Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 564

"Grandfather, I'm married to Ji Rui. Nah, this is Ji Rui's betrothal gift. You can lose whatever you want! "

The old man was shocked by her "grandfather", but he didn't respond. He looked at her for at least half a minute and then asked, "are you married with Ji Rui?"

Letong deliberately ignores Ji Rui's sharp eyes, who is sitting on the sofa, and nods to the old master, "yes, I got the certificate this morning."

"Oh yeah, Mommy, you're finally willing to marry that idiot daddy?" Lying on the ground of the baby suddenly ran up, lying on the back of Letong, embracing her neck vigorously shake up.

Letong glances at Ji Rui, who is deeply hit by her son's words. Biting her lips and holding a smile, she touches the baby's head with her backhand.

"Yes, Mommy finally married you stupid daddy, baby and sister go to play in the room for a while, OK? Mommy and I have something to talk about. "

"Good!" Baobao answers with a smile and kisses Letong on her face. She doesn't care about the chess game. She just looks up and squeezes Ji Rui's eyes. Then she obediently follows Aunt Wang who holds Niu Niu into the baby room.

The old man finally wakes up from the surprise that his granddaughter is willing to admit himself and has married Ji Rui. He wants to ask Letong what she said, and then remembers what she said about the bride price. Then he looks down at the thick stack of information in his hand. When he looks at it carefully, he can't help laughing.

"Girl, this is just a draft cooperation plan. What does it have to do with the dowry?"

Sitting on the sofa, Ji Rui, who doesn't know whether to be calm or really indifferent, suddenly raises his head and frowns at Le Tong when he hears the old master's words.

Letong still ignored him, buttocks moved, sat opposite the old man, straight looking at the old man with a puzzled face, explained with a smile.

"Don't think I don't know, Grandpa. I told you all about it. With Ji's cooperation, Yang can make at least several billion profits a year. Moreover, this number is still a conservative estimate. In the future, this number may double or several times. No one is sure. Of course, you will say that in order to help Ji's family overcome the difficulties, Yang needed to spend a lot of money, but it should not take a year to earn all the money. Where can you find such an easy business? Moreover, compared with Ji's early investment in recent years, Yang's investment is a comparison between sesame and watermelon. I really don't understand. Why did you refuse this cooperation? Sure enough, it's a little old and useless? "

Letong's face is full of smiles. It seems that she is chatting with her family. She is kind and kind, but her words are true.

The old master was still immersed in the joy of Yue Tong's recognizing him. Unexpectedly, when he got to the back, it was the girl who was scolding her for being old and useless?

The old master took a puff from the corner of his mouth and thought, sure enough, he is as worried as Sheng boy!

Ji Rui, who is sitting over there, finally can't help but lean over, "Letong..."

Letong glanced up at him, "Ji Rui, don't go back on it. If you decide not to do this business now, I don't guarantee that my grandfather will go back on it. If he insists on my divorce, I can't say no. after all, it's hard for me to do it!"

Letong's face is full of smiles, but the threat in her words is very obvious, which makes Ji Rui, who doesn't even have a warm marriage certificate, dare not act rashly, so he has to shut up and let her continue to drag on with the old master.

At this time, he vaguely understood why she proposed to him so suddenly last night.

Make complaints about the interaction between her granddaughter and Ji Rui. The old man secretly Tucao: OK, this girl has not formally surnamed Ji. This arm has long been turned into the old nest of the discipline house and no longer can be turned back.

However, this girl is really right, cooperation, Yang actually took advantage of Ji. At the beginning, he didn't agree because he had a bad time with Mr. Ji when he was young. In addition, Ji Rui abducted his most intelligent and devoted grandson for so many years. He hated Ji Rui so much that he didn't want to help him? Even though he helped him at the same time, he actually took a big advantage. At that time, he still rejected Yang Sheng's proposal.

But that moment, this moment.

His decision a few days ago does not represent his current mood.

"Girl, your grandfather is not really short of the money, otherwise, the betrothal gift should be taken lightly?"

Now the old man just wants his granddaughter to have a good life. To help Ji's is to help his precious granddaughter? Since it's my own person, the cooperation is divided into several parts. Let's give way a little. After all, this is my precious granddaughter. How can she be so cruel?

Letong had read the contract carefully before, but he didn't waver after listening to the old man's proposal.

"No, it's five to five! Grandfather, do you despise your granddaughter or your grandson-in-law? I'm afraid he can't afford such an expensive dowry? If you want to say that Lao Yang's family is also a high branch, you can't do it, so don't try to climb it. You don't have to break your hands and feet! "

In Letong's opinion, this cooperation is normal business cooperation if it is divided into five or five points. However, if the distribution of interests is more focused on Ji's family, it is more like betraying others. For her and Ji Rui, it is a cooperation that hurts her self-esteem.

The old master and Ji Rui, who had different ideas about the cooperation plan, had nothing to say after listening to Letong's words.

Because, Letong's words, basically two people's mouths are blocked. In other words, Letong's words also pave the way for Ji Rui and the old master.

From Ji Rui's point of view, Yang saved Ji, but for this reason, Ji and Yang will share the future profits equally. Therefore, strictly speaking, it is not to sell the face of Letong, the granddaughter of the Yang family. His self-esteem has not been trampled on at all.

As far as the old master is concerned, even if this cooperation case is taken out at the board of directors, no one can use Ji Rui as his son-in-law as the attack point, because the terms are clearly listed. This is a cooperation plan of equality and mutual benefit, and there has never been any bias because Ji Rui is the grandson-in-law of the old master. The foreseeable benefits of Yang's future are clearly there. Even if it is decided by a vote, such a cooperation case can be passed 100%.

In a word, everything in the world will change. Only money and interests will never change. There is no one who can't keep up with money, right?

The old master has been convinced by Letong unconsciously. He looks up and smiles at Ji Rui. "I'm a precious granddaughter. I've been married by you. It's really cheap for you!"