Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 472

As Ji Rui expected, the case finally found that the small model was the main culprit and was sentenced to three years.

Ji Rui asked lawyer fan to investigate further, but he didn't find out anything substantial. In the end, there was no absolute evidence to determine whether it was Mrs. Ji or Ji Wen. However, the possibility of Mr. Ji's instigation was basically ruled out.

For Ji Rui, this result is already the best one.

At the very least, he can let Mr. Ji take his baby to dinner occasionally.

However, from what the baby said after coming back, it revealed a message, that is, Mr. Ji always accompanied the baby alone every time. Mrs. Ji has not appeared in front of the baby for a long time.

Ji Rui doesn't want to guess what it means, but every time the baby comes back, there will always be one or two more valuable jades on his body.

These jades have always been regarded as the lifeblood of Ji Laozi's collection. Now, Ji Rui vaguely understands what message he sends to his baby in such a quiet way.

On Friday night, the baby went to bed. Ji Rui and Letong were busy in the study.

At eleven o'clock, Letong, who was a little hungry, went to the kitchen for a while and came back with a plate of baked bread and a pot of fruit tea on the tray.

Ji Rui writes a letter of intent to the computer. Letong hands the bread coated with peanut butter to his mouth. He cooperatively opens his mouth and takes a big bite. Until he finishes eating the whole piece of bread, his flying hand stops.


Ji Rui's expression is a little dignified, which startles Le Tong. He claps in his heart and answers him in a soft voice, "how?"

Looking at his eyes, is also very gentle, at this time, she is not his secretary, but his lover.

"How many jades did the baby wear these days?" Ji Rui asked.

He didn't understand why he asked, because he remembered not only the quantity but also the origin and value of each jade. It is because of the clear, he will be more wavering.

Yue Tong thought carefully, "five, it seems to be..."

During this period of time, father Ji would pick up the baby every Saturday morning. The two of them spent the whole day together. Every time they came back in the evening, the baby would have another jade bracelet or jade Pei.

Letong doesn't understand these things, but after hearing that Baobao said it was a meeting gift from her grandfather, she carefully took care of the jades. As for the value of these items, Letong doesn't care. What she cares about is actually the love of father Ji for her baby.

If she understands correctly, is the old man indirectly courting Ji Rui as a son?

Letong looks at Ji Rui who is silent but can't see the slightest emotion, "what do you think?"

It seems that he is ready to respond to Mr. Ji's unilateral courtship?

Ji Rui shakes his head. Letong is a little confused. He didn't know what to do? Or don't want to respond?

Ji Rui was silent for a while. "If you were me, what would you do?"

Ji Rui is good. He raises his foot and kicks the ball to Letong. Difficult for Le Tong, wrung eyebrow to think for a long time, also didn't dare to give him exact suggestion.

"Ji Rui, I'm not you. I have no personal experience of the grudge and relationship between you two. Therefore, my suggestion is basically meaningless."

Letong knows that it's all rubbish to say such a long string.

But apart from these words, she doesn't think she can really give Ji Rui any advice.

After all, no matter how much she cares about Ji Rui, she is still a bystander between father and son. She has never experienced Ji Rui's injury to him personally. Therefore, it seems very irresponsible for Ji Rui to let them make up casually.


Ji Rui sighs silently, grabs a piece of bread and delivers it to his mouth.

Since I still hesitated, it probably means that the time is not right.

Ji Rui is waiting for an opportunity not to hesitate to respond to the old man. Two days later, he receives a phone call from housekeeper li of Ji's mansion, saying that Ji fell down the stairs and broke his bones.

Ji Rui didn't have time to ask. When he rushed to the hospital, the light in the operating room was still on.

In the corridor, in addition to the two close bodyguards of housekeeper and Ji Laozi, there is, of course, his current wife, Ji Laozi.

Ji Rui looks solemn, face taut, strides close, with the sound of pattering footsteps, fierce cold towards those people standing outside the operating room swept away.

A few faces were scared, especially Mrs. Ji, who shrank and moved to hide behind the three men.

Housekeeper Li came up with a stiff head, "big and small..."

"What's the matter? My father is so good. How could he fall down the stairs?"

On the way here, Ji Rui has already got to know the situation of Mr. Ji with the dean. He said that his right leg is fractured, there are many abrasions on his body, and his wrist is slightly misplaced. Fortunately, his life is not in danger.

"Master, he... He's dizzy..."

Housekeeper Li lowers his head and doesn't dare to look at Ji Rui. He hesitates to tell the cause, but Ji Rui is not interested in listening to such a lame lie. He interrupts housekeeper Li with a cold voice.

"Dizzy! Tell me the truth

Mr. Ji is just over 60 years old. He is in good health all the time. Every index of his annual physical examination is very ideal. Ji Rui can't figure out how he fell down the stairs in broad daylight?

Even though Ji Rui is dissatisfied and resentful with father Ji, he is his father after all. Ji Rui can hate him and revenge him, but he doesn't need to deal with him with the hands of others.

Housekeeper Li raised his head, full of fear, and opened his mouth to say. Ji Rui glared at him impatiently. His eyes crossed him and stared at the last lady Ji.

"You're his wife, you say!"

Ji Rui knows better than anyone that neither housekeeper Li nor two bodyguards can speak ill of this woman in front of him. Today he will see how this woman can act in front of him!

Mrs. Ji, who was named, raised her head and looked at him in panic. Unconsciously, she stepped back two steps until her back was close to the wall. "Your father... He didn't sleep well last night... Today... He got up late today... When she went down the stairs, she was dizzy... His feet were empty..."

It's not a long sentence. Mrs. Ji stammers for a long time. Ji Rui doesn't interrupt her, but looks at her coldly.

Ji Rui listens to her finish intermittently. He doesn't question or state his position. He only says to the bodyguard behind him, "ah Huang, you can take the old lady to the rest room to sit down. You'll be surprised."

"Ah Rui..." Mrs. Ji shivered, like a lamb to be slaughtered with a knife around her neck.