Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 512

Letong curiously goes over to have a look, inside the basket, unexpectedly, lies a sleeping baby.

Music Tong heart silently vomit trough, is not it, make complaints about urine, can also pick up a child back?

"Baby, this is..."

As soon as Letong opened her mouth, the baby quickly put up her fingers and put them on her lips. She whispered "Shh..." and motioned Letong not to make any noise.

Yue Tong turns a white eye secretly in the heart, what is this? Pick up a child casually, her position as a mother will lean back?

Ji Rui also came over and saw the child in the basket. He twisted his eyebrows directly.

"Baby, how can you pick up a child?" He is not as well cultivated as Letong.

Baobao stares at Ji Rui, then reaches out nervously to pat Baobao, as if afraid that Ji Rui and Letong's words will scare him and her.

"Baby, you put the child out, what if someone else put it back first and come back to get it?" Le Tong leaned up to his ear and asked in a low voice.

The baby magically handed her a small pink envelope, "Mommy, look!"

Letong takes it over, opens it, and draws out a small piece of paper.

The handwriting on the note is beautiful, not many words, as follows.

Baby is a girl, unable to support, for good people to adopt!

Birthday: October 20

"Mommy, it's a sister..." the baby's eyes and eyebrows are full of happiness. Even though he is afraid of quarreling with the baby and tries to lower his voice, Letong can clearly hear his excitement from his tone.

Yue Tong is silent and doesn't know what to think. After a while, she looks up at Ji Rui.

Ji Rui looks at his son and at Letong.

The son's attitude, very obvious, is to take the little girl home as his sister.

Ke Ketong, however, seems to be aroused by this child.

Ji Rui is in a dilemma!

If only from his own point of view, he is not willing to adopt the child.

Of course, he doesn't care about money. If he adopts the child, he can adopt it until she can support herself.

What he cares about is that he doesn't want this child to hurt Letong.

He also doesn't want to have more children at home to share Letong's feelings for him.

Moreover, he doesn't want to see Letong working for the child.

If this is the child of him and Letong, he will be very happy. After all, it is the crystallization of their love. Even if it's hard, it's enjoyable.

But for a child picked up from the roadside, he thinks he can't give too much love.

"Baobao..." Ji Rui touched Baobao's head and apologized.

"Daddy... Baby wants to..." Ji Rui seems to know what baby wants to say. He reaches out and covers his mouth.

Letong silently looks at the father and son. After a while, she slowly reaches out her hand and takes the basket from the baby's hand.

Pull off gloves, hand gently swept the baby's face, "baby wants to be a brother, right?"

Le Tong asked the baby in a soft voice, but her sight fell on her delicate facial features.

Baby raised his eyes to see Ji Rui, black eyes full of pleading. Ji Rui is still wringing his eyebrows. At this time, he is in a dilemma.

If possible, he would like to help his baby son realize his wish, but the reality is that Letong's body does not allow him to do such extravagant thinking.

But at present this retreats but seeks the second way, as if, can satisfy the son, but actually can let Letong sad!

Just when Ji Rui wants to refuse, Letong squatting on the ground with her basket in her arms suddenly stands up, reaches out and pinches the baby's face, and says with a smile.

"Since the baby wants to, she's daddy's daughter, Mommy's sister!"

Ji Rui was shocked in his heart. He carefully looked at Letong, as if trying to find some unhappiness or sadness from her smiling face.

"Oh, yeah! Baby is a brother! The baby has a sister! "

At this time, the baby has been dazzled by the joy, forgetting who did not allow others to wake up the baby just now, but clapping hands, shouting and dancing.

Ji Rui reaches for the basket. Until this time, he is not interested in seeing the baby in the basket. His eyes are still on Letong's face.

But no matter how he looks at it, he can't see that Letong is a little unhappy or resistant.


Letong raised his head and blinked at him with worried eyes. "Ji Rui, I think it's providence!"

Ji Rui doesn't say a word. He looks down at the child in the basket.

The child who was still sleeping just now was probably awakened by her "brother"'s loud and happy cry. Now, she is blinking her big eyes and looking around.

"Hi, baby, I'm your mommy!" After thinking about it, Letong has readily accepted this fact, and her eyes toward the baby are full of maternal tenderness.

The little doll seems to follow the direction of the voice. Her big black and beautiful eyes squint when she meets Letong's line of sight. The corner of her mouth slightly tilts up and tears out a very lovely smile.

Letong also smiles, looking up at Ji Rui, "Ji Rui, you see, how happy she is! What a beautiful and delicate baby

The baby heard that the baby woke up and rushed to grab the basket back.

"Daddy, show me my sister!"

Le Tong is afraid that he is careless and crudely falls the baby. He signals Ji Rui to squat down with the basket in his arms.

Baby put his head close to the past, reached out his hand to tease the baby's face, "Hi, sister, I'm brother!"

When the baby teased her, she grinned happily, revealing her toothless gums, full of joy.

The baby holds the baby's little hand in the palm of her hand. "Mommy, you see, my sister's hand is so small..."

Letong was amused. "When the baby was born, her hands were small, just like her sister now."

The baby tilted his head and blinked, "Mommy, how old is my sister?"

Yue Tong calculated silently in her heart, "my sister just got full moon, thirty-six days."

The baby let the baby catch his fat finger, "sister, brother sing to you..." he said politely, and began to sing.

This time, the baby changed a song, the same is, Letong still can't understand.

Letong doesn't have the heart to explore what the baby sings, because she finds Ji Rui around her not very happy.

Le Tong pulled Ji Rui's arm, put his head close to him and asked him softly, "aren't you happy?"

Ji Rui is not only unhappy, but also depressed to the extreme!

A few minutes ago, he was still in a dilemma about whether to accept the doll as a new member of his family.

But in just a few minutes, he had seen his status at home suffer Waterloo.

"I'm not happy. Can I change anything?" Ji Rui didn't ask.

Very sad is, he quickly got Le Tong and baby's answer, "can't!"