Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1008

"Well, it's nothing. It's just a small lift. You don't have to worry about it."

Even if the other party said it was just a little help, Zhu Qianyu couldn't accept his help with ease.

She is only a teacher and student to him at most. Why should others use their relationship to help her?

This kind of help, to him, may really be just a simple explanation, but to her, there is no reason to have a sense of being in debt.

The original intention of the call is to ask Ji Huan what to pay attention to in the interview tomorrow. Now, he changes his mind temporarily.

"Miss Ji, are you free tonight? I'd like to invite you to dinner. By the way, I'd like to ask you something to pay attention to in the interview tomorrow. "

At this time, she just wanted not to owe each other's favor, but ignored, this decision is very different from her original intention of carefully avoiding him.

Ji Huan, on the other side of the phone, got the unexpected invitation, and the surprise surged in. It took Rao Shi, who had seen a lot of storms, a few seconds to suppress his excitement and surprise and return to her in a calm and clear voice.

"Yes, I'm going to work near r university later. Would you like to find a restaurant near the school?"

All fools know that what he said was just right, just to accommodate her.

Even if bamboo light rain mouth don't admit, in the heart still can't help but for this man's gentleman behavior a praise.

"OK, that's the Sichuan restaurant where we had dinner last time. Does Mr. Ji remember?"

"I remember, you were at school, right? What time shall I be there? "

All the men surnamed Zhu in Zhu Qianyu's family are very male chauvinist. Therefore, it's rare to be respected by the opposite sex. Even if she doesn't have a good initial impression of him.

"I have a holiday now. I have free time. What time does Mr. Ji finish his work?" Since she invited her to dinner, it was up to her to accommodate each other's time.

"Six thirty, is that all right?" Young master usually leaves work at 5:30, and it takes about an hour from Ji to R.

"OK, I'll book a room and send you the room number."

Here, the young master who hung up just wanted to send a document to Letong's office. When the document was handed over, he asked his mother for leave with a smile.

"Mommy, I'm not going home for dinner tonight."

Letong raised her eyelids and looked at his smiling face.

"To be frank and lenient, who did you make an appointment with?"

The young master stepped to her side with a smile, bent over her neck and put his chin on her shoulder.

"Mommy, Zhu Qianyu asked me to have dinner..." the young master said while shaking Letong happily.

Letong raised his hand and patted the back of his hand, "stop, don't shake it again, baby, Mommy is dizzy!"

The young master is obedient and no longer shakes, but his face rubs like a dog in Letong's neck.

Yue Tong shakes her head with a smile, touches his head with her backhand and rubs it vigorously. "Congratulations, baby, you have finally taken the first step of hope."

Young master like a fool nest in Letong's neck nest, chuckling for a while, from a happy enough, just think of an important thing.

"Mommy, do you want me to buy a bunch of flowers?"

Le Tong immediately denied his proposal, "don't, your little bamboo is such a careful and intelligent person, you take a bunch of flowers, I'm afraid it will backfire."

The young master tilted his head to think about it, nodded his head to show his approval, "well... It's really possible!"

Speaking of sending flowers, Letong remembers the situation when Ji Rui first sent flowers to him. At that time, he was not happy, only geying.

"Xiaobao, flowers are a kind of language, representing the heart of the sender. Girls are very sensitive. You'd better not do this kind of thing before you're sure what she thinks of you. "

The young master who remembers mommy's admonition went in to buy some cakes and desserts that girls all like when he passed a famous snack shop on the road. He increased his speed for fear of being late, and finally arrived at the appointed Sichuan restaurant ahead of time at 6:20.

Before getting off the bus, the young master took off his suit coat, pulled off his tie, untied two buttons on his shirt, and messed up his meticulous hair in the rearview mirror to make him look closer to the age of bamboo light rain.

After subconsciously finishing these, the young master patted his forehead slightly.

What's wrong with him?

I'm not twenty-one. I'm not old at all, OK?

Even if he is a successful white-collar elite, it can not cover up the fact that he is as young as her. But why did he subconsciously make his image like a student?

Sure enough, as long as you care, will all self-confidence and narcissism become beautiful legends?

He has always been very self-confident and narcissistic. In fact, he will secretly worry that in her eyes, he has become an old-fashioned and boring office worker.

Also worry that too good appearance, not only won't attract her favor, but let her feel that there is an insurmountable gap between the two

After a bit of inner and outer discipline, the young master regained his self-confidence and finally walked into the Sichuan restaurant with a laptop bag and a cake box. At this time, it was five minutes before 6:30.

He said the room number to the waiter who came up to greet him. The other party told him that there was someone in the room. Then he led him to the door of the room. After knocking on the door, the door opened from inside. The person behind the door was bamboo light rain, which had not been seen for more than ten days.

"Miss Ji, long time no see."

Bamboo light rain face with a smile, flash to let the young master into the room.

The young master's eyes quickly swept through the room with only him and her, and he was very pleased.

In fact, until the moment before the door opened, he was worried that she was not the only one in the room, and the only two sets of tableware on the dining table relieved all his worries.

"Call me Ji Huan. I'm not really your teacher!"

The young master put his computer bag on the chair and handed her another cake in his hand.

Bamboo light rain doubtfully lowered his head to take the box, his mouth stubbornly insisted, "how can that work? Even if you've only been a teacher for one day, you're also my teacher. "

How can the young master not understand her idea?

As long as she always calls him a teacher, he has to be scrupulous. After all, the teacher-student relationship is also a sacred relationship that can not be profaned.

"Well, you can call it whatever you like." The young master didn't want to argue with her about this. Anyway, she would be happy.

Unconsciously, many of the young master's principles have quietly made way for the girl.

Bamboo light rain holding a beautiful package but can not see the contents of the box, a face not sure to look up at him, "this is?"

"The cakes in this cake shop are delicious. My nieces and nephews love them very much. I just passed by and bought some. By the way, I also brought some for you. You can take them back for supper or breakfast."