Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 476

Baby's hand washing time is a little long. When Letong leads him out, Ji Rui has fed him a bowl of rice porridge.

Letong leads her baby to the sofa in the small living room. She bends over and takes out three bowls to fill the soup. Mr. Ji, who is lying on the hospital bed, turns his head and looks at it painstakingly. The sound is not loud, but it is enough for Letong to hear it clearly.

"Soup and rice porridge are delicious, thank you."

Letong raised his head, slightly surprised to see a face scar appears very embarrassed Ji old man, a moment, just reaction, not too naturally back.

"You're welcome!" She has no feelings for him and will do this just because Ji Rui and Baobao, so she doesn't think he needs to thank her.

"Grandfather, how about the baby? Mommy's craftsmanship is really great The baby didn't feel the awkward atmosphere between mummy and grandfather, so she had to knock the bowl with a spoon.

"Look, Grandpa, the baby has a small stomach!" The baby seems to be afraid that the old man doesn't believe it. He runs to the side of the bed and shows the old man to feel it.

Although Ji's whole body is not very comfortable, he is still amused by the Frank reaction of the baby and laughs, "ha ha, the baby is going to become a little fat."

The baby doesn't mind being said to be a little fat man. After showing off, he jumps back to the living room with his stomach in his hand.

"Ah Rui, you go to dinner and I'll lie down for a while."

Ji Laozi sees that Letong has filled three bowls of soup and set up his chopsticks. He has a good feeling for Letong.

Needless to say, she should not like herself, or even hate herself. But she not only cooked the soup and rice porridge, but also stayed here for dinner. The purpose is to let Ji Rui and Baobao spend more time with them.

This kind of thoughtfulness and tolerance, even though it may be out of love, still moved Mr. Ji.

Ji Rui helps him shake down the bed and let him lie flat. Then he turns on the TV, hands him the remote control and lets him choose his own channel.

Ji Rui finished most of the soup, licked his lips, looked at Letong and said seriously, "Letong, thank you!"

Le Tong is very disgusted to white him one eye, "vexed not vexed, a meal just, thank to thank."

Ji Rui smiles meaningfully, "well, it's very annoying. I won't talk about it later. You and I really don't have to thank you."

Letong almost couldn't resist kicking him. This man's shameless value is always high.

The baby is lying on the tea table, holding the bowl in both hands, and her dark eyes are turning around her parents' faces. When she sees that mommy is very angry with her father, the little guy is not in a hurry. Instead, she inserts with a smile, "yes, it's all her own people. How can you thank her?"

Words just finish saying, he on the head then suffered Le Tong not light not heavy a record to explode a Li, "Ji Yu, shut up."

The baby spat out his tongue and made a face at his parents. He quickly picked up the bowl and poured the soup.

Ji Rui, taking advantage of Letong's fierce baby, suddenly kisses Letong on the face and whispers, "it's hard!"

Yue Tong turns his head and stares at him again. He is too lazy to pay attention to the two of them. He takes a bowl and drinks soup.

Over there, Mr. Ji, who is lying on the bed, turns on the TV, but he always looks at the warm interaction of the three members of the family in the small living room.

Over there, when the baby finished drinking the soup, his eyes inadvertently turned to the eyes of Shangji, and he grabbed a chicken leg and handed it to him.

"Grandfather, do you want chicken legs?"

Ji Rui and Le Tong turn to look at Ji Laozi.

"Baby eat, grandfather can only eat rice porridge now, wait for grandfather to get well, baby please grandfather to eat again, OK?"

This is obviously asking about Baobao, but in essence, it's asking for a chance to make up with Letong and Ji Rui.

Where does the baby know so many things in the world? She turns to look at Letong expectantly, "Mommy, when grandpa is well, shall we invite him to have dinner at home?"

Letong is not a stingy person. Since Ji Rui has the idea of reconciliation with Ji, and she can cook the soup herself today, she is ready to accept Ji slowly. After all, she has the idea of going down with Ji Rui. She can't live with his father's enemies.

"Well, when my grandfather is well, will the baby make wonton for him?"

The baby then remembered that he also had the skill to hold his hand. Holding his rice bowl, he jumped to the front of the hospital bed to have a meal while showing off with Mr. Ji.

Letong and Ji Rui don't stop him, and let him blow his craft to the top. Anyway, no matter how bad the little guy is, Ji may be able to taste the delicious food in the world.

After dinner, Letong put things away, patted the baby's ass and said.

"Baby, goodbye to Grandpa."

As for Ji Rui, she didn't ask him what he was going to do. Because, in her opinion, Ji Rui, as a son, naturally wants to stay with him for the night.

"Goodbye, grandpa! The baby will come to see you tomorrow, and grandpa will be good! "

Baby let Ji Rui hold him, lying on the bed, want to kiss Ji old man.

"Oh, my grandfather's face is full of ointment. Don't kiss me." Ji don't open his face, the more painful he is, but he is very happy because of his baby's closeness.

"Ah Rui, you can go back with me. There is special care here, and Lao Li will arrange a nanny to take care of me. Don't worry."

How can master Ji not know how busy his son is now? The most effective assistant was abducted back to Yang's family. Ji's family was in a time of internal and external troubles. It is estimated that he would like to break a day into several days. As the main cause of all the troubles, how could he have the heart to let him stay in the hospital again?

Ji Rui didn't say a word, and he didn't know whether he agreed or refused his arrangement. Without saying a word, he picked up the baby and walked out of the ward with Letong in his long arm.

Mr. Ji thought that he had left together. He turned off the TV with the remote control and closed his eyes. The day was like a drama.

"Master..." the housekeeper's voice rang out in his ear.

"Huh?" The pictures that made him feel cold made Mr. Ji feel very tired. Even though he heard the cry, he still didn't want to open his eyes.

"The old lady has been arguing..." the housekeeper standing in front of the hospital bed was very worried. When Ji Rui and his family were there just now, he didn't dare to say these words.

"Let her make it..." master Ji breathed a long breath. He thought that he was guilty of his own sin. He couldn't blame anyone. He even implicated his son

"But..." the housekeeper was at a loss. For him, Mrs. Ji was the master. She was always quarreling at home and wanted to come to the hospital to see him. He had no position to stop her.

"Housekeeper Li, my father said that if she wanted to fall, she would fall. If she wanted to fall, she would fall. If she wanted to fall, she would fall. If she really couldn't, she would be sent to the madhouse."