Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 506

Ji Rui takes his baby to Xu Tao's home. Compared with Ji's and even Luo's, Xu's family can only be regarded as a well-being family. A couple's new house is a two-story western style house in the center of the city. When you look at it, you can see that it is an industry left by your ancestors, and there are traces of renovation everywhere.

If it was in the past, Ji Rui would definitely think that Xu Tao was a high climber. But since he was with Letong, many of his prejudices have been gradually corrected by Letong.

In addition, for the sake of Luo yuan'er's past care for Yue Tong, Ji Rui is very kind to Xu Tao.

Baobao and Xu Tao are well acquainted with each other. As soon as they enter the door, they shout "brother Tao".

"Baby, uncle!" Ji Rui corrects him.

People who get married tomorrow, of course, can no longer be called brothers.

Moreover, in terms of seniority, Luo yuan'er Xu Tao and Le Tong are of the same generation. It is only reasonable for the baby to be called Uncle Xu Tao and aunt yuan'er.

"Hello uncle Tao

The baby didn't tangle at all. She changed her name crisply.

Ji Rui asked Xu Tao if he needed any help, but in fact, Xu Tao didn't dare to bother president Ji to let him and baby come over. The baby has a task.

"Brother Ji, you sit for a while, and I'll take my baby to the new house."

Ji Rui is afraid that the baby will play too much. If he accidentally bumps, he will be in great trouble.

"Can I see your new house?"

Xu Tao who will refuse him, "of course, Yuan er said, brother Ji is to learn."

As a matter of fact, most people get married by looking for a wedding company. But Ji Rui thinks that it's no harm to know more. After all, he also wants to give Letong an unforgettable wedding, doesn't he?

Ji Rui leads the baby, while Xu Tao leads a little girl out of nowhere. The little girl is about the same height as the baby. As soon as the two children face to face, they shout together.

"Ji Rui, Xu Ying?"

Ji Rui and Xu Tao are both surprised, "do you know each other?"

"We are classmates!" The two little guys pointed at each other and said in one voice.

Finish saying, two people shake off the hand of two adults respectively, chirp ground to gather together to play.

"What a coincidence, Sakura is my niece, the flower girl of tomorrow's wedding."

The two men became the foil and went upstairs behind the two children.

"Brother Ji, when are you and Tong Tong going to get married? Yuan Er is in a hurry. " Xu Tao seems to ask casually.

If this is Ji Rui's own side has the final say, he will say the sooner the better. But this is a matter for two people. He promised Letong that he would respect her.

"It depends on Letong. I'm ready to marry at any time. Whenever she nods, I'll marry."

Xu Tao is a little surprised. In his impression, Ji Rui is a typical dictatorial and autocratic figure. It's hard to imagine that such an overbearing man would frankly admit in front of others that it's not up to him to decide the marriage. In this matter, he is completely passive.

No matter what feelings, the passive side is always the one who loves deeply.

In front of me, this man who is said to be able to attract a whole regiment of celebrities by waving at will, is willing to put himself in a passive position?

And the most incredible thing is that he is still so open and generous to admit?

"Brother Ji is really funny..." Xu Tao can only treat him as a joke.

Ji Rui corrects his misunderstanding seriously. "I'm not joking. If Le Tong nods now, I'll hold the wedding with you tomorrow!"

Xu Tao looks at Ji Rui strangely. This man seems to love Le Tong.

But why does his wife always feel aggrieved for Letong, saying that Letong is too good to Ji Rui, and she simply confesses Ji Rui as an emperor?

Where does Xu Tao know? Until now, Luo yuan'er still remembers that Ji Rui had done too much to le Tong.

As for the origin of the baby, Luo yuan'er thinks that Ji Rui Letong once had a one night stand. In the end, Ji Rui wants her son not to be his mother, and she throws a sum of money away from Letong, so they are strangers. When they meet again, Ji Rui not only doesn't mean to make up and repent, but also bullies Le Tong from body to heart.

According to Luo yuan'er's idea, Ji Rui in the past was really a big villain and a big scum man who had to be killed by everyone.

In order to protect her baby, Letong doesn't want to explain the real origin of her baby too much. She only guarantees to Luo yuan'er that Ji Rui is very good to her now. However, Luo yuan'er's prejudice against Ji Rui has been deeply rooted. Letong has to let Luo yuan'er misunderstand Ji Rui as always.

Xu Tao, of course, also heard a lot of unfair words from Luo yuan'er, so his impression of Ji Rui is not much different from that of Luo yuan'er.

But what he saw now was quite different from what he thought. Don't you think he would be surprised?

It seems that I have to find a time to learn science with my wife, so that she will never stop worrying about her good sisters being bullied by President Ji.

"Wow, the new house is so beautiful!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

The two men stopped communicating and ran into the wedding room.

Xu Tao, like Ji Rui, is also worried that the baby is too naughty. In case of bumping, it will be a big problem.

It turns out that the two men are too worried. In the new house, there are still two aunts in their forties who are slowly sprinkling some things on the bed. The two naughty ghosts have reached into the basket and said they want to help the aunts sprinkling things on the bed.

"Auntie, why do you want to sprinkle dates?"

Baby looked at his hand that a jujube, very brilliant smile, the little guy's brain, is brain Bu, this is aunt yuan Er secretly hidden in bed when snacks.

"Auntie, what's this? Is it a wooden bead? " From another basket, the little girl who caught a bit like wooden beads asked her aunt with her head askew.

"Silly girl, this is lotus seed, what kind of wooden bead!"

The baby giggled, laughable, he still did not forget to satisfy his curiosity.

"Then why sprinkle lotus seeds and red dates, Auntie?"

"Sprinkled with red dates and lotus seeds, it means that the bridegroom and bride will have a noble son early!"

Baby immediately understand, hand a Yang, the red date on the hand sprinkled on the big bed spread red bedspread, yelled.

"I wish aunt yuan'er and Uncle Xu Tao an early birth!"

Xu Ying that little girl also learns his appearance, the red jujube in the hand is aspersed, "wish uncle aunt to have a noble son early!"

In the new house, several adults, including Ji Rui, were amused by the two ghosts.

When the two aunts saw that the two children had spilled red dates and lotus seeds, they quickly asked the two little guys to take off their shoes and let them roll from the head of the bed to the end of the bed and from the end of the bed to the head of the bed. The two little guys giggled as they rolled.