Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 571

Yang's and Ji's two groups joined hands to make Ji's ride out the storm. This news should have made Letong very happy. However, Letong was extremely depressed by Yang Sheng's narration of his father's past.

Although, her depression is more just placed in the heart, on the surface, it is still the same as usual. In addition, the cooperation program between Yang and Ji has been fully implemented. She, Ji Rui and even all the people in Ji's family are very busy. During the working hours, melancholy and depression are the things that literary and artistic youth have time to play. They really don't have much time to stop on her.

However, after going home to take care of her two children every day, Letong would occasionally stand outside the terrace, staring at the distant night scene, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ji Rui seems to see that Letong is absent-minded. After dinner that day, he proposes to take a walk in the park.

The baby is the first to raise her hand to show her approval. Without waiting for Letong to make a statement, she has run back to her room to change her clothes. Letong first helps Aunt Wang to clean up the things Niuniu wants to take when she goes out, and then turns around and enters the bedroom.

Although it was winter, the temperature of these two days was getting warmer, and the temperature was nearly 20 degrees. Even Le Tong, who was cold and afraid of cold, just casually wore a thin sweater and jeans.

Ji Rui is still sitting on the sofa, idly flipping through the magazine, looking at her general dress. When she enters the room, she also changes into clothes of the same style as her. Since he was with Letong, unconsciously, his wardrobe has a lot of comfortable clothes in addition to suits and shirts. And now this suit makes him look four or five years younger.

He was very thin, but he also had two men's and women's long sleeves. After coming out, put the sweater into Niu Niu's bag for clothes and diapers.

"Aunt Wang, why don't you go with me and take care of Niuniu and the baby." Ji Rui put the big bag into the shelf under the pram and said that Aunt Wang answered and pushed Niuniu out of the pram first.

It's rare for Baobao not to fight for Niuniu with Aunt Wang, but to carry her backpack, take Letong's hand and walk behind Ji Rui.

Yue Tong sees Ji Rui pressing the negative one, reaches out his hand and wants to press the negative one, "the weather is not too cold, just walk over."

"Drive." Ji Rui pulls her hand and stops her action.

"Just a few hundred meters away, don't you need to drive?"

A few hundred meters away from the apartment, there is a small park. After dusk, the residents around like to go for a walk there. There is a big square. Some people are skating in the square, and many aunts are dancing in the square. When it was hot before, Letong and Baobao often went for a walk there, but after living with Ji Rui, they never went there again.

"Tired, drive." Ji Rui simply explained that between the two people, the elevator had reached the first floor and opened the door with a clang sound.

Letong thinks Ji Rui is really tired. After all, he has been working overtime for three or four days since he came back from country y. it's normal for him to be tired.

Car out of the parking lot, blink of an eye to the small park, but the car did not stop, but continue to drive forward, "Ji Rui, after ah."

Sitting in the back seat and looking at two children, Letong can't help reminding Ji Rui, who is in charge of driving.

"Baby wants to go to Central Park."

Ji Rui said, the baby immediately agreed, "Mommy, Niuniu has not been to the Central Park to play."

Letong faintly feels that the father and son are hiding something from her. She looks at the big one in front who is focused on driving and the small one in the back seat who is chuckling and teasing, but she can't guess what bad things they have done without telling her. Only at this time did Le Tong realize that he had not seen Xiao Li since he got off work today. Ji Rui was driving after work and now.

"Ji Rui, where's brother Li?"

"He's on leave for something."

Letong believed it and didn't ask more. Half an hour later, a family of four arrived at the Central Park.

As soon as the baby enters the gate, he says he wants to open a yacht. Before Letong has time to say anything, Ji Rui has agreed, so the family goes straight to the lake without going anywhere.

Yacht is an electric yacht. As soon as the baby gets on the boat, he occupies the driver's position and controls it as a toy car. At first, Letong was a little worried, but later he saw that the yacht was running smoothly on the lake, and there was no mistake in the direction control. Ji Rui told him to go left, and the boat went left. He said to go straight, and the boat went straight in the middle of the lake.

"The baby is so powerful, much more powerful than Mommy." Yue Tong said with heartfelt admiration.

"Well, it's time you got a driver's license." Ji Rui mentions this matter again, but Letong doesn't hear it. Yacht in the lake through several arch holes, moored in the center of the lake.

Maybe it's because of the night, or the season, only their yacht seems to be in the middle of the lake.

In the originally silent Park, the sound of piano suddenly came out empty, and then a man's voice, which let Letong feel very familiar, sang leisurely in the night sky.

I've heard of looking for love

It's like the separation and reunion of heaven and earth

And I'm on a quiet journey with you

There was no thrilling or soul stirring scene

It's just the same day when the Cape race is chasing

But I feel the most enjoyable when I lie at home with you

It just needs to be the best time

You can use your first name and my last name

[the story of achievement]

This song, which le Tong has heard, was sung by a certain king when he proposed to his wife. Now, the magnetic and slightly stiff voice reverberating in the night sky is obviously not a certain king, but the president of Ji Da sitting beside her.

With the sound of melodious songs, the fountain in the center of the lake spurts out bursts of water curtain. On the water curtain like a waterfall, pictures roll out on the water curtain. Letong pays close attention to the pictures. They are actually pictures of her and Ji Rui. The pictures of them are played alternately, from infancy to childhood to adolescence, and then to him and her in the bloom of youth.

Letong's ears ring the song of a CEO who doesn't let go. She raises her face and looks at the picture on the water curtain without blinking. She changes from young Shaoai's he and she to a white and tender baby. The baby grins brightly with toothless mouth, and a colorful bubble screen floats beside, "daddy, Mommy, baby, come too!", After that, there are a group of photos of the baby from birth to the age of five. The toothless baby turns into a handsome and lovely boy.

In the air, Ji Rui's voice continued to flow to us under the piano accompaniment of Ding Dong.

What is love

I must be gossiping with you when you are in turmoil

Endless journey with you

Even when the sky turns grey, I love young

Do not believe that the day is no longer out of season

If I love you more than once, I love you more than once

How can I believe in the time when my heart is broken

You can use your first name and my last name

[the story of achievement]