Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 496

Baby looks at Letong's back and Ji Rui, "Daddy, you're broken. You're making Mommy angry again!"

Ji Rui pinched his face. "Your mommy is not angry. She is shy."

"Really?" Baobao looks at Ji Rui askew. Obviously, Ji Rui's criminal record is not good. Baobao doesn't believe his explanation.

"Of course it's true, I swear!" Ji Rui raised his hand.

In the past, he would never have done such a childish thing.

But now he, in front of Letong and Baobao, is becoming younger.

The baby still didn't believe it and stood up from his arms with his stomach.

Letong squats in front of the dog house to watch two dogs eat. Baobao walks over and lies on her back.

"Mommy, did that fool of daddy make you angry again?"

Letong backhand touch his head, "No."

What else does the baby want to say? Letong thinks of the phone she answered when she went downstairs just now.

"Baby, didn't you agree that sister yuan'er would be a flower boy for her? Next Sunday

Baobao seems to have a high interest in being a flower boy. When Yue Tong finishes, he leaves her back and runs back to Ji Rui.

"Daddy, sister yuan'er is getting married!"

The little guy stood in front of Ji Rui, with his waist crossed, panting slightly.

"Oh..." Ji Rui heard the relevant rumors a few days ago, but he didn't receive the wedding invitation from the Luo family, so he didn't take it seriously.

Ji Rui's indifferent attitude seems to make the baby very angry.

The baby still forked his waist, slightly raised his face, snorted, "Daddy, when will you and Mommy get married?"

Ji Rui takes a look at the woman squatting in front of the kennel. She is helpless in her heart. On her face, she is still pale.

"What's the difference between the way daddy and Mommy are now and getting married?"

Of course not! Ji Rui retorts loudly in his heart.

"Of course not!" The baby spoke his heart out loud.

Baby said, some guilty to turn to see Letong, see her motionless, seems to be completely did not pay attention to the movement of this side, just came to Ji Rui said in a low voice, "don't marry, Mommy no guarantee!"

Ji Rui grins bitterly. What this little guy thinks is different from what he thinks?

If you don't get married, what's not guaranteed is Ji Rui, OK?

In terms of age, she is only twenty-five, while he is thirty-one.

In terms of her personality, she is lively and outgoing. As long as she wants to hook up, many rich and handsome people will bow down to her.

However, he is old-fashioned, cold, unromantic and extremely lack of interest. Except for the woman who can stand him, Letong, there is no other possibility but to love his money.

And the most important one is the baby son.

If he and Letong can't go on, the baby son will definitely abandon him, and the father will run directly with Letong without any hesitation.

Ji Rui forced down the impetuosity in his heart, "what TV do you watch?"

He wondered, do you really know what security means?

"It's not watching TV, it's sister yuan er who said it!"

"Oh? What else did she say? " Ji Rui can imagine that yuan'er won't say anything good for him.

Baby hesitated for a moment, but between daddy and yuaner's sister, of course, daddy is important.

"Sister yuan'er still scolds mommy for being stupid. Why don't she get more benefits from you? Otherwise, she'll get married early and tie you up so that you can't go out and have sex."

Ji Rui really admires his baby son. If he is so complicated and beyond his understanding, he can recite it so clearly.

Although these words are hard to hear, they are really like the words spoken by frank people like Luo yuan'er.

In her position, Letong is her good sister and best friend. All those who may hurt Letong are regarded as enemies.

Even though, Ji Rui has known her for much longer than she has known Letong.

"What's your mommy's answer?" Ji Rui teases his son with great interest.

How does Luo yuan'er look down on him? He doesn't care. He doesn't care.

He is more concerned about the idea of Letong.

The baby scratched his head and thought for a while. I don't know whether he can't remember clearly or whether he is hesitating to sell mummy.

Ji Rui sees him turn to see Le Tong one eye again, already can affirm, this smelly boy remembers words clearly.

"Mommy, she said that marriage is just a form. If you don't have a heart, what if you get married?"

Ji Rui secretly drips a sweat, the two women, in front of the six-year-old child, say these children's topics, really good?

However, he has to admit that Letong's words are very right.

Marriage is more of a legal constraint, but it has no binding force on people.

And she, obviously, didn't care about the constraint. More concerned, is the heart.

That day, the words he hinted at on the phone, with her IQ, must be clear. But she dodged and fooled the past. Combined with what she said to Luo yuan'er, does it mean that she doesn't believe in his feelings?

"What else did Mommy say?" Ji Rui is anxious to find the answer from his son.

"Sister yuan'er asked Mommy again, is he good to you?"

Ji Rui's heart, because of this sentence that baby's son recites, is suddenly mentioned in his throat.

"And then?"

"Mommy assured sister yuan Er that you were very kind to her! Better than she was to herself! Mommy also said, "Daddy, you always treat her like a child!"

Baby said here, small hand cover mouth, slanting eyes at Ji Rui, seems to be trying to suppress smile.

Ji Rui's heart hanging in his throat can finally return to the original place smoothly.

"Does Mommy really say that in front of you?"

Ji Rui thinks, no, Letong has always attached great importance to the education of her baby. She always takes an evasive attitude in front of her baby about her relationship with him.

The baby blinked, bent his beautiful eyes and shook his head, "of course not! Mommy thought I was asleep! "

Sure enough, the boy is pretending to be sleeping and eavesdropping on his best friend.

However, he had to thank his son for eavesdropping on these words, otherwise, he didn't know that Letong believed him so much.

"Smelly boy, you are getting worse and worse..." Ji Rui pretended to be angry and pulled the little guy's face.

"Daddy, you've wronged a good man..." Baobao pouts her lips and stares at Ji Rui wrongly.

"What have I wronged you?" Ji Rui is funny in his heart. This boy changes his face very quickly.

"The baby also wants to marry Daddy and Mommy quickly. If you get married quickly, you can have a younger brother and sister to play with the baby, but..."

Referring to younger brothers and sisters, the baby's tone suddenly darkened down, and then, can not go on.

Ji Rui sighed in his heart, touched the baby's head and comforted him, "Daddy and Mommy will always accompany the baby. They are not allowed to mention this in front of Mommy, eh?"

Baby seems very sad, but still nodded toward Ji Rui, obediently answered a voice, "eh!"