Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 507

The two kids roll from the head of the bed to the end of the bed, and then roll from the end of the bed to the head of the bed, giggling as they roll. Obviously, both of them regard this as an interesting game.

Ji Rui, who is standing at the end of the bed, looks at Xu Tao suspiciously. He has heard of the early birth of a noble son, but what's wrong with the two children rolling around on the bed like crazy?

Xu Tao seemed to see his doubts. He pulled him aside and quietly explained, "this is a rolling bed. It's for Baobao and Xiaoying. Yuaner and I want a pair of clever and beautiful twins like Baobao and Xiaoying."

Ji Rui was slightly stunned. In his heart, he felt a little pain.

"Oh... So it is..." Ji Rui absentmindedly returns to Xu Tao, and his disappointed eyes fall on the two kids on the bed.

He is very glad that today is accompanied by his baby, if it is Letong, see this picture, I don't know how sad heart.

This link needs to be cut down!

Ji Rui made a decision in his heart.

Anyway, he and Letong have already given birth to this noble son, and this one alone is enough!

The two aunts let the two crazy children make trouble in bed until they had enough trouble, and then let Ji Rui and Xu Tao lead the two children downstairs.

There is a small garden outside the house. As soon as Baobao and Xu Ying come down, they shout that they want to play in the garden. Xu Tao asks his sister-in-law, Xiao Ying's mother, to follow them out.

Ji Rui sits down in the living room, sips tea, and quietly listens to Xu Tao and his family discussing the details of tomorrow's wedding. After listening carefully, he finds that marriage is really complicated. If it's not for love, it's estimated that few men are willing to go through these silly, troublesome and trivial etiquette and procedures.

Ji Rui spent a rare afternoon at Xu Tao's house, which is not very familiar with him.

When he left in the evening, Ji Rui's mind was full of wedding steps and pictures. Then, he automatically put himself and Letong in and quietly filled his mind. The etiquette and procedures that he thought were silly, troublesome and trivial before became full of love and happiness. Those paintings appeared and pink bubbles floated in his mind.

Letong doesn't go home. A big dog, a small dog and two abandoned dogs are abandoned. They go to a Cantonese restaurant for dinner on the way. After the waiter brings the food up, the little guy takes a few mouthfuls and calls Letong at the instigation of President Ji.

"Mommy, the food is so bad..." the baby looks miserable.

At this time, Letong is accompanying Luo yuan'er to choose the right jewelry to match the ten sets of eight dresses at the wedding.

"Where is the baby?"

Letong, on the other side of the phone, unconsciously swallows her saliva, because she hasn't eaten yet, and she's hungry. However, Luo yuan'er is not satisfied with the designer's collocation, so she has to drag her to choose jewelry again. Of course, Letong can only comply.

"At the restaurant... Mommy, are you really not going home tonight?"

Baobao asks pitifully. Ji Rui urges him to make this call, not to complain about the bad food, but to think that Letong can change her mind. Almost, she sneaks back to accompany him.

"Well, darling, sister yuaner..."

"It's not my sister, it's aunt yuan'er!" Baby now learn to sell, Ji Rui's tone to learn ten.

"Poof, well, it's aunt yuan ER!" Letong raised her hand to surrender. "Mommy wants to accompany aunt yuan'er to pick jewelry. Later, she has to prepare to get married tomorrow. So, I won't go back tonight. Remember to go to bed early. Let's see what the most handsome flower boy is tomorrow! How are you

The baby held the phone and pouted. Although she was unwilling, she didn't dare to be too willful, so she had to say, "OK..."

"Baby, give Daddy the phone." Le Tong over there told him.

"Daddy, Mommy is looking for you!" The baby hands the phone to Ji Rui.

"Really not?" Ji Rui answers the phone and immediately asks Le Tong.

Yue Tong is stunned, because Ji Rui has been soft to her for a long time. Such a resentful tone is really a long time gone.

"Well, no more. When you go back, remember to add a kind of medicine to your baby, that is, the one in the blue box. Add two pills. Dr. Dong said that if there are too many people, you'd better be careful. "

Baby now, but also take some vitamin supplement drugs, however, the dosage has been decreasing.

"All right, if you don't trust yourself, come back and give it to him!" Ji Rui said that he was very angry. Now, he is completely in the mentality of being abandoned by his daughter-in-law.

Le Tong frowned twice, and managed to suppress a smile. "How can this little thing defeat our omnipotent president Ji Da?"

Hearing Letong's smiling voice, Ji Rui laments more and more, "OK, hang up, I'm going to have dinner."

"Yes, you can eat. See you tomorrow."

Without waiting for Ji Rui to hang up, Le Tong over there has already taken the lead in hanging up the phone. Ji Rui listens to the long "Du" sound coming from the microphone, stares at the phone screen fiercely, and sees clearly the words "end the call" on it. Then he reluctantly puts down the phone.

Sure enough, it's more reliable to marry her as soon as possible, so that she can't always use such and such excuses not to go home.

If Le Tong, who is in the Luo family at this time, can feel the psychological activities of President Ji, she may kick him: This is heartless. Since the baby was discharged from hospital, except for work, which day is she not busy for him?

How nice of him to say that she didn't go home for all kinds of reasons?

Ji Rui has a goal, on the way home, began to baby all kinds of temptations.

Since he said he would respect her, he can't force Le Tong to marry him. But the baby can always express his wish to his mother, saying that he hopes that his father and mother will get married as soon as possible, right?

Baby is also on the road, Ji Rui hinted a word or two, and began to imagine the parents after the marriage of a family of three beautiful and harmonious picture.

Simply, his parents will accompany him to the parent-child happy day.

What's complicated is that daddy and Mommy take him to travel around the world, even to the moon.

The two of them, whose brains are filled with all kinds of beautiful pictures, are in a better mood.

At nine o'clock, Ji Rui succeeded in coaxing the baby to sleep. He himself went to the study to deal with some documents.

When people are busy, they will forget the time.

Ji Rui plunges into the files until the phone rings.

Ji Rui thinks it's Letong, but when he sees the call, it's Luo Yifan who hasn't appeared for a long time.

"Brother Ji, Tongtong has stomachache. What stomach medicine is better for her?"

"What? A stomachache? " Ji Ruiteng stood up, and the chair was overturned by his hasty action.