Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 539

The old master suddenly raised his head and glared at Ji Rui, "boy, the identification result will come out at noon tomorrow!"

Even if the old master used his privilege, the hospital said that the appraisal result would not be available until noon tomorrow at the latest. Therefore, the old master took it for granted that as one of the parties, Letong naturally had to be present.

Ji Rui doesn't mean to fight against the old man, but he has something very important to do tomorrow afternoon.

"Yang Dong, let Yang Sheng tell us the identification result, too."

Ji Rui although some apology, but under the two-phase balance, he still chose to fly back to r city according to the original time.

Because the person he will see tomorrow afternoon may be able to save Ji from the current predicament.

"How can it be the same?"

The old master's meaning is that as soon as the appraisal results come out tomorrow, Letong will be able to recognize her ancestors directly. If she returns to r city, who knows what will happen then?

"Yang Dong, I'm sorry!" Ji Rui also saw the anxiety in the old man's eyes. He rarely set himself up for the old man to think about it, but he did have a dilemma, so he could only say sorry.

"I told the girl that you should go back by yourself!"

At the age of the old man, sometimes he is willful, just like a young man. Ten cows can't be pulled back.

The old man angrily said that, Huo stood up and walked to the stairs with still vigorous steps.

Yang Sheng knows Ji Rui's temperament very well and knows that he insists on going back. There must be his reason.

Seeing the old man up the stairs, he asked Ji Rui in a low voice, "are you in a hurry to go back tomorrow? Is there anything urgent?"

Ji Rui did not hide from him, "well, Ming made an appointment in the afternoon."

Yang Sheng nodded clearly, "it's about Ji's family!"


Yang Sheng glanced at the old man's figure in the middle of the stairs and said, "why don't you go back first? Look at this old kid... "

Ji Rui pondered for a moment. In fact, he didn't consider the possibility.

However, he hopes that he can stay by her side when it comes to the life experience of Letong. No matter how she wants to choose, he can give her advice and support at the first time.

"Yang Sheng, you should know better than anyone that Letong has been carrying everything by himself all these years. I hope that from now on, no matter what happens to her, I can stand behind her. "

Yang Sheng is speechless!

Because Ji Rui's mood is really clear.

"Then my grandfather..." Yang Sheng hesitated to catch up and stop the old man's capricious behavior.

"It's up to him. Let Letong decide for herself."

He made an appointment tomorrow afternoon. Letong doesn't know about it, but he has made psychological preparations. If Letong agrees to stay and wait for the result, he will go to change the ticket.

Of course, he didn't intend to let Letong know these ideas, so as not to burden her.

Seeing this, Yang Sheng said nothing more.

Before he knew that Letong might be his cousin, he always preferred Letong's side between Ji Rui and Letong. Among them, in addition to the pity for the weak mentality, perhaps, there is also some inexplicable sense of closeness for him to choose.

Now, after learning that Letong may be the daughter of his closest uncle, he is more willing to test Ji Rui for Letong.

As one of the few people who know the truth about the birth of a baby, he is more eager than anyone to find out that Ji Rui accepts Letong because she is the baby's mother; Or, because he really loves her.

Even though Ji Rui has said that he will meet a very important person tomorrow afternoon, Yang Sheng also believes that if Ji Rui loses this important opportunity for Le Tong, he can definitely afford to lose.

Ji Rui doesn't know that his brother has been calculating for Le Tong for so many years. Of course, even if he knows now, he won't eat inexplicable dry vinegar any more. Because Yang Sheng is likely to be le Tong's elder brother, who cares about his younger sister.

Moreover, Letong has suffered so much that she really needs to enjoy the love of her family and elders, which Ji Rui can't give her. If she can get all this from the Yang family, he will feel happy for her in his heart.

The old man who climbed up the stairs stood outside the guest room prepared for Letong. After knocking twice, he called in a low voice, "girl..."

Soon, a slight movement came from inside. Then, the door opened and Letong's face appeared behind the door.

"What's up, Mr. Yang?" Yue Tong asked softly.

The old man saw that Letong was so careful that he thought the two children were still sleeping inside, so he waved to her.

"Come out, girl."

Letong's body flashed out lightly. The old man took her arm and pulled her to the small living room on the second floor to sit down.

"Yang Dong, what's the matter?"

Although Letong did not change her words, her attitude towards the elderly was much more moderate.

"I heard that you will fly back to r city early tomorrow morning, but the identification result will come out at noon tomorrow. Do you want to change your ticket and wait for the result to come out?"

When the old man said this to Ji Rui, his tone was very strong.

But to Letong, he is very careful.

I'm afraid that this girl doesn't like it, so she flies back to r city.

Letong had a paternity test before, and the results at that time didn't come out until a week, so she didn't think about whether she would go tomorrow.

And her occasionally ostrich temperament, also let her have a fluke heart, anyway, the result will be a week later, then she does not need to worry about the future.

It's also because of this idea that after she just returned to the house, she fed Niuniu and finished her milk. After eating something for herself and her baby, she came up to the guest room to have a rest.

Therefore, she was slightly stunned when she heard the old man's words.

"Ah? And it will be tomorrow? "

To be honest, she is not psychologically prepared to accept the results of the appraisal.

At the beginning, it took her a full week to prepare enough courage to see the results of her paternity test with her baby.

"Why are you so fast?"

The old man frowned slightly. He was full of expectation for the result.

Ke Ketong's reaction is to tell him clearly that she is more resistant than expected to the identification results.

The old man's heart was bright, but suddenly it seemed to be blocked by the black concrete. His heart was black.

Yue Tong glances at the old man's lost face and realizes that his reaction is too hurtful.

"Yang Dong, I'm sorry. I just didn't respond all of a sudden. I think it usually takes five to seven days for a DNA test to produce a result. "

Letong found that she didn't know whether the old man was too good at acting or whether she was soft hearted. She was more and more cruel to the old man's old face.

"It's someone else's home, not my Lao Yang's!" The old master snorted angrily. It seemed that he was angry that Letong had not found out how much blood she had.