Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1019

Zhu Qianyu has been practicing in Xinying for three days, but the young master hasn't moved.

I go to work and leave work on time every day. When I get home, I play with beibeiguoguo as usual. It seems that I completely forget Zhu Qianyu.

He's not in a hurry, but the others in the Ji family are.

This morning, we all had breakfast around the dining table. Ji Dabao said to the young master who was eating breakfast leisurely, "Xiaobao, I have a piece of information to send to Si Jun, do you have time? Send it to me later! "

The young master didn't even think about it, so he said, "morning? I have an appointment with my client in the morning. Is that OK in the afternoon? "

Ji Dabao said with a smile, "yes, I thought you were more urgent than me. It seems that I was wrong!"

Young master white he one eye, "elder brother, don't think me so bad! I'm a gentleman. I'm not in such a hurry, OK? "

Ji Dabao raised his hand and put the bread in his mouth. "Yes, you are a gentleman. Take your time. Anyway, Beibei fruit is still small, and so is your little bamboo. "

The young master took down the bread and complained wrongly to the girl beside him“ Sister, you have to take care of Ji Dabao. It's getting worse and worse! "

Before Niu Niu had time to answer, Ji Dabao held her in his arms. "Men are not bad, women don't love. A gentleman like you, when can you marry beibeibeiguoguo's little aunt home?"

The young master glared at him and hummed coldly, "full of crooked reasons!", Then he opened his mouth and chewed most of the bread on his hand.

Letong and Ji Rui eat breakfast and watch the opera.

The young master chewed the bread as an enemy, drank a mouthful of milk, and then looked up at Ji Dabao and said, "Ji Dabao, don't cheat me with those crooked ideas. No one knows more about your sister's hard work than me!"

Letong and Niuniu, who are watching, are full of smiles. They want to laugh but dare not. They pretend to watch the brothers tear each other off calmly, but Ji Dabao laughs indifferently.

"I'll hold you back. I'll hold you back. You're not qualified to make fun of me

The implication is that no matter how hard the process is, no matter how tortuous the process is, no matter how bad the father is. The most important thing is that Ji Dabao gets the best result.

Young master, who is still at the starting point, is not qualified to make fun of Ji Dabao, who is a big winner in life with his wife and children in his arms.

"Forget it, I won't tell you!"

The young master angrily got up and left the table, and watched him go out of the dining room angrily. Niu Niu, who was just watching, couldn't help but feel sorry for her younger brother and glared at Dabao, "Ji Dabao, it's a good taste to fall into the well, isn't it?"

Ji Dabao laughs but does not speak, lets Niu Niu fiercely kick under the stage.

The young master drove back to Ji's family, and his anger slowly faded. He began to ponder over Ji Dabao's words just now.

From that day in the coffee shop was bamboo light rain clearly refused, he has been taking a circuitous approach to her.

For nearly ten days, I didn't have much direct contact with her, and even had no chance to speak in private.

When I played that basketball game with a class of boys, I had further contact with her.

Although she is not sure what image she has in her mind, she can feel that after a period of teaching, she has made some changes to herself.

At least, we all enjoyed the meal a few days ago, and she would never look at him with cold and alienated eyes as before.

And since she went to practice these nights, he and she are basically a phone call every night.

Although, most of the content of their conversation revolves around her internship, those trivial and some boring things, the young master actually listens to every night with relish. If he is not afraid that she will be bored, he will never hang up the phone obediently.

So, even if Ji Dabao said that, he didn't think there was anything wrong with his strategy.

What men are not bad, women do not love, go to hell!

Determined to continue crawling in his own way, the young master sends the document to Xinying in the afternoon. He only needs to drive for 10 minutes to see the beautiful picture he has been missing for a few days in the video studio. However, he just sends the document to Tian Fang's office.

"Oh, what brings young master Ji?"

The young master sat down on the sofa in Tian Fang's office with familiarity. "Sister Fang, have a cup of coffee, please."

Tian Fang smiles and shakes her head. She gets up to make coffee for the young master. She moves in her hand, turns her back to the young master and teases, "as long as coffee, nothing else?"

The young master did not lean on the sofa. Listening to her question, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "what else?"

Tian Fang turned around and looked at him with a smile. "Do you want a snack called bamboo light rain?"

The young master curved his fingers indifferently and tapped on the armrest, "no!"

Bamboo light rain this person, for him, is not a snack.

That's his main course!

Therefore, all the previous slow cooking over thin fire is to make this main course more delicious and more suitable for his appetite.

"Tut, how heartless! Did I get the wrong information? Or is that Huanshao who asked me to take care of zhuqianyu a few days ago not you

Tian Fang is just a spectator anyway. She doesn't think it's too big. Ji's brothers seldom take advantage of them. Now, isn't it a pity that she doesn't take advantage of them?

The young master squinted at her, "I didn't say anything. I just told you that there was a student named Zhu Qianyu who came to practice in Xinying. If you don't care about others, are you sure you listened to me?"

Young master and Ji have no chance to win. To Tian Fang, he is the master who can kill each other every minute.

Tian Fang recalled, as if, he really did not say let himself take care of bamboo light rain, only hate, he is too smart!

"All right, all right, I can't tell you. Xiaoyu is working with director Kong and director Fei in Studio 2. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Tian Fang thought that if he said that, the young master would not be able to sit still. Even the coffee was boiled in vain.

Unexpectedly, the young master shook his head firmly, "no!"

Tian Fang Leng for a while, a face can't believe to stare at him, "really don't go?"

The young master hummed firmly, "no!"

Tian Fang can't really guess his mind, "young master, don't tell me, you've lost your interest!"

But it's not very good. Isn't the man of Ji family famous for his love?

The former president of Jida chased his wife for several years, and Fang caught Letong. Later, the young master of Jida took the baby home and raised her for more than ten years. At the end of the year, he formed a daughter-in-law.

Right now, it's the young master's turn. Shouldn't it be another amazing love story?

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