Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 538

When Ji Rui and Yang Sheng return to the mansion after the banquet and hear the old master say that Letong and their two children are resting in the guest room and have agreed to stay tonight, their expressions don't change at all, as if they had expected that Letong would agree.

"Are you not afraid of my despicable way to coerce her to stay?"

Looking at two young men of the same age and equally outstanding sitting on the sofa and drinking coffee leisurely at both ends, the old man seemed not surprised or curious about Letong's reaction.

Yang Sheng bent over to put the cup on the tea table and looked at the old man with a funny look.

"Grandfather, are you willing? Besides, Tong Tong will sell you?! I'm curious. What terrible thing did you say to Tong Tong? "

The old man, who was said to be in the heart of the matter, took a puff from the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows. "When am I going to use the means of bitterness drama to win sympathy?"

Yang Sheng shrugged, "if you know, don't tell me!"

Then he stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Rui, are you hungry? The Chinese snacks made by my chef are excellent. Would you like to try them? "

"Good!" Ji Rui answered simply.

Waiting for Yang Sheng to flash into the kitchen, the old man's fierce eyes fall on Ji Rui.

"Why don't you and the girl get married?"

This time, the man that uncle Jing found soon handed the detailed information of Letong these years to the old man.

Apart from the fact that the secret of the baby's birth does not appear in the data, others include the fact that her father's real name is Leming, including Niuniu who was not born but adopted, and of course, the non marital relationship between Letong and Ji Rui.

Ji Rui doesn't have a pleasant face to the old man in front of him because he may be Letong's grandfather.

"It's about me and her."

The implication is that I have nothing to do with her or you!!

Once upon a time, the old master of the Yang family had complex feelings for Ji Rui. On the one hand, he appreciated the young man, but on the other hand, he hated Ji Rui because he had abducted his favorite grandson. Generally speaking, hate was more than appreciation.

After knowing that Letong may be his granddaughter, he looks at Ji Rui's eyes and naturally has more eyes to pick.

Although he only met Letong for the first time today, his years of missing and guilt for his youngest son made him attach great importance to Letong, a possible granddaughter.

As a result, Ji Rui, a possible son-in-law, is more selective. It's no exaggeration to say that he is going to pick a bone in the egg.

In particular, when I saw the survey data, it showed that the boy of the Ji family had not given his granddaughter a name, which made the old man very angry!

He felt that the people of Lao Yang's family had been bullied by the people of Ji's family, and the slap was not on the face of others, but on his old face.

Reading that he doesn't want to destroy his image in front of his granddaughter, the old man finally suppresses his anger and patiently chats with Ji Rui, but what he gets is such an answer that he doesn't pay attention to him at all.

The old man took his hand on the back of the sofa and forced his anger down again. He tried to make himself look more pleasant.

"When are you going to get married?"

Ji Rui looks at him without expression, "no comment!"

Although the old man may be Letong's grandfather, the identification result has not come out yet? The old master wants to hold him and Letong's neck so soon? Does he want to control him and Letong in his hands like Yang Sheng?

Ji Rui certainly has no respect for the old man. If it wasn't for Yang Sheng, he didn't think he had anything to do with the old man.

In addition, because of Yang Sheng's relationship, he was beaten down by the old master.

Of course, those are old stories. He doesn't want to talk about them any more.

However, his affair with Letong is a private affair between them. Even though the old man may be Letong's own grandfather, he doesn't care for Letong at all. Why do he want to control him and Letong?

The old man was so angry by Ji Rui's arrogant attitude and words that he almost wanted to lift the table. Fortunately, Yang Sheng came out here with a tray of delicious snacks to avoid the bloodbath between the old man and Ji Rui.

"Sheng boy, you should pay more attention to Tong Tong when you have time. Don't be foolishly bullied. You don't even know if you take advantage of her!"

Yang Sheng can't help but take a deep look at Ji Rui.

Did these two people say anything extraordinary in the minutes when he left?

Ji Rui doesn't even have the intention to defend himself. He takes the tray Yang Sheng handed over, takes a piece of cake and eats it calmly.

"Grandfather, don't worry about it. Tongtong is not stupid. She has her own sense of proportion."

Obviously, Yang Sheng also felt that the old master was too lenient!

At the same time, he also expressed his position. In the team battle between Letong and laotaiye, he stood on Letong's side.

"Smelly boy, is there a brother like this?" The old master glared at Yang Sheng and scolded him severely.

Yang Sheng rolled his eyes and kindly reminded the old man, "grandfather, the appraisal results will come out tomorrow!"

The old man glared at him again, "just the girl's temper, just like your little uncle. I don't believe that she's not the seed of Weikang!"

Yang Sheng tut said, "grandfather, you are officially retired anyway. You have nothing to do tomorrow. You can wear sunglasses and set up a stall for fortune telling!"

Although Yang Sheng basically believes that Letong's father is his favorite little uncle, he won't go along with the old master until the conclusive evidence is put on the table.

First of all, he was afraid that the greater the old man's hope, the greater his disappointment.

Secondly, he was afraid that Letong would be disgusted.

For a large family like the Yang family, there are indeed many people who want to have something to do with them by all means, but le Tong is not one of them.

He knows this better than anyone else.

"Grandfather, before the identification results come out, you'd better not show this face in front of Tong Tong!" Yang Sheng came close to the old man and reminded him in a low voice.

Here, ye and sun are happy with each other's words. Ji Rui, who is beside him, drinks coffee and eats snacks like nothing to do with everything. His mood and appetite are not affected by the old man's words.

"Rui, have you changed your tickets?"

Yang Sheng suddenly remembered that Ji Rui's return tickets were for tomorrow morning.

Ji Rui raised his eyes and glanced at him

On hearing this, the old man quickly beckoned to Uncle Jing, "ah Jing, hurry to do it."

Ji Rui calls uncle Jing, who turns around in a hurry. "Uncle Jing, don't change. We have to go back tomorrow."