Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 261

At this time, Letong's mood will never be better than Ji Rui's. Even worse than him!

"Mr. Ji, if you're polite, you don't have to worry. I'll accompany the baby well."

Some words, she dare not say too clearly, after all, she is also afraid!

She was afraid that if she was too obvious, men would be suspicious. If a careless truth poked out, let alone let her accompany the baby, probably, even the baby's face will not let her see.

The man didn't speak any more, and Letong didn't know what to say. At this time, they were worried about each other, but they couldn't tell each other. Both sides felt bad. Silence became the handkerchief that covered the wound.

Before dawn, Letong, who had not slept all night, got up and went to the kitchen at the end of the corridor to cook porridge. The meat and mushrooms were chopped into minced meat and added to the soft rice porridge, which smelled delicious. In this way, the baby's appetite would be better.

When she cooked porridge and brought it back to ICU, it was just seven o'clock.

Ji Rui didn't know when he got out of bed and was sitting in front of the sofa flipping through the newspaper. Letong put the big cup of porridge in front of Ji Rui, "Mr. Ji, have some breakfast first."

Ji Rui said thank you, but he didn't mean to do it.

Letong thought that he was in a bad mood and had no appetite, so she comforted him softly, "Mr. Ji, you are the father of the baby. You have to take care of yourself before you can take good care of the baby."

Ji Rui raised his eyelids to look at her, quietly opened the lid, Letong saw that he began to eat, then turned to see the baby.

I don't know if the smell of rice porridge stimulates the baby. Ji Rui only eats a few mouthfuls of rice porridge there, and the baby slowly opens his eyes.

"Baby, wake up?"

Le Tong hastens to gather in the past, hand caresses his forehead, soft voice says.


Baby's voice is no longer crisp, slightly hoarse voice seems to be stuck in the throat can't spit out, with a little confused eyes closely staring at Letong, probably, think everything in front of you is a dream.

Le Tong heart a burst of colic, but with a gentle smile on her face“ Yes, it's my sister. "

He reached under his shoulder and gently lifted him up. He held the cup of warm water on the cupboard and pasted it to his lips.

"Darling, come and drink some water."

The baby's eyes were still fixed on her, but she drank obediently.

"Daddy said that the baby didn't eat well for two days, so he didn't have the strength to speak, did he? Baby eat porridge obediently, just have the strength to talk with elder sister, know? "

The baby nodded, Ji Rui had come over at this time, picked up the baby to wash his teeth and face.

When she came back, Letong had already filled the porridge. She took a spoonful and blew it a few times and handed it to the baby's mouth.

Ji Rui sits on the other side of the bed, embracing the baby and rubbing his head with his big hand.

"Look, daddy didn't cheat you, baby is so good, sister won't want baby."

The baby nodded and looked at Letong without blinking.

However, in a few days, his fleshy face became thin. His eyes were deep, which made his eyes look big and deep. He felt sad when he saw them.

"I'm sorry, my sister's mobile phone was stolen by the thief, so I can't call my baby."

Baby this total fear of being abandoned idea, let Letong nearly tears.

The baby, with a sound, reaches over and holds Letong's waist. She leans into Letong's arms and doesn't speak.

This time, Letong can't hold back her tears any more. She hugs the villain in her arms, hands the bowl, and wipes the tears on her face with her sleeves.

The bowl in his hand was picked up by the man, and a paper towel was stuffed in his hand.

Letong drops her eyes, wipes the tears on her face, sucks her nose, and tries her best to make herself look normal. She doesn't push away Ji Baobao until she stabilizes her mood.

"Honey, come and eat porridge. After that, my sister will accompany you out for a walk."

Listen to Ji Rui said that the baby's physical condition is not bad, as long as you pay attention, you should be able to walk outside the small garden.

Probably because I saw Letong and felt relieved, my baby had a good appetite and ate two bowls of rice porridge at one go.

After eating rice porridge, with the consent of the doctor, Letong and Ji Rui take the baby's hand for a walk.

I don't know whether it's because I met Letong or because I've filled my stomach. The baby's spirit is very good. Her thin face rippled with a brilliant smile. Her two little hands are shaking happily. Looking up at Ji Rui and Letong, her smile is getting stronger and stronger, and her dark eyes are clearly twinkling a bit cunning.

"Daddy, sister, baby is so happy!"

Letong looks down and smiles at him. Baobao doesn't wait for the two adults to speak, and says, "do we look like a family now? My sister is Mommy, daddy and baby

Facing the baby's expectant eyes, Letong has mixed feelings in her heart. She glances at Ji Rui and sees that the other person doesn't hear the baby's words. She just looks at the front without expression. What's rare is that she doesn't have any dissatisfaction or frown.

"Well, it does!" Letong nodded to the baby with a smile.

Letong admits so generously, which is a bit beyond Ji Rui's expectation. He suddenly turns his head and looks at Letong thoughtfully.

Letong just pinches her baby's face to coax her baby. She has no time to pay attention to Ji Rui's reaction.

The baby got the response of Letong, then pulled Ji Rui's hand, and asked in a coquettish tone, "Daddy, do you think we look like it?"

In Baobao's straight-line thinking about this, if my sister and daddy both say that they are like each other, it means there is a play.

Ji Rui takes a deep look at Letong, but the other side doesn't look at him. He turns his eyes back to his son's face. The little face, which had not seen a smile for two or three days, was rarely covered with a bright smile as before.


Ji Rui's answer was far fetched, but it was enough to make the baby almost jump up.

Two small hands tightly holding two people's hands, the pace becomes more cheerful.

It's Letong. It doesn't seem surprising to hear Ji Rui's answer.

Of course, she will not be as naive as Baobao, thinking that Ji Rui really has any idea about her. However, Ji Rui's words a few hours ago made her understand that this man's love for his baby is no less than her.

However, a person with such a character is doomed to love in silence and never talk about love and pain all day long.

It's said that father's love is like a mountain. What he said probably refers to Ji Rui, a man who is old-fashioned and taciturn. His love for the baby, easy not to say, but love deep, love introverted.

If at ordinary times, he will certainly not indulge the baby, but in such a situation, if only a lie can win the baby a smile, this man will never hesitate.