Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 475

Letong puts the lunch boxes on the coffee table one by one. She turns around, but instead of seeing Mr. Ji in the doctor's bed, she waves to the baby.

"Baby, wash your hands and eat."

Letong hesitates for a while about whether or not to come to see Ji Laozi, but Ji Rui's anxious appearance when he leaves is lingering in her mind.

She stayed at Ji's, naturally a little absent-minded, to deal with the urgent affairs at hand, explained for a while, then early off work into the supermarket to buy a pile of ingredients.

She doesn't like Ji, but it can't change the fact that he is Ji Rui's father and Baobao's grandfather. If she insists on giving Ji a look in front of Ji Rui and Baobao, it's not impossible, it's just a bit out of order.

Even if she doesn't like Mr. Ji, she should cook some soup for the injured because of his kindness to Ji Rui and his baby.

Ji old son along Ji Rui's meaning obediently open mouth to drink soup, eyes but chase a big and a small figure and go, until two people flash into the bathroom.

"Ah Rui, she..."

Ji Rui glances at him lightly, and interrupts him in a bad tone, "don't make up her mind! It's none of your business to deal with me and her! "

Ji Rui's face doesn't show any emotion, but the whole person is on alert. His meaning is very clear. Whether he likes Letong or not, whether he supports or opposes their relationship, it has no influence on him at all.

Ji old son some helpless, urgent explanation, "no, I don't mean that..."

Ji Rui thick eyebrow a pick, ruthlessly a spoonful of rice porridge to Ji old man mouth“ What do you mean? Anyway, I'll leave her alone! "

In Ji Rui's mind, Baobao and Letong have unconsciously occupied the most important position, much more important than Ji.

Therefore, master Ji just mentioned it, and he pricked himself up.

Ji, who is more and more conscious, also realizes that tiletong is just like touching Ji Rui's scales. However, he has to remind Ji Rui of some things.

"Well... Well... What about coco?"

Ji Rui's hand in the air stagnated, "she? Do you mean to mention that if you hadn't colluded with her, she would have treated me like this? "

Ji old man son hard scalp to the son's resentful face, "but, you originally have engagement..."

Because of Ji Rui's mother's death, Ji's father and his mother's relatives and friends are no longer in touch. Therefore, if coco hadn't mentioned it, he would never have remembered that there was an engagement between the two families. He admitted that he was really attracted by the power of the coco family at that time, and he was bent on bringing out the two sons. Moreover, he blindly thought that the coco family and the Ji family were the right match, and Ji Rui and coco were childhood sweethearts. Their marriage was equal to a strong alliance, and they were good for everyone.

He didn't know that he thought it was a good thing to kill two birds with one stone, but he just pushed his son into the fire pit.

And Letong, from beginning to end, is just a material woman who sells everything for money, including flesh and dignity.

However, after a lot of things, from the maintenance level of his son and grandson to Letong, Mr. Ji's view on Letong gradually began to waver.

After all, either a son or a grandson who is only a few years old are extremely intelligent people. It's lucky that ordinary people don't have any bones left by them. Although Letong is smart, she is not smart enough to deceive her son and grandson at the same time.

What's more, Ji Rui has heard about the transfer of his property to Letong, and the result is far beyond his expectation.

Perhaps, Letong is not as bad and snobbish as he imagined, and coco is far from loving his son as he imagined.

"Coco was provoked by me first. Originally, I had made a deal with her father about her helping me. They were not in arrears. She and her father are very clear that I have never admitted that engagement. If you had not given her meaningless hope, she would not hate me like this. "

While the baby was still in hospital, Ji Rui asked Xiao Li to arrange for coco to be sent away by force. After that, Ji Rui made a detailed negotiation with her father in private, and both sides had reached a consensus.

Unexpectedly, Ji's father stepped in, and eventually Ji Rui was not human on both sides, which led to today's situation.

How does Ji know that there are so many other things involved in this matter? After listening to this, he can be said to be regretful and full of guilt for Ji Rui.

"Yes... I'm sorry! So... Now what? Why don't I talk to her father? "

Although Mr. Ji's words were spoken, he didn't have much confidence in the essence, but in the final analysis, it was up to him, and he should take absolute responsibility.

Ji Rui looked at him coldly, "you? Come on, as you are now, what chips do you have to talk to others? Her family are all monsters who eat people and don't spit their bones. If you go, isn't that tantamount to death in vain?

It's not that Ji Rui looks down on him, but with his empty shelf, which was hollowed out by his wife and his two precious sons, what can he talk about?

Ji old son looks a dark, hang down the head Zheng heavy for a moment, raise the head to have no way to look at Ji Rui.

"Then... What should we do? Can we just wait to die? The market over there has just developed. It's losing a lot of money, isn't it? "

He admits that most of his attention has been occupied by Baobao and the two unfilial sons over the years, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know how much effort Ji Rui, the eldest son, has spent in the Y country to build such a country.

Now, this land is in danger, and the person who leads to this predicament is himself. Can he not feel guilty?

Ji Rui's eyes are full of guilt for Shangji, but he can't beat or scold the patient. He only grinds his teeth and answers in a deep voice.

"Not because of your two precious sons? Come on, you don't have to worry about it. I'll figure it out myself! "

Mention this, Ji Rui heart more irritable.

A few days ago, lawyer fan contacted several well-known lawyers for him. Ji Rui talked with these lawyers two or three times on the video and told them all the basic information. The lawyers met and replied that the situation was not optimistic. He asked Ji Rui to go there in person to communicate well and do the dredging work.

Originally, Ji Rui was ready to go out these two days, but now, the old man had such a thing, the journey had to be postponed.