Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 262

The baby's good wishes are recognized by two people he loves most. He is in a very good mood. He chatters all the way. Letong and Ji Rui just need to respond to him in a timely manner.

Baobao and Letong squat in the grass to see two little grasshoppers fighting. Ji Rui stands by to answer the phone.

Ji Rui hasn't returned to Ji's family for several days since the baby's accident. Ji's affairs are temporarily under Yang Sheng's full control.

Yang Sheng still calls Ji Rui when he encounters a difficult problem and makes a decision after discussion. This is the call from Yang Sheng.

"Rui, how is the baby?"

Ji Rui glances at the baby who is pointing in Letong's arms and walks away. "Letong came back last night, and the baby's mood has finally stabilized. Now he is happily playing with Letong."

"Ah, that girl Tongtong..."

Yang Sheng wanted to say something, but he wanted to say nothing.

"What happened to her?" Ji Rui's vision, subconsciously floating to the side, gently holding the baby's Letong.

Yang Sheng paused for half a second, "nothing... The last phase of the theme park project should be completed in these days. Baby, in this situation, does the opening date need to be delayed?"

This large theme park is aimed at children. Others may not know, but Yang Sheng knows that Ji Rui insisted on building the park at the beginning, in addition to the economic value, another reason is because of the baby.

Ji Rui didn't even think about it, so he said, "slow down. Anyway, the propaganda work in the planning department hasn't started yet."

Yang Sheng answered and said he understood. Then he reported something else. Finally, he said to Ji Rui, "Rui, can you let Tong Tong listen to me?"

Ji Rui walks back and hands the phone to Letong.

Letong doesn't understand and looks at him. Ji Rui puts the phone into her hand. "Yang Sheng is looking for you."

Then he held the baby in his arms.

Le Tong answered the phone, "elder martial brother, what's the matter?"

"Tong Tong, have you thought it over?"

Yang Sheng, on the other side of the phone, said.

Le Tong Leng Leng, did not answer immediately, but got up and walked to the pavilion on the edge of the grass.

"Elder martial brother, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Tong Tong, I know you are pitiful for your baby, but you always give him hope like this. Have you ever thought about your own situation?"

For Yang Sheng, Ji Rui and Letong are all his good friends, but he thinks this from the standpoint of Letong.

"Thank you, elder martial brother."

Now, no matter what others say, Letong won't give up the idea of taking care of her baby, but she can't tell anyone why.

Yang Sheng on the other side of the phone was silent again.

"Well, since you have decided, I can't say anything. I'll go to see him in the afternoon and bring him what I want to eat."

Return the phone to Ji Rui. Letong is worried that he will ask Yang Sheng about his intention, but the man just takes the phone and puts it away, saying nothing.

In fact, even if Letong doesn't say it, Ji Rui can probably guess what Yang Sheng said to Letong. It's just to persuade her not to come to this muddy water, right?

Yang Sheng obviously asked him to transfer the call to Letong, but he just told Ji Rui not to do anything out of line to her just because Letong was kind. Otherwise, Yang Sheng would not let him go.

Ji Rui has always known that Yang Sheng and Letong have a good relationship, but how good is it? At this time, he finally knows.

Ji Rui feels a little uncomfortable when he thinks of the good relationship between them. This kind of feeling like fishbone choking in his throat often appears recently, and every time, it seems that it is because of Letong.

"Baobao, uncle Sheng said that he would come to see you in the afternoon. You can bring whatever you want to play with."

Baobaoxian was excited, but soon he put away his smile and said decidedly.

"No baby! Doctor uncle said, the baby can't eat now, sister, you tell Uncle Sheng, wait for the baby to get well, then invite the baby to eat. "

Letong can't hold the baby crying, for the baby's sensible, but also for God has the heart to torture such a sensible and lovely child.

I don't know if it's because of the medicine or the disease. In the past, the baby was so energetic that he always ran around like a wild monkey. After playing on the grass for more than half an hour, he would lie on Ji Rui and would not move.

Ji Rui and Le Tong look in the eyes and feel uncomfortable in their hearts. They take turns holding him in their arms and make a big circle in the garden. They accompany him talking and laughing to distract his attention.

After walking back, the baby lay on the bed and didn't say a few words, then fell asleep with his head down.

Letong secretly ran to ask the doctor, the doctor said that fatigue is easy because of the decline of his body's immunity.

"The baby is really not simple. Ordinary children have a sense of fear of hospitals alone. But he stayed in for a few days, but he didn't talk to us about pain from beginning to end. Two days ago, he was crying all the time, just because he couldn't see you. He didn't say a word about his illness. Don't say he's just a child over five years old. Even if he's an adult, it's not easy to do it. Alas... "

The doctor's words let Letong hide in the bathroom for more than ten minutes.

The baby sleeps for two or three hours, wakes up and has lunch.

In the next few days, the baby's life was like the first day of Letong's return. After breakfast, Ji Rui and Letong took him out for a walk. After a sleep, he could have lunch. After that, he cooperated with the doctor for treatment. After that, Letong would tell him stories or accompany him to draw and read books. When he was tired, he would go to sleep again, wake up again, and it was time for dinner.

Because of the convenience of growing up in the hospital, Letong has been able to make various kinds of food for her baby these days.

Of course, most of these delicacies are limited to light porridge and soup, but baby still enjoys every meal.

Ji Rui has never been idle. When the baby is awake, he and Letong accompany the baby together. When the baby sleeps, he calls from time to time to find out the situation of bone marrow matching. He even sent his baby's bone marrow samples abroad, hoping to find suitable bone marrow in a wider range.

In the twinkling of an eye, Letong has been back in r city for four days, and the baby has been hospitalized for a full week. Every day, the baby is actively cooperating with the treatment, and always in a good mood to have fun with Letong and Ji Rui.

But Letong looked at his thin face day by day, and felt more and more uncomfortable.

The major hospitals in recent days have come back to the results, but also let Letong's heart continue to sink.

[Third watch]