Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 534

Originally a good party, but because of Niu Niu's allergy and lead to a series of dog blood plot, these, really let Letong unexpected.

At this time, Letong sips the tea slowly. Facing the old man, who is afraid and elusive, Letong tries to keep silent.

However, master Yang didn't seem to make her feel better.

Even though Le Tong is very obvious that she doesn't want to talk about her parents' problems in depth, the old master still asks her some relevant questions from time to time.

At the beginning, the questions basically revolved around Letong's father, but after asking a few topics, the answer was almost unknown. The old man didn't ask such questions again.

But Letong doesn't mean to be against the old man. Instead, her impression of her father has been blurred to almost a general outline. Even the image of his kindness and optimism probably adds Letong's imagination and beautification. Therefore, her words about her father can be ignored.

The old master seems to be aware of this. Later, he asked about Letong's life in recent years.

In fact, Letong is not willing to chat with him, but she can't be indifferent to an elder, even if she is not familiar with him.

"How old are you this year?"

The old master suddenly asked about Letong, which made Letong more resistant.

"Twenty five." But under the Letong, only try to use the most concise language to answer.

"You're only twenty-five? Why is that little guy six or seven years old? " It seems that the old man doesn't believe Letong's words. He looks at Letong carefully.

"Well, the baby has just turned six, and I'm a mother at nineteen." Letong had to be patient to reply.

The old man was silent for a while. He didn't know what he thought. He waved to Uncle Jing. Uncle Jing came to him and whispered. Letong faintly felt that what they said was related to him, but she couldn't hear what they were saying.

The old master whispered a few words to Uncle Jing, then turned his eyes back to Letong.

"You and the kid of the Ji family got married at the age of 19?"

Yue Tong frowned. How could this question be more and more out of line?

Although the face is still very indifferent, but the tone, but a bit more stubborn.

"Yang Dong, these are my private affairs." The implication is that she doesn't want to answer.

The old man looked at her, and there was no sign of anger, but his eyes at Letong made her feel uneasy.

"Is your mother... Sick?" The old man didn't seem to want to touch her bottom line too much, so he changed the question.

"Well." Letong is almost perfunctory, but she can't see it on her face.

"I didn't get in touch with your father in the meantime?"

The old master's question is going around and back to Letong's father.

"As far as I know, no! As for whether my mother has contacted my father in private, I really don't know, and she hasn't mentioned it to me

That's all Letong can answer.

Others, even if the old man is anxious to know the answer, she can't help him much.

"It's 26 years since Vikam left home. I haven't heard from him for so many years!"

The old master said this to Letong. It seems that he really thinks that Letong has something to do with Weikang in his mouth.

How can le Tong not hear his implication? But she could not deny it directly, so she had to say, "Yang Dong, it's just a coincidence."

The old master listened to the words of Letong, and did not speak for a long time. After a long time, he stared at Letong and asked.

"You hope it's just a coincidence?"

Yang family such a large family, no one wants to get involved with the Yang family, but she is a high-profile.

Is that her nature? Or is it just pretending?

Letong reads a lot of information from the detective eyes of the old master. She smiles with disdain in her heart and gives the old master a little smile.

"Yes, I hope it's just a coincidence." She did not hide her inner thoughts and nodded directly

"Why?" The old man's interest, eyes, with a strong exploration.

"I don't know why. I just think it's good as it is now. I don't want to make any changes."

Even if Letong doesn't want to think about it, she just needs to compare Yang Sheng's current situation to understand that if she really has a relationship with the Yang family, this peaceful little day may come to an end.

Besides, there is no evidence to prove that he is related to the Yang family except for Na Yupei.

"Is the Yang family bad?"

This time, the old man asked quite directly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yang. Please forgive my ignorance! I'm not familiar with the Yang family! "

The temperament of Letong has some elements of gossip.

But her gossip is limited to those beautiful men and women in the entertainment industry. She has never been very inquisitive or enthusiastic about the affairs of rich and powerful families.

Even though she is now in a romantic relationship with Ji Rui, in the eyes of many people, she has already stepped into a rich family, but she has no such self-consciousness.

In her opinion, she is still the former Letong, who lives happily with her own efforts.

"You're not familiar with Sheng?"

The old master asked. Obviously, he didn't know that Letong was very familiar with his grandson. I just think that the relationship between Sun Tzu and Letong is due to Ji Rui.

"General..." Yue Tong replied a little against his will.

She did not feel that her relationship with Yang Sheng was not on the table.

Instead, she didn't want her relationship with Yang Sheng to be exploited by the shrewd and treacherous old man.

"Aren't you the Secretary of the Ji family? How can you be unfamiliar with Sheng? Besides, your name seems to be elder martial brother Sheng, right

Sure enough, the old man is an old fox. He can't escape his sharp eyes with any trace.

"I'm Ji Rui's Special Secretary, not Yang Sheng's secretary. We usually don't have a meeting in our work. As for elder martial brother Yang Sheng, it's just because we just graduated from the same school. As you know, Mr. Yang, to survive in a big group, we need to get in touch with each other. "

Letong intuitively feels that the old master wants to do something between her and Yang Sheng, so she tries to get rid of their relationship.

"That's all?"

The old master's eyes on Letong are more and more deep, and the meaning of exploration is more and more strong.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang. I don't mean to climb this big tree." Letong deliberately misinterprets the meaning of the old master.

"I don't mean that..." the old man was so rare that he was in a hurry.

"Yang Dong, I'm going to see my baby. It's windy outside. I'm afraid he'll catch cold.

Letong has no patience to deal with this smart old man. She gets up, walks to the side hall and willfully throws the old man with deep eyes in the living room.