be "little meat face". He praised her sincerely, "Niuniu, you are so cute!"

He reached out in the drawer under the tea table, took out his comb and rubber band, patted his thigh, "girl, sit here!"

Xiao Pangya climbed over obediently and sat on his lap with Dabao on his back. His two short legs were hanging at Dabao's feet. It was very comfortable.

Dabao skillfully untied Niuniu's other side's braid and combed her hair.

"Girl, what do you want to do? Do you still have two pigtails?"

Don't underestimate that Dabao is a boy. His skill of combing his hair is no worse than that of Letong.

Of course, this is not his natural skill, but because he has always been very fond of Niuniu. He tries his best to do many things for Niuniu. Therefore, since Niuniu's long hair, he has seriously studied and helped Niuniu to take care of her hair. Up to now, he can comb and weave more hairstyles than Aunt Wang and aunt Guan, Niu Niu is also more willing to ask him to help with her hair. After all, it's a girl's nature to love beauty.

"Brother, Niuniu wants to be a little princess."

Niuniu gives Dabao the task, and happily shakes her legs to tune the TV to the children's channel. It seems that she doesn't worry that her brother will make her hair ugly.

The clever and skillful Dabao would not be so easily defeated. He started Niuniu's left and right hair and braided them into two braids. He circled the two braids around her head and took the princess's hair crown from the drawer to cover Niuniu.

"Come on, my lovely little princess!"

The pretty little curly Princess turned her head and gave Dabao a kiss on her face. She narrowed her eyes and said sweetly, "thank you, brother!"

With that, he didn't rush to leave, but moved back, nestled in Dabao's arms, and looked at the picture on the TV with his big shining eyes.

She giggled when she saw the cat on the TV screen being teased by mice all over the room.

Dabao's mind, in fact, has long lost interest in the cartoon of cat and mouse. However, he is so bored that he suddenly accompanies the little girl to relive the classic cartoon which he has not seen for a long time.

Seeing the stupid cat being teased by the little mouse, he would raise his lips and smile happily with the little girl.

Letong, however, is still immersed in the joy of her little son's ability to speak. She even forgot to change her work suit. She directly holds Xiaobao and sits on the carpet with her knees crossed, teasing Xiaobao to talk.

However, little baby seems to have no interest in talking, but she is interested in the bow tie of Letong's neckline. She twists her body, and her two little hands pull the bow from left to right, as if she is studying its structure, or trying to tear it apart.

After pulling for a while, he saw that the bow did not change, so he put his face together, opened his mouth and bit it with his teeth.

"Xiao Bao, your clothes are dirty. Don't bite them!" Letong wants to tear Xiaobao apart.

Niuniu has been quiet and clever since she was a child. She has never tried to taste what she likes with her mouth. But Xiaobao is different. The car he likes will bite its wheels and the building blocks he likes will bite them.

Maybe it's just because of this kind of persistence that he wants to put everything he's interested in into his mouth. Xiaobao doesn't listen to Letong. He just bites the bow and tears harder. He doesn't mean to let go.

Letong dare not use brute force to pull Xiaobao apart, so she has to ask Dabao, who is watching TV with Niuniu in her arms, for help. "Dabao, come and hold Xiaobao."

Dabao glanced at Xiaobao and continued to watch his TV indifferently.

Letong is surprised. What is this guy so obsessed with watching TV that he even ignores his younger brother?

This is unscientific for Dabao, who loves his younger brother and sister most!

"Dabao... Xiaobao bit Mommy..." Letong had no choice but to use bitter meat, "Oh, it hurts! It hurts

It worked.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Leng Dabao, who just had nothing to do with himself, had put Niuniu on the sofa and walked over. He held Xiaobao's waist in one hand and his chin in the other. He said to Xiaobao fiercely, "Xiaobao, let go of Mommy, or my brother will beat your ass!"

Xiaobao looks at Dabao and blinks a few times. However, it seems that he doesn't understand Dabao's words. He still bites the bow tightly. Xiaopang's hand encircles Letong's neck, and his face sticks to Letong's neck.

Xiaobao's provocative behavior aroused Dabao's pent up anger. Dabao, who had never been rude to Xiaobao, was furious.

Although Dabao is more precocious than his peers, no matter how precocious he is, he is just a child.

Dabao, who has been pulled up, raises his hand and draws it to Xiaobao's buttocks.