Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 443

Ji Rui talks with Mr. Yuan for a few words. When he turns his head, he sees Letong standing in front of the window motionless. Ji Rui leaves Mr. Yuan for a few steps. The person standing in front of the window still stands motionless. His sight falls on the sunset that is about to fall into the sky.


I don't know why, Ji Rui seems to be able to understand Le Tong's mood at this time.

Over the years since his mother left, he has tried many times, sitting in the corner of his mother's favorite study, staring out of the window at the blue sky and white clouds in a daze, the scenery is still the same, but the person sitting under the window in a daze is no longer the one.

Letong takes back her sight in a trance, turns her head, smiles at him, and shakes her head.


Said, rare to take the initiative to stand behind her Ji Rui body on the back, head light lean on his shoulder, seems to be not very care to say“ What has passed, just keep it in mind. "

Ji Rui did not have time to agree with her words, she leaned on him again, looked at the sunken half of the sky, and then went on.

"My mother's illness was very sudden. After she suddenly fainted, she didn't even have time to say anything to me. Her last sentence was" Tongtong... Find your father... "I know she asked me to find my father. As for what to do with my father, she didn't have time to say. Or, she actually wanted to tell me my father's real identity or residence, or, It's about the truth of my identity, but I've never had the courage to touch it. I didn't even dare to think about it before I had a baby. Since the baby came back to live, I slowly figured out, the past, what is not important, important, is the future. I am the continuation of my mother's life, and my baby is the continuation of my life... "

Speaking of this, Letong slowly closed her eyes and quietly leaned on Ji Rui.

Ji Rui sighed a little. He put his hands around her waist and tightened his arms. It seemed that he wanted to brand her on himself.

It seems that she is very clear that he is worried about her. In order to make him think less, she said a lot of words. These words indirectly told him that she was very good, her hope and future were all in the baby, she would not be unhappy about her father, and he did not have to worry about her.

"Well, just be happy with your baby!"

She was willing to take the initiative to talk to him about her past, and he was sincerely happy. Her heart, the backlog of too many sad past, if not find a chance to dump out, he is really afraid that she will not be able to bear to be crushed.

"Letong, promise me one thing."

Ji Rui gently kisses her with a light fragrance of hair, words seem not to be refused, but the tone is very soft.

"Huh?" Letong is still enjoying a rare rest with her eyes closed.

"I don't understand the customs. It's very difficult for me to guess a person's mind. Moreover, even if I really want to guess, I may not be able to guess correctly." Ji Rui stopped.

Such a self-conscious president of Ji Da makes Le Tong uncomfortable. She looks back and half squints at him, "Oh, so?"

Ji Rui raised his hand and touched her face, "so you have to tell me anything happy or unhappy in the future, you know?"

Letong's eyes flashed a tiny light, blinked desperately, and closed her eyes again with some chagrin.


"I'm a coward, right?" The music Tong that closes an eye, murmur ground asks a way.

Ji Rui's big hand gently rubbed her smooth cheek, "of course not!"

This is completely from Ji Rui's sincerity, without any false element.

In everyone's heart, there are some scars that can't be touched. Le Tong has them, and Ji Rui also has them.

Until dinner, the baby is still in a state of excitement, just pulling Letong and Ji Rui to the furniture city to buy some new furniture.

When checking out, Ji Rui grabs Letong's hand.

"Baby is also my son. You bought the house and paid for the decoration. I'll buy the furniture, OK?"

After this period of time together, Ji Rui doesn't know that Letong is very sensitive to money. In order not to make her feel burdened, he has been suppressing his idea that he would like to put all good things in her arms.

The total amount of patience he has spent on people in the past 31 years is not as much as that he has spent on Letong.

Letong thinks about it and nods. The shopping guide takes Ji Rui's bank card.

After the shopping guide finished, Letong looked at Ji Rui with a smile, "Mr. Ji, aren't you afraid I'll squeeze you dry?"

Ji Rui rubs her head hard, "OK, welcome to squeeze!"

Letong didn't expect that he would suddenly become so good and easy to be pushed down. She glanced at him and said with a smile, "Tut, Mr. Ji, you are really promising. I haven't done anything yet, so you raise the white flag?"

In the past, Ji Rui always felt that this kind of thing would only appear in novels or TV plays. If there is such a person in reality, he is absolutely a fool.

And now, he himself has become a real big fool.

"Yes, it's all on your chopping board. You can do whatever you like."

Ji Rui's words came from his heart, without any water.

But le Tong, obviously, is as a joke to listen to. Or, she knows Ji Rui is serious, but she pretends to be stupid.

"I dare not!"

Ji Rui is a little disappointed, "don't you dare? I thought I was not willing to give up! "

Le Tong almost didn't choke to death by his saliva, "cough cough" ground cough a few, lift an eye to stare him one eye.

"The president of Jida is rough and fleshy. Why should I give up?"?! It's good to work hard and toss hard! "

When Letong said this, she was totally careless.

Unexpectedly, the listener intended.

Ji Rui glances at the double bed he just bought. He holds up the paralyzed face that has never appeared in front of Le Tong for a long time. He says solemnly, "if it's tossing on it, Ji is very welcome!"

Originally, Letong just wanted to ask for some cheap words. She never thought that President Ji's thought was so dirty. She was obviously a blatant tease, and she was still paralyzed.

Both angry and annoyed, Letong takes advantage of her son's running to see something new. She raises her foot and kicks Ji Rui mercilessly, gritting her teeth.

"I didn't expect that Ji always had that tendency. I'll see where there are whip sellers later!"

Ji Rui laughingly turns around and hugs her, "really willing?"

Yue Tongbai gave him a look and hit him with his elbow, trying to break his arms.

Ji Rui's hand is buckled more and more tightly. Finally, he puts his face together and whispers in her ear“ If it makes you happy, it doesn't matter to me

Le Tong was stunned. Before he could react, he said in a very serious voice, "Le Tong, you can try to rely on me."