Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 442

"Well, if you don't want to."

Ji Rui really wants to ask why, but seeing that she looks gloomy, hesitates for a moment, and then swallows the question back.

If someone told Ji Rui a few months ago that he would be a man who spoiled his girlfriend and spoiled him lawlessly, he would definitely say that he was suffering from paranoia and could not be saved.

But now he can really spoil Letong to heaven, or he hopes to spoil Letong to heaven.

However, Letong is not a spoiled woman. Ji Rui is kind to her. She knows it in her heart, but she doesn't take it as a tool for Ji Rui.

But standing in Ji Rui's position, she would rather have her labor done thoroughly, so that she would not have to carry so many things with her thin shoulders.

About why she didn't want to find her father's whereabouts, Letong didn't give Ji Rui any explanation, but her depression lasted for a whole day.

Although she still works as hard as usual, she spends more time wandering in her spare time, such as drinking water or having lunch.

Ji Rui is not sure if he is thoughtful. Ever since the baby's son's birthday, Letong took the jade Pei out and gave it to his son as a birthday gift, Letong is often in a state of wandering, with big eyes open, but staring at an unknown place in a daze.

Such Letong, let Ji Rui very distressed, at the same time, also very powerless.

Until the two go to pick up the baby, see the little guy happy to rush over, Letong's face finally revealed a trace of smile.

It's fake to say it doesn't taste good.

Looking at Letong with a overcast face, Ji Rui hugs her baby with a smile. She kisses and coaxes her baby. Ji Rui can only comfort herself that the baby is a piece of meat from Letong. It's normal for her to hurt him more.

And I, even if I'm not the first, at least I can be the second, right?

President Ji Da, who incarnates as Ah Q, reaches out his hands, grabs his son in his arms with one hand, and takes Le Tong over her weak shoulder with the other.

"Shall we go back to check the house first, or shall we find a place to eat first?"

At noon, Mr. Yuan called and said that Letong's nest had finally been decorated, so Letong could check and accept the results as soon as possible.

"What do you say, baby?" Letong directly gives the decision to her baby son.

"Mommy, are you going to see the baby's new home?"

In principle, the little guy who has been used to living in a luxury house since childhood should not be interested in Letong's nest the size of a white pigeon cage. However, the little guy asked every so often when the new home would be decorated and when he could move in. It can be seen that in the little guy's mind, the home doesn't need to be big, as long as there are people who love him, even if it's just a small humble room, it can be comparable to heaven in his eyes.

"Well, uncle yuan called at noon to say that it had been decorated."

"Let's go to see the new house first, then come out for dinner and buy new furniture by the way, OK?"

The kid's logical clarity and processing ability are beyond his age. His parents have no objection to his proposal. After getting on the bus, Ji Rui tells Xiao Li to drive back to Letong's house.

Dozens of square nests, carved by Yuanda designers, have lost their original shabby and narrow appearance.

When you open the door, you can see that the spiral staircase made of transparent material is in the middle of the house. The fence around the spiral staircase is a unique spiral fish tank. Inside, there are many colorful tropical fish swaying freely in the tank.

"Wow, how beautiful!"

As soon as the baby enters the door, he is attracted by the revolving fish tank. He rushes over and lies on the glass wall, looking excitedly at the fish and the shrimp.

"I didn't expect this change to be so wonderful!" Ji Rui sincerely praised.

In fact, the design idea of this staircase and fish tank is not from Yuanda designer, but from Letong.

At that time, she thought that the staircase was not very beautiful standing in the middle of the room. Later, she heard that Baobao wanted to raise some fish and shrimp. She thought of the design in the aquarium, so she put forward the idea with Yuanda designer. Originally, she thought it would be ridiculed and questioned by professionals. However, when she said the idea, Yuanda designer's eyes lit up and immediately said that it was his responsibility.

As a result, according to the prototype she provided, together with the modification and improvement of Yuanda designers, it has become an eye-catching product.

"The work I just handed in for the competition is the design of Miss Le's room. Do you mind, Miss Le? I added your name to the list of designers. "

At this time, like her baby, Letong felt the cupboard here and looked at the small cupboard there. She went back to Yuanda designer absently.

"Oh, whatever. Anyway, we agreed that the design of this room would be taken as a sample room. As for the competition, of course, it's no problem. This is Mr. Yuan's work."

Obviously, she didn't care about her name being signed.

"Well, if you get the bonus, I'll give you half!"

The designer of Yuanda thinks that the staircase may be the key to winning the prize.

Then Letong looked up in surprise, "eh? Half my bonus? "

"Yes! Of course, the premise is to win the prize

Letong didn't worry about it at all. Later, when Yuanda designer transferred the half of the bonus equivalent to one-third of the price of her house to her account, she thought that the bank had set up an oolong and drew a large amount of money into her account for no reason.

"Mommy, Mommy, baby wants to move here. It's so beautiful. It's like a castle in a fairy tale."

It's no wonder that the baby likes it so much. At that time, Letong put the baby's preference in the first place to choose the design scheme.

"Let's spend some time here. It's time to get wind."

Of course, that's one reason.

Another reason is that Letong considers that Ji Rui must be busy for a long time, but if she and Baobao move back here, Ji Rui will certainly follow. However, there is no advanced office facilities for his work, so it will be very inconvenient to live here.

"OK..." the baby is very disappointed, drooping his head to answer the voice, but soon, he was attracted by the novelty in his new playroom, screamed repeatedly.

Baby son's reaction, let Ji Rui quite helpless.

"I suddenly feel that I am a failure..." he said with a bitter smile to the designer of Yuanda.

"That's the difference between being a father and a mother!"

It was also designed by Yuanda. For Ji Rui's big and comfortable new apartment, Baobao didn't show such excitement at all.