Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 513

Letong and baby Ji Rui, no, they are still carrying their baby on the beach.

"Mommy, what's your sister's name?"

Letong and Ji Rui look at each other, "baby, do you decide?"

Since it's the little guy's sister, it's up to him to decide.

The little guy quietly walked a long way with the basket, then turned his head and asked, "Mommy, how about calling Niuniu?"

Letong smiles, "OK, Niuniu is very good!"

The baby giggled and teased the baby's face, "my brother's girl is so beautiful!"

Letong takes a look at Ji Rui, who still doesn't have a good face, and bumps him with his elbow. "Hey, do you hear me? Niuniu is my brother's, nothing's wrong with me!"

With her understanding of him, how could she not know that he was jealous?


I can be jealous with my son and a common friend. Now I'm jealous with a little girl who has no sense of existence!

Ji Rui pick eyebrows, eyes slightly have some joy, "baby's?"

Yue Tong nodded, "of course!"

Although she is full of compassion, she will never take the baby home if it is not for her baby's real love.

But since the baby likes it so much, it should be their fate!

"So, I'm not at the bottom yet?" Ji Rui's tone, slightly has some temperature, unlike just now, can cold death individual.

How can Letong not understand this man's careful eye? If you don't help him, sooner or later he will have to suffocate himself.

"Who said you were last? You've been standing side by side with the baby

Yue Tong's words are not meant to coax him.

Baby is a son, he is a lover, two kinds of love, is completely different feelings.

It's unfair to both of them to have to put the same balance on it.

Simply from her inner feelings, Letong does feel that her love for Ji Rui is no smaller than that for Baobao.

For the baby, her love is soil. When the baby grows into a towering tree, he will have his own world and see his own new sky.

As for Ji Rui, she and he are two rooted seedlings. They grow up together and become a community of both roots and branches.

Later, he and she will watch the sunrise and sunset together, watch the night sky together, and feel the storm together. Together, he and her common world, in the same sky with slowly mature, and then slowly grow old together!

Ji Rui was relieved at last. On his face, he began to smile again“ Baby, you will be in charge of Niuniu in the future. Don't bother daddy and Mommy

The baby doesn't care. She teases Niu Niu and responds cheerfully.

"Well! Baby is brother's, Niuniu belongs to brother, don't worry

Letong and Ji Rui look at each other and smile. Ji Rui pulls Letong's hand into the pocket of his coat and holds it until he arrives at the wedding.

As soon as yuan'er sees that Baobao is carrying a basket, he thinks it's the child of Ji's relatives, so he plays a joke with Baobao.

"Oh, baby, is this your daughter-in-law?"

Baby threw an eye knife to her, very disdainfully hummed "this is my sister!"

Yuan'er was surprised. Letong winked at her and said with a smile, "yes, it's baby sister."

Luo yuan'er looks puzzled. Letong pushes her into the dressing room. "Don't you want to make up? You're curious about a little girl."

Waiting for Luo yuan'er to change her wedding dress, Letong, who helps, basically tells the whole story once.

"Tut, it's amazing!" Luo yuan'er sighed softly.

Letong helps her put on the snow-white veil, "what's magical?"

Luo yuan'er laughed and said, "Xu Tao and I were still saying a few days ago that if we had a baby, we would be the baby's daughter-in-law. Unexpectedly, we would get ahead of each other!"

Le Tong gently smoked her, "what nonsense!"

Luo yuan'er squeezed her eyes. "I hope I'm talking nonsense. Then my baby daughter will have a chance to marry into a rich family!"

Letong was made angry and funny by her. She stopped for a while and sighed gently. "The baby is very lonely these years. Since he likes it, he should have a child to accompany him."

What doctor Fu said, Letong never mentioned it to Luo yuan'er.

First of all, no matter how pessimistic she was, she still had a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, she would not be so cooperative. She would drink two big bowls of black Chinese medicine juice every morning and night.

Second, she doesn't want her friends to worry about herself.

As for the existence of this doll, it doesn't affect her or Ji Rui, but it can make the baby accompany and make his childhood more complete. Why not?

Le Tong first helps Luo yuan'er to make a bride's dress, but she also changes into a white bridesmaid dress, and is pushed to the make-up chair by the makeup artist.

"Just give me a light make-up."

Yue Tong said this purely because she was not used to heavy makeup, and she knew she didn't have that temperament.

"Yes, just paint her face. How can a bridesmaid be more beautiful than the bride?" Luo yuan'er on one side also helps to encourage the makeup artist.

The makeup artist knew that they were the best bad friends from their conversation just now. He shook his head with a smile, and the brush in his hand was flying. In less than ten minutes, Letong's unforgettable face was even more amazing.

"Do you think GIGO will propose at my wedding later?" Luo Yuan son toward music Tong squeezed eyes.

Yue Tong was stunned, hesitated a little, and finally shook his head, "no!"

Luo Yuan son doesn't believe, "hard to say, I see Ji elder brother wants to marry you home immediately, today's opportunity is rare, maybe he will really propose!"

"He won't!"

For one thing, he's not a romantic.

Secondly, he said that he would not force her. On such an occasion, if he really proposed, what would he not force her to do?

"Well... Tong Tong, you are too calm and cold. It's not fun at all. It's thanks to brother Ji's temperament that you can stand it." Luo yuan'er turns his mouth.

Letong doesn't deny her friend's words, but it's really wonderful to have feelings.

Just like Ji Rui's temperament, Letong doesn't think it's very good, but she is attracted by this man with a bad personality.

And she, of course, is not perfect, but Ji Rui to her, is wholeheartedly good.

Therefore, when talking about feelings, we should not choose the best, but the most suitable.

"Yuan'er, Ji Rui and I, just like you and Xu Tao, both know that the other party is not the best one in our choice, but the most suitable one!"

This time, it was Luo yuan'er's turn to be stunned. For a moment, he burst out a brilliant smile. "Yes, we don't need the best, we just need the most suitable!"

Le Tong got close to her and gave her a gentle kiss on her face. "Dear, I want to be happy forever!"

Luo yuan'er's eyes were red, "I will! Tongtong, you are the same! "