Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1018

On the first day of practice, Zhu Qianyu and the crew stayed in the video studio until nearly nine o'clock.

Because Tian Fang had specially told director Sun that when he finished work, he asked Zhu Qianyu to take the same car with them and take her to the door of the dormitory.

When Zhu Qianyu got out of the car, he heard the melodious sound of guitar. When he opened the yard door, he saw Wang Mengmeng sitting on the doorstep with a guitar playing something.

"Hi, sister Meng." Bamboo light rain with each other say hello, then take the opportunity to sit down beside her.

After the other party nodded to her and continued to play the smooth music, Wang Mengmeng raised her head and said to Zhu Qianyu, who was clapping her hand, "do you work overtime on the first day?"

Bamboo light rain nodded, "yes, but it doesn't matter, can learn a lot."

Although I'm tired from working for most of the day, I'm really satisfied with the bamboo light rain, which is also very substantial.

"Well, come on! The company never raises idle people, but it doesn't bury any talents. Do well! " Wang Mengmeng talks with Zhu Qianyu as an elder.

"You play guitar very well. Have you been learning it for many years?"

Bamboo light rain body although tired, but the spirit is excited very much, body a slant against the pillar, slant looking at Wang Mengmeng.

"Well, it's been ten years. At that time, even when I learned vocal music together, I said that one minute on stage and ten years off stage, that's true. As for you, I heard that you are a director. Why do you want to be a director? It's hard work. "

At first, Wang Mengmeng thought that Zhu Qianyu was the actor or model that Tian Fang was going to support. Later, when she heard that she was a director, she was slightly surprised.

Bamboo light rain did not immediately answer each other's questions, but hands folded pillow in the back of the head, the summer night wind gently lifted her short hair hanging in front of the forehead, with a subtle coolness.

She closed her eyes as if she were thinking and asleep.

Wang Mengmeng couldn't hear her answer and didn't ask any more questions. She lowered her head and pulled out a simple chord intentionally or unconsciously.

The thoughts of bamboo light rain drift farther and farther in the clear string sound, and those imitations are distant memories, which are drawn out by the string sound bit by bit.

"Dad, I want to go to Shengning college like my brother."

"Tell your mother!"

"Dad, I'll buy the same skirt as my sister."

"Tell your mother!"


In my memory, all her requirements beyond her own ability are often asked from her father and finally transferred to her mother.

It can be imagined that the primary school she attended was a free primary school divided by lots. Although junior high school was a women's middle school, it was an experimental middle school in the exploratory stage of the government, and the fees were not high.

A skirt? Yes, it is. It's the same model. However, the elder sister is wearing the limited edition designed by famous teachers. She is wearing the Shanzhai version sold cheaply by Taobao.

After too many similar experiences, she gradually learned not to ask any more from her father.

Then, she began to understand her sister's words, "Xiaoyu, for me, you and my mother, the bamboo house is just a shelter. Except for slander and contempt, you don't want to get anything from here. Therefore, you must strive for success and make good plans for your future. You can't count on mom. She can cook all kinds of delicious food to coax dad's stomach, and the rest is nothing

At that time, she didn't really understand why her sister said her mother was so worthless. As she grew up, she had to agree with her sister.

Now, for her, her sister and her mother, her sister is the backbone and head of the family.

"I want to be a director. I like the sense of control." Zhu Qianyu murmured an answer to Wang Mengmeng.

Whether it's about the plot, the actors, or yourself. She yearned for the feeling of controlling everything.

When the string stops suddenly, Wang Mengmeng turns to look at the bamboo light rain with her eyes still closed, "you are much more mature than I thought!"

Bamboo light rain didn't say anything more, hand holding the cold floor jumped up, natural and unrestrained turned to the house, "I go to take a bath, don't interfere with your practice."

"Well, you've been tired for a long time. Go to bed early after taking a bath."

Wang Mengmeng's caring voice rang out behind him. Bamboo light rain gave a "Oh" and went into the bedroom.

The bathroom is not big. After all, it's a bachelor's dormitory. It can't be compared with the bathroom with luxury bathroom facilities. But bamboo light rain, would rather have this side of the narrow space, also do not want to let her have a sense of belonging in the bamboo home for a long time.

After taking a bath, I came out, tired, bamboo light rain sitting on the bed, open the laptop.

When the phone rings, she is looking at the latest update of a certain webmaster who has been chasing hard recently. Because she is too obsessed with it, she feels the phone and connects it without even looking at the display.


"Light rain?" The sweet baritone makes the bamboo light rain tremble slightly.

This voice sounds more sexy at night. What a sin!

"Ji Lao... Ji Huan?" Ji teacher this title, not easy to be taken back by bamboo light rain.

"Well, it's me!" It's a voice with an obvious smile.

Bamboo light rain brain flashed Ji Huan light hook lip angle appearance, slightly calm, just asked, "so late, what?"

After asking, I felt that my words were too heartless and indifferent, and I was a little bit resistant to others.

Fortunately, the other side does not seem to care about her indifference, still said with a smile, "nothing big, is concerned about the first day of Xiaoyu students internship."

Although Zhu Qianyu is very wary, he is not so ignorant that he tramples on others' care.

One thing she knew very well from the beginning to the end was that Ji Huan never owed her and did so much for her. No matter what his purpose was, since she chose to accept it, she should not always suspect that his motive was impure.

After all, the other party didn't point a gun at her and asked her to accept his kindness and help.

"Are you going to write a report on Freshmen's internship experience?" Bamboo light rain mood is good, say this words of time, lip Cape also involuntarily to rise up.

"Oh, I'm not a reporter. I don't have such a writing style. But if you want to talk to me about Freshmen's internship experience, I'm all ears. "

At this time, young master Ji Huan was sitting on the rocking chair on the balcony of the bedroom with a telephone. One of his long legs was on the chair, and the other was hanging on the ground. Occasionally, he touched the ground, and the rocking chair would swing gently.

Getting this rocking chair is the meaning of Sihan. At that time, the young master didn't like it, but Sihan said, "when you have a little lover, you can sit on the rocking chair with her and watch the starry sky on the moon, not to mention how romantic it is!"

At that time, the young master scoffed at his sister's words.

But now, with a telephone in one hand and a rocking chair in the other, he looks up at the crescent moon hanging in a corner of the sky. Suddenly, in his long arm, which he is eager to stretch out, there is a hot head on his pillow, vaguely telling him about the first day of his internship

[who is Xiaoyu's sister? The answer will be announced tomorrow!]