Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 509

"You are not in the capital, how can you be here?"

The man's powerful arm tightly embraces Le Tong and stares at Luo Yifan unfriendly.

"Yuan'er got married. I'm a brother. I have to come back anyway!"

Luo Yifan doesn't seem to care about Ji Rui's bad attitude at all. He smiles and pleads for himself.

Letong also thinks Ji Rui's attitude is really bad. He looks up and stares at him. "Ji Rui, it's me who forgot to eat. It has nothing to do with Yifan."

This man's brain must be damaged by vinegar. Look at his voice, it can directly choke people to death.

Ji Rui secretly pinched her waist, "don't eat and drink?! Do you have any more

Le Tong rolled a white eye, "forget! I didn't mean to

"Forget? Do you have a brain around your neck just to increase your height? " Ji Rui's words are both blunt and damaging.

Letong realized that the man seemed to be more angry than she thought!

Letong felt guilty and pulled the man's cool hand. Her tone was soft. "I took the medicine, and my stomach doesn't hurt. Can we go now?"

Ji Rui is angry. She doesn't want to make it too ugly in public. Moreover, it's her own fault and shouldn't hurt Luo Yifan.

Ji Rui glanced at her, half holding her up, "let's go!"

Letong turns to wave to Luo Yifan, and Ji Rui's warning sound comes from his ear, "turn around and settle accounts with you again!"

Naturally, this is not to le Tong, but to Luo Yifan.

Le Tong toward Luo Yifan sorry smile, Luo Yifan a face clear smile, waved to her, said don't mind.

Ji Rui embraces Letong and quickly walks out of the hospital gate. The car stops at the hospital gate. Ji Rui opens the copilot door and helps her get on the car.

"Ji Rui, this is not strange to Yifan!" Letong stressed again.

Ji Rui ignores her and bends over to help her fasten her seat belt. Then he closes the door and goes around the front of the car.

Seeing that Ji Rui didn't like her, Letong had to say, "did you rush to the red light all the way? I told you I'm ok. It's too dangerous. "

Nearly an hour's drive, only took half an hour, do not want to know that he must be all the way to drag.

"No!" Ji Rui returned her a, although, the tone is still not very good, but finally is willing to pay attention to her.

"Who are you cheating on?" Yue Tong obviously doesn't believe it.

"I took a shortcut. Do you think everyone is as stupid as you?" Ji Rui angrily replied to her and started the car to drive away from the hospital.

Letong didn't retort. She hung her head and looked like she was doing something wrong. He is very angry with himself. If he likes to scold, let him scold a few words.

"Why not eat?"

Ji Rui doesn't look at her. His eyes are fixed on the road ahead, but he doesn't intend to let her go.

"Busy..." Letong hummed in a low voice.

"And now? Have you eaten yet? " Ji Rui is angry, but still puts her body in the most important position.

"I had two cakes before I came to the hospital." Letong reports truthfully, and she knows better than anyone the truth of leniency in confession and strictness in resistance.

Especially for Ji Rui, who is hard hearted and jealous, she can't be tough.

Ji Rui bit his lip. It seems that he is ready to scold again.

Letong is thinking about how to muddle through, the car quickly drove to the roadside "Ga" to stop.

Letong looks around in fog. Ji Rui in the driver's seat has put out the fire, opens the door and gets out of the car“ Go get something to eat first. "

Letong noticed that there was a Hong Kong Style Tea Restaurant on the side of the road.

When the door is opened, Letong's face is blown by the cold wind. She shrinks and gets out of the car. Ji Rui, who comes by, pulls open his coat and hugs her in his arms without saying a word.

At this time, it was nearly zero, and the weather was extremely cold, so there were not many people in the restaurant.

Ji Rui sits down near the air-conditioned room and orders two bowls of fish congee and two steamed wontons without asking what Letong eats.

Letong didn't remember that she was still in the cold, and said, "I want to eat fried wonton!"

Ji Rui glances at her, and she rushes to the sofa“ OK, steam it

"Are you and your baby not full?" Waiting for the waiter to leave, Letong asks the man with a cold face.

"Take care of yourself first!" Ji Ruibai looks at her, "are you going out with Luo Yifan?"

Ji Rui thinks that he is either too trusting Letong or too stupid. How can he not remember that if Luo yuan'er gets married, Luo Yifan will definitely come back.

If he remembered the existence of this person, he would go to Luo's house to pick her up at night anyway.

Even if he is said to be mean, he doesn't care.

"No!" Yue Tong sighed in the heart, how to go around, this topic came back again.

"I was busy all day, and then several college students came. We didn't see each other for a while, so we sat down and had a chat. Yifan also appeared at that time."

Letong constantly for Luo Yifan get rid of words, but let Ji Rui heart more uncomfortable.

"Are you afraid that I will do something to him in such a hurry?" Ji Rui asked angrily.

Le Tong completely lost his temper, Ji Rui this horn is too deep, right?

"Well, why don't I call Yuan ER and ask her?"

Of course, this words just say, really call past, don't give yuan son scold to die just strange.

Ji Rui didn't say a word, just picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

In fact, he also understood that he was too concerned.

But he can't help it. When he thought of the man who was drinking with Letong, who had fallen in love with her for several years, he was scared!

He does not understand, even if Luo Yifan has not put down Letong, but with Letong's simple personality, he will never let Luo Yifan see a little chance again.

Can understand to understand, to be really open-minded, don't care, he can't do.

In fact, he knows very well that his behavior tonight is very ugly and awkward.

But he just can't stop himself, can't sleep at home like nobody, and then let her play with the man who once secretly loved her. Even if it's pure and pure, he can't accept it!

Le Tong nest in the sofa, seriously staring at him for a long time, heart secretly scold: this awkward man!

However, he stood up, walked over and sat down next to him.

"Well, don't be angry. In cold weather, what should I do if I get sick?"

She scolded him in her heart, but her voice was soft. She put her hand around his arm and put her head on his shoulder.

Ji Rui is really angry, but there are three reasons for his anger.

One is that Letong does not cherish her body.

Second, because of Luo Yifan.

Third, because of himself.

"Fools get sick easily. I'm not a fool." Ji Rui answers her in a dull voice.

Le Tong chuckled, "well, I'm a fool. Mr. Ji, you're a smart man."