Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 473

"Ah Rui..." Mrs. Ji shivered, like a lamb to be slaughtered with a knife around her neck.

But Ji Rui knows that this woman is not as weak and pitiful as she looks. It's not too much to say that she is a snake with a heart.

However, she has always been a good cover up, so her dear husband Ji has always thought that she is a gentle and virtuous good woman.

Ji Rui has always ignored this woman thoroughly. If not for her recent repeated provocations, I'm afraid Ji Rui won't look at her more until she dies.

Two bodyguards walked over and forced Mrs. Ji away. They took her into the rest room at the end of the corridor. In the corridor, the two bodyguards, housekeeper Li and Mr. Ji, were left. Knowing that the disaster was imminent, they all bowed their heads and did not dare to move.

Ji Rui looked up at the still on operation light, "tell me, how did my father fall down?"

His voice is not big, but it shows the dignity and oppression that people can't refuse.

The three looked at each other. You look at me and I look at you. Finally, housekeeper Li hesitated again.

"Early in the morning... The master and his wife quarreled for a few words... The master was a little out of control, so he fell down..."

Ji Rui looks at him coldly. Obviously, he doesn't believe his words very much.

Housekeeper Li didn't dare to look at Ji Rui at all. He lowered his head.

Ji Rui's cold eyes swept the two bodyguards, and the two tall men immediately lowered their heads. It seems that the quarrel should be true, but it's probably a bit watery when master Ji falls down.

"They've been fighting all the time lately?"

Ji Rui's attention seems to have shifted to another matter. This recognition has given housekeeper Li and the two bodyguards a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Well, a few times." Housekeeper Li finally regained his usual glib.

"Why is it noisy?"

Ji Rui can't imagine that he loves his wife so much. How can he fight with her?

"It's like... It's all about the second young master and the third young master." Housekeeper Li began to falter again.

The old couple's quarrel several times ago really revolved around Ji Wen and Ji Wu. But this morning, housekeeper Li clearly heard that Ji Rui and Baobao were mentioned by the two people upstairs. However, housekeeper Li didn't hear exactly what happened.

In front of Ji Rui, he didn't dare to say it, because he only heard Ji Rui's name mentioned by them several times, but he didn't hear a word of substance. When Ji Rui asked, he naturally didn't dare to say it.

Ji Rui takes a deep look at him and knows that he probably can't dig out any truth from his mouth.

After all, although Ji Rui is the eldest young master of the Ji family, he has not lived in the mansion for many years and has little concern about it. In the eyes of housekeeper Li and other servants, Ji is the real owner of the mansion. Therefore, housekeeper Li will certainly have some reservations.

"What's my dad doing lately?" Ji Rui looks at the two bodyguards.

According to Ji Rui's knowledge, the old couple used to go out for morning tea almost every day, stroll around and then go home for lunch. After a nap, most of the couple will have tea and chat in their garden. In a word, how comfortable the day is.

"The master seldom goes out recently. He hasn't been out except to pick up the young master on Saturday."

Ji Rui didn't ask any more. From the words of housekeeper Li and bodyguards, it's not necessary for him to intervene in this matter.

Before long, the operation light went out, and several nurses pushed out the old man Ji who had finished the operation.

Ji Rui stepped forward and saw that Ji was lying with his eyes closed. There were several obvious abrasions on his face, and his right foot was half suspended.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji, it's no big problem." Ji Rui, the doctor who operated on Mr. Ji.


Ji Rui didn't ask much. He quietly followed the doctors and nurses into the intensive care unit and sat down on the sofa. He watched silently as the doctors and nurses moved Mr. Ji to the hospital bed. Until the doctors and nurses quit, he still sat on the sofa and didn't go to the hospital bed to see him.

At this time, his mood was very complicated. When he received a call from housekeeper Li, his head exploded as soon as he heard that "the master fell down the stairs".

In my mind, I flashed the bloody and terrible picture when my mother died.

For a moment, he thought that father Ji was the same as his mother. When he came back to himself, he was slightly relieved to hear housekeeper Li say that it was just a fracture and some skin injuries.

When he was very young, that is, he and his mother did not know the existence of Ji Wen and Ji Wu and that woman, he was actually a happy child. His mother was gentle and virtuous, and his father was calm and mature. At that time, he, like the baby now, loved to be coquettish and wild. At that time, Mr. Ji was definitely a good father.

However, with the arrival of Ji Wen, Ji Wu and that woman, this good father no longer belongs to Ji Rui.

He can still remember clearly that when his mother took his hand and saw the woman and her two sons at the door, his face turned pale and he held his little hand. His nails pinched into the back of his hand so hard that he almost cried out in pain.

It was also at that moment that Ji Rui's love for him gradually turned into hatred.

But Ji Rui didn't put his hatred on his face.

Because, not long after the woman and her two sons entered the gate of Ji's house, his mother died.

For a child who is only a few years old, without a mother, it means no dependence.

Therefore, although he hated father Ji, he didn't dare to show it, because he still needed the protection of this man to grow up and take back all that belonged to his mother.

So, as if overnight, he changed from a playful little boy to a reserved and gloomy little adult.

Or because of guilt, after Ji Rui's mother died, Ji Rui's father became more and more good to Ji Rui, but Ji Rui no longer had that kind of trust and dependence on him.

Since then, the relationship between father and son has been like walking on thin ice, but they have maintained each other carefully. Until Ji Rui took over Ji's family, all the contradictions that were deliberately covered up in the past broke out uncontrollably.

Because he took over Ji's business, Ji's wife had a big fight with Ji's son. Ji Rui didn't see it. Anyway, he moved out of the mansion early. It had nothing to do with him whether the couple wanted to fight or fight.

He didn't know how Mr. Ji explained to his dear wife that he would take over Ji's family. He only knew that Ji's family was his and had nothing to do with that woman and Ji Wen and Ji Wu!