Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 402

"Little guy, daddy warns you, don't introduce messy men to your mommy any more!"

The baby turned his head, glanced at him and said.

"Well, isn't it because Daddy is too stupid?"

The implication is that if you are not too stupid, I will bother to introduce this and that to mommy to stimulate you?

Ji Rui's eyes were bright, and he rubbed his head hard. "At that time, daddy didn't understand. Now daddy will cherish it." Ji Rui certainly understands the good intentions of his baby son.

However, even if he knew it was acting, he couldn't accept other men staring at Letong with indecent or greedy eyes. Before, he didn't recognize his own mind and could not accept fashion. Now, it's even more unacceptable.

"OK..." the baby reluctantly agreed.

Although, it's his biggest wish that daddy and Mommy are as good as ever (in the baby's cognition, he always thinks that his parents gave birth to him because of love).

But in the baby's view, daddy is strong, and Mommy is always in the weak side. Therefore, if there is a conflict between daddy and Mommy, most of them will stand on mommy's side.

Ji Rui sees the baby's son loosen his mouth, takes the cup, wipes the water, puts it well, and picks up the baby.

"However, if daddy bullies mummy, the baby will hold a blind date meeting for mummy." The baby around his neck suddenly said very seriously, which made Ji Rui, a father, have the illusion of role exchange.

It seems that this little boy is his father, and he is the naughty son who makes people worry.

"Don't worry, daddy doesn't have time to hurt her. How can he bully her?" Ji Rui assures his baby son, but he hardly raises his hand to swear.

In the past, he had done too many stupid things to Letong. Now he has the chance to make up for it. He has only the share of gratitude. How can he bully her?

The baby snorted again, which could be regarded as reluctantly believing Ji Rui's guarantee.

The takeout is delivered not long after Ji Rui enters the door. The two of them come out of the kitchen. Letong has already filled the table with the snacks delivered by manager Chen.

During the dinner, Ji Rui returned to his usual silence at dinner. However, unlike before, President Ji, who has always been used to being served by others, actually brought food to Baobao and Letong from time to time. Baobao ate with ease, while Letong, after saying thank you two or three times, saw that he didn't mean to be restrained and didn't bother to be polite, so he could only be polite.

After dinner, the baby pesters Ji Rui, and they race in the small space of the living room.

Originally, Ji Rui thought that he could still stay today on the ground of making up lessons. However, the wall clock only pointed to nine o'clock, and Le Tong urged him to go home early on the ground that he had been running for two days to go home early for rest.

Under the insistence of Letong, Ji Rui has no choice but to leave.

Baby is very sticky tonight. As soon as Ji Rui leaves, the little guy climbs onto the sofa like a monkey and sticks to Letong.

The small hand holds the face of Le Tong to look left and right, but does not speak.

Letong felt strange and nodded at the tip of his nose. "Baby, what's the matter with you? Don't you know mommy?"

The baby looked at Letong carefully for a while and then said, "the baby wants to see if daddy poked a stamp on mommy's face!"

Letong almost fainted. The boy's speech became more and more explicit.

"Ji Yu, you are your father's son. Let mommy see if your face has been stamped by your father." He said, pulling his face to look left and right

The baby raised her little face and let her fish, "Mommy, the baby's face is Zhangzhang, isn't it?"

Baobao's words are really right. His face, which is very similar to Ji Rui, can be used as a business card wherever he goes. There's no need to stamp it.

Letong only thinks that Ji Rui doesn't know what he said to his son in private, and this little guy will suddenly say such a strange thing. She thought that Baobao would help Ji Rui say a lot of good things, but Baobao didn't say anything. After playing with her for a while, she would watch TV in her arms. When it was time, she asked Letong to accompany him into the bedroom and tell him bedtime stories.

After a few minutes' story, the baby on the bed has closed her eyes and slept soundly.

Letong covers the quilt for him, goes out of the living room, takes the book to read for a while.

The book in hand has been opened for several minutes, but not a word has been read. Letong sighs, closes the book and pinches her eyebrows.

Or, it's time to think about what happened between her and Ji Rui.

But Letong never thought that before she had time to calm down and analyze her heart, Ji Rui had an accident.

She closed the book, went to the kitchen and poured out a glass of water. Then she saw the mobile phone on the sofa flashing desperately. Letong picked it up and saw that it was not Ji Rui she thought, but Xiao Li, Ji Rui's driver.

"Brother Li?"

Letong is confused. Ji Rui has been away for nearly an hour. What does the driver call to do?

"Miss Le, come to the hospital quickly. The president is injured."

Xiao Li's anxious voice, his words, let Letong hand tremble, almost fell the phone.

"Brother Li, what do you say? President Ji is injured? What's going on? "

Le Tong only when he heard wrong, that man has always been careful, in and out of the bodyguard, how hurt?

"We don't know exactly. The president went to the bookstore to buy a book, and then he was stabbed!"

When Letong heard this, she said, "is Mr. Ji seriously injured? Which hospital are you in now? I'll be there now. "

"Miss Le, the president is now in the emergency room of the central hospital. The specific situation is not known. You ask ah Huang to stay at home and watch the baby, and the other to send you. Be careful on the way."

Le Tong changed clothes, and told the bodyguard a few words, then step out of the door in a hurry.

Along the way, the sweat of Letong's palm kept coming out. After wiping it, she was sweating again.

That man, after running for two days, should go home early to have a rest. What book should he buy in the bookstore?!

Yue Tong is so anxious that she calls Xiao Li twice on the way, but they all hear from each other.

Fortunately, at more than 10 p.m., the traffic flow on the road was not very crowded. More than half an hour later, Letong went to the central hospital.

In the corridor in front of the emergency room, Xiao Li is holding the phone. I don't know who is talking to. When he sees Le Tong coming in, he says goodbye to someone in a hurry and welcomes her.

"Brother Li, how is Mr. Ji now?"

After Letong asks, her eyes catch a glimpse of Xiao Li's blood stains, and her heart jumps wildly.

So much blood, must be seriously injured?

Xiao Li's expression is also very anxious, "I don't know. After the doctor checked the president, he immediately pushed the operating room, and now he hasn't come out."

Letong frowned, "so late, why doesn't he go home to the bookstore?"