Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 516

After the reaction, the man who was not happy and angry actually brought some smile at the end of his eyes and eyebrows, and held Letong directly with neat action.

"Let's go to bed now!"

Yue Tong punched him heavily on his chest and glanced at the wall clock which was still stuck between eight and nine.

"Fool, what time is it?"

Ji Rui didn't even bother to look at the clock on the wall. He quickly took her up the stairs.

"Sleep when you're tired, whatever time it is!" Yes, isn't human instinct like this? Eat when you are hungry, and sleep when you are tired. What do you care about?!

His reason can be said to be grand, but Letong is overheated.

I always feel that the word "sleep" from his mouth is not just a literal meaning.

"Baby and Niuniu haven't slept yet..." Letong's eyes from top to bottom, through the French window, clearly see the baby on the terrace holding Niuniu sitting on the rocking chair shaking.

"Don't worry, baby can take good care of Niu Niu."

Ji Rui doesn't worry about this, but Letong knows better than him.

In these two or three days, Ji Rui finally understood why Letong could say that Niuniu was a baby. With the intelligence and living ability of the baby, it's really easy to take care of a clever and obedient girl. What's more, there are two nannies at home to take care of her. It doesn't need Letong's hard work.

Letong's last way back is blocked by Ji Rui. The soft one doesn't seem to work. The hard one has no chance of winning because of the huge physical gap between her and Ji Rui.

Of course, she can open her throat and yell, but she can't pull down the face at all.

Yue Tong, who knows that he can't escape Ji Rui's Wuzhishan, decides to play dead after some consideration!

Ji Rui is very satisfied with Letong's reaction that he instantly recognizes the situation and cleverly lies in his arms. He closes his arm and jokes to Letong's ear.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of man with thin arms and legs. I won't fall you!"

Shrinking in his arms and pretending to be dead, Letong grinds her teeth hard. She thinks that this man has become open-minded, but it turns out that he will be rewarded just like before.

After entering the door, Ji Rui pushes on the door, and is not in a hurry to turn on the light. Just with the faint light coming through the window, he holds Letong to the bed and bends over to put her down.

Letong, whose back has finally landed, struggles to sit up. Ji Rui has quickly thrown off her shoes, climbed up and gently bullied her. Although she didn't press down her whole body, it was enough to make her unable to move.

Ji Rui's eyes, in the dim space, are like the eyes of a wolf, shining with faint green light.

This kind of eyes full of danger and aggression makes Letong shrink subconsciously.

Gradually adapted to the indoor light Ji Rui, the reaction of Letong all in the eye. Holding her face in one hand, he bowed his head and gently kissed her on the lips.

"Darling, believe me, I won't do anything!"

From the physical instinct, Ji Rui, who has been holding on for so long, certainly wants to go straight to the home run.

However, the night when he was drunk was a lesson for Ji Rui. And he's still suffering from that night's reckless pleasures, the sins he committed and the consequences.

Therefore, Ji Rui's reason is far superior to his instinct.

He just wants to coax him with pain. As for his physical desire, let's kick it into the corner first.

Letong calms down in the familiar and sweet kiss, and even involuntarily buckles Ji Rui's back.

Ji Rui is like a child who has been praised and praised. She is so happy with her active closeness that she carefully lies on her side and gently pulls her into her arms.

"You still can't sleep, let's talk?"

There is no light in the bedroom, very quiet, vaguely only heard two people breathing one after another.

To tell you the truth, it's not too short for them to be lovers, but they seldom have the chance to be alone without any business or personal troubles.

"Well, you say, I listen..."

Letong has completely put down her heart. Believing that Ji Rui won't do anything too much to her, she rubs in his arms and finds a comfortable place to lie down.

Ji Rui rubbed her soft hair with his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly“ What do you want to hear? "

Ji Rui doesn't have the habit of talking to others, probably because there is no one to talk about, so he has been used to it, whether happy or painful, silently in his heart.

Now, even if someone wants to be a listener, he doesn't know where to start.

"The baby's IQ is very high. Were you a child prodigy when you were a child?"

In fact, as long as it's about Ji Rui, Letong is willing to listen.

But the atmosphere at this time was so beautiful that she didn't want to be involved in his sadness for no reason, so she chose a topic that seemed safe and she was really interested in.

Strictly speaking, Ji Rui is not narcissistic.

But he knew from a very young age that he was smarter than other children, "how to say, there was no saying about child prodigy at that time, but I only studied in primary school for three years, junior high school did not add up to a few years."

Le Tong breathed a breath, "no wonder I'm always bullied by you and baby. It's not fair at all!"

Ji Rui smiles and kisses her forehead, "where am I willing to bully you?" In other words, it's not that he can't bully, but that he doesn't want to bully and is not willing to bully.

Le Tong poked his face, "it's hard to say now. You bullied me miserably before!" Letong angrily accounts after autumn.


Mention before, Ji Rui is really wrong, just like a little pet dog, put his face on her face rubbed rubbed, extremely flattering thing.

In fact, Letong is not really angry. She just takes it out to make him feel guilty.

"Well, forget it, I'll leave you alone. Speaking of intelligence, I've heard from Baobao that his headmaster seems to ask him to skip to the next grade. "

Letong suddenly remembers that once Baobao mentioned it without notice. At that time, Letong also wanted to find a time to talk about it with Ji Rui. Later, because of other things, she forgot for a moment.

Ji Rui is also stunned. It should have been mentioned by the Dean before the baby fell ill. Later, he is probably worried that the baby's body can't bear to eat. The other party never mentioned it again.

"Well, last year. What do you think? " Since Letong mentioned this, he also wants to listen to Letong's opinions. After all, the baby is six years old. Even if she doesn't skip the grade, it's time to go to primary school next year.

"I think we'd better respect his own opinions. He wants to go to school or jump grades like an ordinary child. It's up to him to decide."
