Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 510

The next morning, a little confused baby kneaded his eyes and came out. He was surprised to see Letong coming into the dining room with breakfast.

"Mommy, aren't you at aunt yuan'er's house?"

Le Tong glances at the man who is buried in porridge, and thinks about the process of pulling him out of the ox horn last night, which is both angry and funny.

"Ask your daddy."

Ji Rui raised his head and said, "Mommy is not good, so Daddy tied her back."

The baby will not believe this. Daddy loves mommy so much. I'm afraid I'm not willing to touch her finger. Do you still use a tie?


The little guy snorted in his heart, but he didn't say anything. Knowing that Daddy would not bully Mommy, he climbed up to the chair and sat down, picked up the bowl and ate porridge.

"Mommy, when shall we go to aunt yuan'er's house?"

Baby looks excited, you know, he has been nearly a year has not participated in such a lively banquet, and he, after all, is only a six-year-old child, always with a playful nature.

"Instead of going to her house, we'll go straight to the resort."

Yuan er's wedding place is not in Luo's home, but in a seaside resort. The resort, which is said to have the reputation of little Maldives, has a beautiful sea view.

The resort is a little far from the city. It took nearly two hours to drive into the picturesque resort.

Letong, who accidentally fell asleep in the car, was awakened by the baby's happy cry.

"Wow, the sky is so blue! Look, Mommy, it's seagull

In the past, Ji didn't like to take his baby out to play. Ji Rui seldom took his baby out for a long time except for playing with him for a few days on his fifth birthday. Therefore, the six-year-old didn't go to the beach many times.

"Mommy, I want to play!"

The baby pointed to the white sand on the side of the road and looked forward to it.

Yue Tong's heart softened, but she was not familiar with the environment here, so she had to probe over and ask Xiao Li, "brother Li, is this far from the wedding scene?"

Looking at the navigation map, Xiao Li said, "it's not far. It's still a few hundred meters."

Letong looks outside. It's sunny and sunny. It shouldn't be too cold.

"Shall we get out of the car and walk over?" Letong turns to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui opens the car window and reaches out to confirm that the temperature outside is not too cold.

"Well, it's still early anyway. Go ahead."

The car stops and the baby can't wait to jump out of the car.

"Wow, what a big beach! It's so beautiful!"

The baby laughs and yells and jumps on the beach. The excitement makes Letong and Ji Rui raise their lips.

The baby excitedly runs towards the surging waves, and Letong is afraid that he will get wet, so she chases after him.

When she pulls her baby back to the dry beach, Ji Rui puts his clothes in her arms.

"It's windy. Put on your coat and scarf."

Letong obediently puts on her coat and puts on her scarf. Ji Rui, who is bending over there, has already wrapped her baby layer by layer into a round, Tooty little pig.

"Daddy, baby doesn't want to wear this!" The baby raised his hand in protest.

"No way!" Baby asked Ji Rui, but his answer was the unanimous veto of daddy and mummy!

The baby is not happy.

"Baby can stay in the car without this!" On the issue of principle, Letong never gives in.

The baby with a hat on his head and a down jacket on his body only shows a small face. He tilts his head and thinks about it, and finally chooses to compromise.

"Well, just for the baby..."

Ji Rui takes his gloved hand with satisfaction, turns to look at Letong, points to her pocket, "gloves are in the pocket, wear well."

Le Tong was stunned for a moment. In the past, she always took care of others. She had been taken care of like this when she was very young, so she didn't adapt to the role of being taken care of all of a sudden.

"Deaf?" Ji Rui picks his eyebrows.

Le Tong this just silly "Oh" a, took out a few times in the pocket, took out a pair of thick cotton gloves to put on.

"Daddy, you are holding mummy..." the baby shakes the hand that Ji Rui is holding, blinks her beautiful eyes and expresses her wish tactfully.

How can Ji Rui not know that this guy wants to pull them apart to play?

However, the little guy's wishful thinking is also in his favor, because he also wants to live a two person world with Letong.

Release the baby's hand, turn around and hand it to the snail like woman who slowly moves up.

"Fool, come here!" When the man got up this morning, he seemed a little angry.

Yue Tong curled his mouth and murmured in a low voice, "cheapskate..."

"Well?! What did you say? " The man fished out her hand, put his face close to her, and took a bite of revenge on her face.

"Say you are mean!" Last night, in the heat of the day, Letong didn't dare to touch the tiger's beard. Now, she's not afraid.

"Who is stingy? Just ask other men if you can accept your girlfriend and ex boyfriend going out for a drink in the middle of the night? " Ji Rui stares at me and retorts boldly!

Le Tong tut said, "Mr. Ji, your words have serious ambiguity! 1、 Yifan is not my ex boyfriend. Second, we didn't go out drinking. "

Ji Rui turned to look at the sea, no longer looking at her, but holding her hand did not relax.

Yue Tong is funny in the heart, also no longer say what, cast the vision to the front.

The baby in front of him is like a wild horse out of rein. He is singing some messy songs that only he can understand. He runs and stops on the beach.

"Hey, baby, what's your son singing?"

She didn't understand the tune or the content of the song at all.

"French children's song..." Ji Rui hums reluctantly.

Letong is ashamed. Her son is only six years old. He is also a college student. In front of him, how can he always feel the inferiority complex of illiteracy!

"Why does wood burn in the fire?

It's for us to warm up like blankets.

"Why is there a low tide in the sea?"

It's to get people to say, "one more time."

"This is the gist of the lyrics he sang repeatedly just now..." Ji Rui translated for "illiterate" kindly.

Listening, Letong felt that the nursery rhyme had a good artistic conception. After listening carefully, she found that the content of the little guy's humming had changed, "what about these sentences now?"

Ji Rui listened carefully and hummed slowly in a magnetic voice,

"Why do our hearts tick?

Because rain makes a "patter".

Why does time run so fast?

It was the wind that blew it away.

Why do you want me to hold your hand?

Because with you, I feel very warm! "

In this open space, accompanied by the sound of the waves not far away, Ji Rui's low magnetic voice is particularly pleasant.