Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 445

"Afraid? What are you afraid of? "

Le Tong, who has been ravaged by Ji Rui wantonly, doesn't have enough brain capacity to think about Ji Rui.

Ji Rui clearly saw something similar to pain in her eyes, but she seemed to be at a loss. It seemed that she subconsciously had the idea of resisting or resisting something.

And the person who makes her subconsciously resist something is probably himself.

In the past, no matter how insinuating and abusive he was, she responded to him with great certainty. She had no memory of the night when she was drunk.

In those days when he didn't want to see her, he just felt that she was pretending to play hard to get.

When he didn't know her at all, he thought she was pretending. That's normal. After all, no matter how drunk a person is, it is impossible to ignore the pleasant feeling of flying to the cloud.

But since he knew clearly that she would unconsciously choose to be an ostrich when she encountered something that could not be solved, he was sure that she could not remember that night.

It is estimated that what he experienced on that day was really based on her pain, so her subconscious automatically shielded her from that night's painful experience.

"Nothing... Nothing!"

Ji Rui felt guilty and distressed. He muttered, hugged her and gave her a few kisses on her forehead.

He thought he was an open-minded person, but now, he has no courage to admit that she was a bit of a danger when she was drunk that night. At first, maybe she was hinting and inviting, but she was just pandering to her. But later, the situation got a little out of control. Most of the night, he was in charge of the control, and it was self-evident how much suffering she suffered after he became a wolf

Maybe it's a good thing for him that she forgot that night.

Even if her subconscious resisted him, it was better than she hated him.

However, he didn't regret what he had done to her that night, because if it hadn't been that night, up to now, he and she probably still maintain an ordinary relationship between superiors and subordinates.

However, he regretted that he didn't treat her gently that night.

"Letong..." with her lips, she rubbed her hot cheek.

It can be imagined that if he missed her, he would still live the life of a workaholic besides work as before.


Letong raises her head slightly from his arms. The daze on her eyes has dissipated. Her dark and bright eyes are as clear and bright as stars.

"I'm sorry!" Ji Rui gently kisses her lips.

Le Tong slightly frowns, see her that way, don't understand his this endless apology is for that.

"I used to be such a jerk..." Ji Rui certainly didn't dare to say this apology. It was aimed at the rudeness of the drunken night.

Moreover, in retrospect, there are many things he is sorry for. If you want to list them all, it is estimated that they will not have to sleep tonight.

Letong moves her face away a little and looks at him thoughtfully for a long time. Ji Rui is hairy when she looks at him. She thinks that she doesn't think about that night, does she?

Just about to open his mouth to ask, Letong's face comes up, peach red lips slightly open, gnawing on his chin.

"Just before? Now it's a jerk, too! "

Letong's biting strength is not big, however, you can still see the reddish teeth like the half curved moon carved on Ji Rui's perfect chin.

Although the chin is a little painful, Ji Rui doesn't pay attention to it at all. He sweeps her back with a big palm and half squints to admit guilt.

"Your Majesty is right. I'm a jerk now, and I've always been a jerk..."

Although Le Tong was very satisfied with his good attitude of confession, he pretended to be a proud princess. He raised his chin with his fingertips and looked at him askance. "So, how do you want to atone?"

Ji Rui grabs her hand, puts it to his mouth and chews it. He looks at her with a smile in his eyes and says, "can I make you a bowl of noodles?"

Letong "poof" to smile out, not easy, just put away the smile, trying to face cold hum.

"No noodles. I'd like to have baked sweet potato."

This is true. Since Zhang Yi returned to D province to start his own business, no other stall in this street has bought that thing. Letong has been greedy for a long time, but because of his face, he is embarrassed to say it.

Ji Rui stared at her without blinking. After a while, he asked, "do you really want to eat baked sweet potato?"

Letong nodded without hesitation, thinking of the fragrant and hot sweet potato meat, Letong couldn't help licking her lips.

"Well, let's go and buy it!"

Ji Rui holds Le Tong's waist in one hand and Huo Di holds her up.

"Eh?" Letong can't turn around a bit.

Ji Rui has carried her out of bed, "go, let's go out and see where we can sell it!"

Le Tong this just reaction comes over, "Er, really go?"

"Of course..."

Ji Rui has never been very keen on eating, so he has never tried to get up from bed and go out to look for food in the middle of the night.

But now, he forced Letong into the bathroom of her bedroom, took a comb to help Letong comb her disordered curly hair, bowed his head to kiss her, patted her face and said.

"Wash your face and I'll wait for you."

When Letong comes out after washing her face, Ji Rui raises her hand to help her put some silk hair on her face behind her ears. When Letong changes her shoes, Ji Rui changes a coat from somewhere to help her put it on“ It seems to be windy outside

Letong puts on her clothes with her hand. Her fingers touch the buttons, but Ji Rui gently pulls them off.

"I'll do it!"

Letong thought it funny, "Hey, how do I feel like I've really become a queen?"

"Yes, you are my queen." Ji Rui smiles, squats slightly and lowers his head.

In fact, she felt that she was not a queen, but a princess.

Just like when she was three or four years old, she was the little princess that her parents held in their hands. In my memory, when she crawled out of bed in winter, her mother hugged her and helped her put on a big and warm coat. Then, she sat on the bed. Her mother half knelt down in front of the bed to help her button her clothes and put on her socks

A man looks at a person who can't serve others. He lowers his head and buckles for a long time, but only half of it.

Letong looks at his black hair. I don't know whether it's because of his clumsy tenderness or because he thinks of his mother. She can't help sniffing.