Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 535

Letong pushes Niuniu out of the backyard together, puts Niuniu in the pavilion visible from the leeward, and looks at her sleeping soundly. Then she goes to the back of the baby to see that he is teasing the dog with a dog bone.


Letong squats down beside the baby, reaches out and gently pinches the baby's face.

Baby turned to look at her, habitually, leaned over, in her face kiss“ Mommy, talk to the old man? "

The little guy is really smart. He doesn't use "talk over", but "talk well".

It seems that he also vaguely felt the old man's interest in his mother.

Of course, this interest is controllable. He believes that mommy can protect herself, so he comes to the backyard to play with the dog.

"Well, let's talk about it!" Yue Tong fondly rubbed his head, feeling very much in his heart.

If you can be as smart as a baby when you are five or six years old, will the father in her mind be more real, rather than like now, even if you want to think hard, you can only think of a general outline.

"Mommy, you have a baby, and daddy and Niuniu."

The baby rubbed against her a few times, it seems that she felt the sadness in her heart.

"Well..." Letong kisses the little guy's neck.

Maybe, between her and her baby, there really exists the tacit understanding between mother and child. The emotion she tries to hide will always be seen through easily by this little one.

The baby didn't speak any more. She cuddled up to Letong and teased the dog for a while. Then she handed the dog bone to Letong, and went into the leeward Pavilion, squatting beside the pram and quietly looking at the sleeping Niu Niu.

Letong teases the dog for a while, then stands up, walks to the two children, sits down on the stone bench, and looks at Niu Niu, whose face has gradually returned to normal.

In the room tens of meters away from them, the old man was standing in front of the floor glass of the dining room, while uncle Jing was still following him step by step.

"Is she really a child of Wellcome?"

The old man looked at Letong, who was holding the child gently, and asked softly.

"Master, you've asked so many questions, don't you already know?"

The old man stared at Letong in silence for a long time, then sighed a long time.

"She has the same temper as Vikam. A child who looks clever on the surface is more stubborn than anyone else. "

The old man was obviously complaining, but there was a faint smile in the corner of his mouth.

For a long time, uncle Jing had never seen the master treat a person with such a restrained temperament. Now, he saw the master's smile, and his face also showed a smile.

"Yes, just now I saw her stand up and the birds didn't even bird you. I'm afraid you can't help getting angry."

The old man didn't say a word, and the radian of his mouth seemed to be bigger.

"It's hard to find it. Do you think I dare to get angry? Alas... "

When the old man finished, there were layers of sadness and sadness in his eyes.

"You said Weikang, he..."

The old man asked half of his words, but he swallowed the other half.

"Master... Don't think too much. Maybe Miss Tongtong said that because she was angry with you!" Uncle Jing talked carefully.

"I hope so, but look at the girl's temper, she doesn't care to cheat me..."

The tone of the old man's voice is getting lower and lower. The more clearly you can see something, the more painful it will be. Therefore, he actually preferred that the girl was cheating him.

"That girl refused me so quickly. Do you think she didn't think it was possible. In fact, she must be like a mirror in her heart. She knows everything, but she doesn't want to recognize me at all. She doesn't say anything. She has already guessed a lot about the essence, and I'm sure she hates me to death now. "

Uncle Jing thought, who let her be your granddaughter? She is so smart and stubborn. She knows what to do to make you feel bad!

"These years, this little girl must have been very bad..." the old man did not hide his love for this girl.

Uncle Jing has a sudden attack in his heart. Does the master care too much about this girl? Uncle Jing has been following him all the year round. I really haven't seen the old man so upset for a younger generation of the Yang family. He even cares more than the successor of Young Master Sheng.

Although it is true that Yupei and the girl are 50% sure that the girl is Miss Yang Jiasun because of their very similar personalities with young master Weikang, there is no absolute truth in the world. If the appraisal result is negative at that time, how can the master be disappointed?

"Is the person you're looking for reliable?" Seeing that uncle Jing didn't answer, the old man asked again.

"Well, it's just the old man."

On hearing this, the old man frowned and said, "change people!"

"Ah?" Uncle Jing was puzzled and looked at the old man, "haven't you been looking for him to investigate all the time?"

"But he has never looked up any information of Weikang to me!" The old man is a little angry.

Uncle Jing thinks, it seems to be true.

"So... I'll change it?" Uncle Jing is testing carefully.

"Well, find another one quickly."

Uncle Jing received the order and immediately turned to work.

When Uncle Jing came back from the phone call, the old man's standing posture didn't change.

"Sir, please take a rest."

Uncle Jing pulls a chair over and holds him to sit down.

But the old man didn't want to sit down. He just told him, "clean up two bedrooms in the mansion and come out. You can tell Sheng boy that he should keep people here tonight anyway."

Uncle Jing quickly turned around and told the servant to clean up the room. He wanted to ask someone to go to the auditorium to find uncle Jing of Yang Sheng. After thinking about it, he went to the auditorium in person for the sake of caution.

"Uncle Jing, why did you come by yourself? Where's my grandfather? " When Yang Sheng saw Uncle Jing, the group of people around him flashed aside. It was strange that uncle Jing was not accompanying the old man.

"The master said he was a little tired and wanted to have a rest in the mansion. I'll leave it to Master Sheng to deal with it."

Uncle Jing has already called Yang Sheng to report the result of Yupei's identification earlier, including the fact that the old master asked Letong to do DNA identification but was rejected. Uncle Jing also told Yang Sheng.

"Well, what's the matter with Uncle Jing?" Yang Sheng answers uncle Jing, but looks for Ji Rui in the crowd.

"The old master asked young master Sheng to leave Miss Tong Tong and them for the night no matter what method he used."

Yang Sheng was not surprised at Uncle Jing's request. However, he could do nothing about some things.

"I'll try my best!" With his understanding of Letong, if the girl wants to escape, ordinary people really have no ability to pry open her thick wall.

"Why don't you talk to Mr. Ji?"