Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 563

"Daddy and Mommy, don't you have to work? I came back so early... "

Hearing the sound of opening the door, the baby, seeing Ji Rui and Letong, immediately flies over.

Ji Rui holds him up in his arms. He is always worried that this smelly boy will crash Letong if he rushes over like a rocket.

"Daddy and Mommy have a holiday today. Are you happy?"

Ji Rui walks into the living room with his baby in his arms. He nods to the old master who was teasing Niu Niu. He says hello.

"Of course I'm happy, but daddy, is it OK if you don't go to work?"

The baby laughingly pulls Ji Rui's face and has a good time. Today's baby is playing more and more casually with Ji Rui. Of course, the reason is that Ji Rui has to connive at him and interact with him much more than before.

"Why not?"

Ji Rui looks at the little guy curiously. With his understanding of his son, there are usually some strange answers behind his questions.

Baby looks at Letong and Niuniu, "Daddy, you have a wife and children. How can you support us if you don't go to work?"

This successfully amused the three adults present.

"Po, you're in charge of funny things, aren't you?" Letong rubs the baby's head with a smile.

It's not surprising that other ordinary children will say such words, but the baby's concept of money is more clear than that of an adult. Naturally, he knows that even if his father has been staying at home and doing nothing since today, his father's wealth is enough for several of them to live for several lives.

"No, the baby is urging daddy to make good money." Lying on Ji Rui's body, the baby reaches out to Letong and signals Letong to hold him“ However, if daddy really can't make money, Mommy doesn't have to worry. The baby will make money! "

Ji Rui stares at the baby and holds him tightly in his arms. "Mommy is not comfortable. Stay obediently."

"Mommy, what's wrong with you?" Baby a listen to then nervous don't work, Letong Piao Ji Rui one eye, only think he is a fuss.

"Don't listen to your daddy. Mommy is fine. The baby says it will make money. How can it make money? "

Letong only thinks that this little guy is being a hero. He's joking.

"Investment!" But the little guy said it seriously, not like a joke at all.

Letong stares at Ji Rui and intuitively feels that it has something to do with him.

Ji Rui's scalp is numb when she stares at him. He has to raise his hand to surrender.

"I just said something to him casually, and he said he would try water with his own pocket money."

Letong really convinced the father and son that what other people's children played were all small games suitable for children, while what his Ji family children played were investment "games" with real money and silver.

This matter, she felt it necessary to communicate with Ji Rui.

But not now, because now she has more important things to do.

"Ji Rui, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation about this. I'll talk to Yuan er for a while."

Letong chat with Yuan Er is an excuse, of course. After she enters the study, she dials Yang Sheng's phone and asks him to send Yang Ji's cooperation plan to her email.

Yang Sheng did not say anything, just let her turn on the computer, two people video chat.

Yang Sheng's smiling face appeared on the screen. The first sentence he said to le Tong was, "my sister, do you want it now as Ji's special assistant or as Ji's boss's wife?"

Yue Tong white he one eye, "the latter."

Yang Sheng blinked, "are you going to get married? So I'm going to be my brother-in-law? "

"It's not preparation, it's finished!" Letong dropped a bomb by surprise.

Yang Sheng seems to be bombed on the spot when the machine, Leng for a long time, but still do not believe to stare at Letong, "Tongtong, you cheat me?"

Le Tong really wants to rush out to get the marriage certificate and throw him a face, but she can't help it.

She understood the truth that if she couldn't bear it, she would make a big plan.

"Why do you cheat me? I just came back from getting the certificate with Ji Rui."

However, it's no wonder that Yang Sheng doesn't believe it. As the client, Letong still feels that all this is like a dream. Probably, it's because she didn't have any psychological preparation before, and the process of applying for the certificate went smoothly, so that now Letong still has no sense of reality about her ending her single status.

Yang Sheng stares at Le Tong and is silent for a while. Maybe she doesn't look like a joker. Then he finally believes that he is really a brother-in-law.

"Don't tell me, Tong Tong, it's because of this cooperation case that I got the certificate in a hurry."

Yue Tong glanced at him, "are you really my brother?"

Yang Sheng was slightly stunned, "of course! Didn't you read the appraisal report that day? It was clearly written on it. It's his business that you and your grandfather don't want to pay attention to him. Don't get involved with me and play with me! "

Yang Sheng with a nervous expression on the screen warms Letong's heart. Yang Sheng's misunderstanding is obviously a very beautiful one.

"Since you are my brother, don't you want Ji Rui to give me a place early?" Letong said to Yang Sheng in a tone of half blame and half coquetry.

Yang Sheng first suddenly realized, and then asked with half faith, "do you really just want a place?"

Letong nodded with a smile. "Of course, even if I don't mind, I have to think about the baby and Niuniu. You know better than anyone how much the baby wants to have a normal family like others. Do you have parents who love him?"

When it comes to Baobao, Yang Sheng finally believes Letong's words.

"All right, you can check the mailbox."

Letong opened the e-mail and carefully read all the terms of the cooperation case from beginning to end. If she didn't understand, she directly asked Yang Sheng for advice. It took more than half an hour for Letong to sort out the terms of the cooperation case before saying goodbye to Yang Sheng.

Letong walks out of the living room with the printed cooperation plan. In the living room, Ji Rui is busy with his laptop. Niuniu is drinking milk in Aunt Wang's arms. Baobao and Laoye are playing chess on the carpet.

"Master, don't cheat!" The baby angrily grasps the chess piece to accuse the old master.

The old man rubbed the little guy's head with a smile, "didn't the baby teacher teach you? Respect the old and love the young

The baby glared at him, "you are old, but the baby is young, so we are both equal."

The old master still wants to argue, and uncle Jing behind him pulls him, "master, the baby is right..."

The old man was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that uncle Jing, who had been with him for decades, would not help him. Just as he wanted to say something about Uncle Jing, Letong came over and sat down between him and the baby.

"If you lose, you lose. You can't afford to lose."

The old man patted himself and played a rogue, "girl, there's no money on my grandfather!"

Letong handed him the large stack of information, "grandfather, I married Ji Rui. Nah, this is Ji Rui's betrothal gift. You can lose whatever you want! "