Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 401

He knows that it's hard for others to control Letong who has become such a model. Unless she wants to, no one can force her to make a decision.

"Letong, do you think we are all like this? Do you still need to consider it?"

Ji Rui tries to cut the mess quickly and ask her to give him an answer as soon as possible.

After all, if she doesn't nod her head for a day, he can't pretend to be her boyfriend or a man. The relationship between the boss and his subordinates makes him feel insecure.

But Letong didn't show any sign of wavering. Her clear eyes didn't flinch, so she looked directly at him.

"Mr. Ji, since you think that you like me, and I like you too, the love between us should stand the test, right?"

Ji Rui sighs helplessly, or is a little disappointed. He thinks that she is different after all, but she wants to do something like a test.

"How do you want to test me? Come on, I'll stay with you to the end. "

Ji Rui is helpless, but Letong has to. He will follow her until she is satisfied.

Who let himself before really bad deeds, in the final analysis, she said to test him, also can't blame her.

Thinking of this, Ji Rui's mood picked up a little.

Le Tong shook his head, "I didn't want to test you, you like me, I know."

At the beginning, she would choose not to believe it, because the things he had done in the past left too many shadows in her heart, and she could not believe it all at once, which was human nature.

Now believe, because she has eyes and heart, can see and feel.

"What do you mean?"

I have to say that Ji Rui is confused by her.

"Give me a few days to think about it. It's a test for each other."

Letong also has her own considerations. After all, she always thinks that she just likes Ji Rui's face a little more, but until today, Ji Rui's text message has completely overturned her original idea.

In the end, because I like him, I think his appearance is pleasing to the eye?

Or, because he is a Yan Kong, because he likes his appearance, he will have a little interest in this person?

Although this problem may be as difficult to solve as whether there are eggs before there are chickens or chickens before there are eggs, she still wants to think about it carefully.

Of course, Ji Rui will not understand her pure idea.

In other words, for a man, like is like, no matter what she likes is his skin or he, don't they all like it? Anyway, it's him, isn't it?

Ji Rui see her so insist, had to nod to agree, "OK, three days, OK?"

Her black eyes, clear and transparent, really, do not seem to be playing the kind of hard to get trick he thought.

Yue Tong thought seriously, "well, three days."

Letong thinks that she already has the answer in her heart, but she always chooses to ignore it.

Today's event is too sudden and dramatic. So far, she can't completely calm down and have a good look at her heart.

Three days is enough time for her to think about that problem clearly!

Ji Rui breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, I don't need to avoid these three days, do I?"

In order to hold the happiness he wants in his hand early, if she wants him to avoid for three days, he will try his best to cooperate.

Yue Tong shook his head again, "no, just like usual."

As long as Ji Rui doesn't force her to make a decision aggressively, she can calm down and think about it. It has nothing to do with meeting or not.


As a result, although it is a little different from Ji Rui's expectation, it is not too bad!

"Daddy, your water."

The baby who ran to the kitchen to pour water didn't come to Ji Rui carefully until then, holding the cup in both hands.

I want to know that the ghost spirit must be hiding in the kitchen on purpose, until the two people have finished talking, and then slip out.

"Thank you, baby!"

Ji Rui took the cup with one hand and rubbed the baby's head with the other.

"Bao, how is it sweet?" Ji Rui took a drink from the glass. It was strange. Didn't the little guy always know that he didn't like sweet?

"Well, Mommy says it's dry. Drink some honey water to moisten your lungs and throat." Baby said, big eyes in Ji Rui and Letong body around.

Ji Rui raised his lips slightly, reached out and pinched the little guy's face, "the baby is more and more mother-in-law!"

Baobao doesn't care about this statement at all. He reaches for Ji Rui's neck and kisses him, "because Baobao loves Daddy!"

Ji Rui's eyes unconsciously glanced at Letong, who was sitting on one side. After her own secretary, she seemed to have been treating herself like a mother-in-law, preparing headache medicine for him, making coffee for him, and buying breakfast for him... According to the saying of baby son, does that mean that she really loved herself from the beginning?

Thinking of this possibility, Ji Rui is in a better mood.

"Bao, just now you said uncle brought food? What's the matter? Haven't you eaten yet? "

Letong's face, which had just returned to normal, turned red again.

The baby glanced at her skinny mommy and nodded, "well, Mommy is very busy at work today, and she comes back very late, and the baby wants to eat wax gourd cup very much, so she calls uncle to send it."

Letong is a little relieved. Her son doesn't know what makes him so abnormal. But if you let a man know that he's upset because of his one sentence and ruined a big table of food, I don't know how to make fun of him.

"Just right, daddy didn't eat either."

Ji Rui drinks all the honey water in the cup, and the baby takes the cup and runs to the kitchen.

"Don't worry, the baby let the uncle send a lot of delicious food, not to mention one more daddy, five more are enough."

This, the baby said unintentionally, but let Ji Rui laugh and cry.

What five dads, that little guy, still want to help his mom introduce his boyfriend?

At the thought of this possibility, Ji Rui is a bad person. Huo stood up and walked quickly into the kitchen.

The little guy who ran into the kitchen with the cup was washing the cup on the stool. When he heard the footsteps, he didn't turn his head. He just said, "Daddy, Mommy is not angry with you, is she?"

Ji Rui goes over to spank him, "who says your mommy is angry?"

This boy, how can he always think that he has made his baby Mommy angry again?

"Not the best!" Baby's tone, actually a little bad.

This little guy! It's the best way to protect Mommy.

"Little guy, daddy warns you, don't introduce messy men to your mommy any more!"