Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 517

Letong is like a bottomless tree cave. No matter what Ji Rui says, she listens to it very carefully. Ji Rui, who originally thought that a short chat would let her have a rest early, turns out to be out of control when she opens the gate.

Therefore, in Ji Rui's view that the ingredients are precious, Letong's first night in bed with him, so in the baby and his childhood topics flow peacefully in the past.

When Ji Rui realized that the time should not be early, he raised his wrist and looked out of the window through the weak light. It was more than one o'clock in the morning.

"So late? Well, don't be a curious baby. I'll tell you what I want to know tomorrow night. It's time to go to bed now! "

Ji Rui is fierce with the tone of fierce baby, but his lips are kissing her gently on Letong's upper lip and eyelid.

"Well, good night!"

Letong also obedient, hook his head initiative kiss him.

"Well, good night, baby!"

Ji Rui returns to her with a French kiss. It's not easy for her to get free Le Tong. She twists a few times in his arms, finds a comfortable place, and soon goes to sleep.

Ji Rui thinks that he can't easily turn her to bed. He can't sleep that night.

However, holding her, listening to her gentle breathing, smelling the light fragrance that belonged to her, those impetuous that she inadvertently aroused, actually calmed down little by little.

Bursts of sleepiness hit, Ji Rui also quickly closed his eyes to sleep in the past.

When I wake up, Ji Rui's arms are empty!

For a moment, Ji Rui thought that the situation of sleeping together with Letong last night was just a dream.

He raised his arm to cover his eyes. The faint fragrance of her body came from his sleeve. He was sure that what happened last night was real, not a dream.

I got up in a hurry, washed and went downstairs.

The baby is lying on the stroller with a bottle to feed Niu Niu. When she hears the sound of footsteps, she turns to say hello to Ji Rui.

"Hi, daddy, good morning!"

Ji Rui came to him and leaned over to kiss him

Baby side head also kiss him, and then point to the girl who is drinking milk“ Daddy, there's Niuniu! "

Ji Rui, reminded by him, just leans over and kisses Niu Niu on her small face with milk fragrance“ Good morning, Niu Niu

These days in the morning, every day he has to remind the baby, will think of his daughter now.

"Where's Mommy?" Ji Rui looks around.

"Mommy is cooking breakfast in the kitchen."

Ji Rui thinks that this woman is really bad. She is asked to enter the kitchen less, but she doesn't listen.

"Daddy, go with Mommy, baby with Niuniu!"

Little hand pushed Ji Rui, this is not a powerful hand, let Ji Rui had the illusion, feel oneself in front of the baby and Niuniu, is a redundant person.

Well, children have children's world. I'd better go to the people in the same world with me.

Ji Rui, laughing at himself, gets up and walks into the kitchen.

"Why don't you get some more sleep?" Ji Rui hugs Le Tong's waist from behind, chin resting on her thin shoulder.

Of course, he did not dare to attach his whole weight to her, because she was extremely thin and weak no matter how she was held or looked.

Although, he knows better than anyone, the master who looks at the thin and weak body actually has a very strong and tough heart.

"Don't you and baby always want to eat congee? I woke up early today and got up to do it

Letong is busy these days. Ji Rui, in order to give her more rest, either aunt Guan prepares breakfast or three people go out to eat together.

However, Ji Rui and Baobao have been taken care of by Letong in recent months. No matter what aunt Guan made or what she went out to eat, they both agreed that it was not as delicious as Letong.

Ji Rui is both distressed and moved.

Raised his hand, gently help her knead the neck and shoulder, "sleep well last night?"

"Well, I sleep till early in the morning."

Although Letong wakes up early, it's really beyond her expectation that she can have such a good sleep quality in his bedroom.

Ji Ruizheng is secretly happy and hears Le Tong ask, "how about you? Did you sleep well? "

Ji Rui went to kiss her cheek. "Of course, I almost overslept."

Ji Rui is also telling the truth. He didn't sleep very well for the sake of Ji's business during this period of time, but last night, he had no dream and slept very peacefully.

It seems that she is a very strong reassuring agent for herself.

"Did the baby ask you anything?" Yue Tong suddenly asked.

"Ask what?" Ji Rui asked vaguely.

"Nothing..." Yue Tong perfunctorily said to him.

"Did he ask you anything?" Ji Rui has a vague understanding.

Yue Tong seems to have hesitated for a while, just nodded, "eh!"

"He asked me if I was sleeping in your room last night..."

Letong's tone is a little unnatural.

It's understandable. Who was asked this question by his six-year-old son?

"That boy!" Ji Rui mouth is the tone of blame, really, it is to remind the lips, slightly curved eyes full of smile.

"The child is too clever, is not entirely a good thing..." Yue Tong murmured.

Ji Rui thinks of being reminded by the baby to kiss Niu Niu just now, so he is curious.

"Do you think Niuniu is as smart as a baby?"

Yue Tong suddenly turns to stare at him, "don't you? It's enough to have a baby like this at home. I'm afraid I can't cope with another one! "

In fact, Letong is very self-conscious. What she wants to say is that having "monsters" like you and baby at home is enough for me, an ordinary person, to cope with. What's more, I can't be tired to death?

Ji Rui doesn't care, "what are you afraid of? Didn't you say that Niuniu belongs to the baby? If something happens, he's going to work hard. There's nothing wrong with us at all."

Letong turned to continue to stir up her breakfast, "yes, baby's posture, we hold Niuniu for a while, he seems to be afraid that we will rob him, there is nothing wrong with us."

In fact, Niu Niu has been in Ji's house for several days, and the total time of Le Tong holding her will never exceed half an hour.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but that the baby won't let it!

"Take Niuniu with you on Sunday?" This Sunday is the day when Yang Sheng officially took over the Empire of Yang. He had already made a reservation for three people's air tickets a few days earlier. Now, because of Niuniu, Ji Rui is thinking about it. Otherwise, he and Letong should attend together.

"With or without niuniubaoken?" Le Tong rejected the idea he didn't say.

"All right, let's go over and celebrate for Yang Sheng."

So, early on Saturday morning, Ji ruiletong flew to the capital happily with her baby Niuniu.