Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 554

Letong relaxes for a while and then half sleeps in a daze until Ji Rui knocks the door anxiously. "Letong, haven't you washed it yet?"

"Oh, it'll be OK soon..."

Letong is so excited that all the sleepers are gone. He vaguely answers to Ji Rui. He quickly washes himself, dries the water on his body, puts on his clothes and opens the door.

Ji Rui stands outside the door and frowns when she comes out.

"Are you... OK?" Said, caressed her forehead carefully, the examination of the eyes quickly looked her up and down again.

Yue Tong pulls up her lips and smiles. She knows that he is worried about himself. She is afraid that she hasn't turned the corner yet.

"No, I'm not so coquettish. I'm just a little tired. I fell asleep by accident."

The hot air in the bathroom, plus the fact that Letong has been soaking in it for more than half an hour, and her face is red, plus a little confused when she just woke up, the whole person looks different from the usual smart or gentle Letong.

Her eyes with water vapor make her a little cute. A few strands of hair hang down at the collar and clavicle, which is a little more sexy than usual

Ji Rui sees throat hair tight, but reason tells him, he was too cruel last night, tonight, anyway, let her have a good rest.

"Well, go to bed and lie down."

Ji Rui kisses her on the lips, and even doesn't dare to hold her.

Last night's beautiful picture flew by in front of his eyes like a fast broadcast, which immediately made his whole body blood boiling. He didn't dare to guarantee that he would give her a hug, and he even convinced himself to let her go.

Letong's nerves have been tense for nearly a day. Now, she is finally relaxed. The man in front of her, for the moment, is the most reassuring person for her.

So she obediently climbed into bed.

Looking at Ji Rui flash into the bathroom, she thought he was in the bath, but in a twinkling of an eye, the man came out, hands, more than a hair dryer.

"Come here and blow dry your hair."

The man kneels on one knee beside the bed with a hair dryer. Letong originally pulled the quilt cover and leaned half against the back of the bed. Seeing this, he didn't wriggle. He obediently climbed to his side and lay next to his body. He lifted her hair and blew it slowly.

"Let it be today." Ji Rui's voice is not big, but in the whirring wind, it is very clear to le Tong's ears.

"Eh..." Letong twisted her body and put her face comfortably on Ji Rui's body.

There was a breath of peace in his body. She felt that she could not resist the breath of relaxation. Maybe, she could not leave the breath.

"In a word, there is nothing wrong with you in this matter, so no matter how you choose, you will not be ashamed of anyone, you know?"

Ji Rui knows that Letong is easy to be soft hearted. Although he also hopes that she can get more love from her elders, if she gets this kind of love, it will make her feel uncomfortable and embarrass her. He prefers her to be indifferent and selfish.


Letong thinks that the comforting words of President Ji DA are more and more smooth, more and more intimate and persuasive.

When Ji Rui helps her dry her hair, Letong is already sleeping in his arms.

Ji Rui looks down at her silently for a long time. Finally, he kisses her on her eyebrows and lips, gently holds her, puts her flat on the bed, helps her cover the quilt, and kisses her with great restraint. Then he turns to the bathroom to take a bath. By the way, he solves the evil fire on himself.

Originally, he was going to ask her how she felt last night.

But seeing her so tired, he was embarrassed to torture her again. After taking a bath, I came out and looked at the time. After thinking about it, I picked up my mobile phone and sent a message to Yang Sheng.


Yang Sheng came back immediately, "no, have a drink?"


Naturally, Letong doesn't know that after sleeping, Ji Rui and Yang Sheng drink and chat in the bar in Yang Sheng's bedroom until two o'clock in the morning. Because when she woke up the next day, she woke up in Ji Rui's arms.

Therefore, she thought that Ji Rui went to sleep with her not long after she fell asleep yesterday.

"Awake?" Ji Rui seems to wake up long ago. As soon as she opens her eyes, the gentle kiss falls down.

"Eh..." Yue Tong answered vaguely.

Ji Rui's good morning kiss is very gentle, just like the feeling on her face when she opens the window in spring morning with the warm breeze of sunshine. It's soft and warm, which makes Letong close her eyes again.

After kissing, Ji Rui's lips point at the tip of her nose“ Still want to sleep? "

Letong just lazily opened her eyes and shook her head, "no, I can't catch up with the plane."

However, this reason, in Ji Rui's eyes, can't be the reason why she can't stay in bed.

"If you want to sleep, you can sleep a little longer. If you're wrong, you still have to get off work. If you can't, let Yang Sheng take us back by private plane."

Ji Rui's indulgence makes Letong not know what to say.

There is a little sweet in my heart, a little shy, and a little helpless.

"Come on, there's no need to do so much for me to sleep more. I'm not that expensive." Letong is struggling to sit up.

Ji Rui pressed her shoulder, "no, your sleep is more important than others!"

With that, Jun's face came over, his forehead against his forehead, as if to better observe whether she really had enough sleep.

"Ji Rui..." Letong bumps his forehead with her forehead helplessly. Of course, the strength is very small. Even if she doesn't love him, she is afraid of pain.

"I'm serious. You didn't sleep much last night, no, the night before yesterday. Anyway, if you go back a day and a half later, the sky won't fall down."

In the past, Ji Rui was work oriented. Nothing is more important than his work.

But now, in order to get her enough sleep, he did not hesitate to miss flights again and again, and even missed some important dates for him.

"Ji Rui, I'm not made of paper, OK? Even if you did it the night before last, one night of the day is enough for me to recover. "

Letong is not a cheeky person. She can't help blushing when she says these words, but it's necessary for her to let Ji Rui know that what happened the night before yesterday is really not as difficult for her to recover as he thought.

Ji Rui takes a serious look at her again, and confirms that her spirit and face are very good. It seems that she really has enough rest, and she is relieved.

"Well, let's get up."

Finally, Letong doesn't need to be treated as a wounded by him. She gets out of bed and goes into the washroom.

When she washes out, Ji Rui has changed her clothes, and the clothes she wants to change are also taken out by Ji Rui and neatly stacked on the bed.

Letong can't help laughing. Ji Rui is puzzled by her smile. She picks her eyebrows and says, "what's the matter?"

Yue Tong finally stopped laughing, "I didn't expect that Ji Zong would serve me one day!"

More than a year ago, she did all these things for him as a secretary.

"Feng Shui turns around in turn!" Ji Rui doesn't care.