Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1007

"I am. Excuse me, are you?"

Bamboo light rain alert heart suddenly, eyes began to look around, see dormitory outside a calm, heart just a little down some.

Yes, in the eyes of others, including her father, she and her sister are useless losers. There's no need to spend so much effort on them.

"Hello, I'm Si Jun, the boss of Xinying entertainment group. Your teacher, Ji Huan, recommended you to be an intern here. I've read your resume and think it's suitable in all aspects. Please bring your resume to the company headquarters for an interview at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Bamboo light rain was the pie fell from the sky hit some trance, originally, after that day, she did not put it in mind.

In particular, Ji Huan has been going to her phone for so long, but he never called her to mention it. In the last two classes, he was the same as usual. She thought that he had forgotten all about it.

Originally, this kind of rich childe is just like this. If you think it's fun, you can play with everything. If you've had enough, how can you remember the promise you made when you played?

So, she is going to go to the city tomorrow to see where to take summer work students. It doesn't matter whether she is a waiter or a supermarket salesman. In short, she can have an excuse to stay in r city.

"Yes, I am Zhu Qianyu. Sorry, I don't know the specific location of the Xinying entertainment group mentioned by Mr. Si. Can you tell me the specific address and contact information? "

In fact, Zhu Qianyu doesn't believe that such a good thing will happen to her. You know, although this company was founded in recent years, it has grown rapidly in recent years. Now, it seems that it has the momentum and posture of a leading big brother.

Many fresh graduates in the school want to get into the heart.

"Besides, Mr. Si, may I venture to ask?"

"Well, go ahead!"

"Ji Huan, well, I mean teacher Ji, is he an employee of Xinying?"

If it's true, Ji Huan, who can bring good luck to her, is probably a relative of the boss of Xinying or a senior manager of Xinying.

"Sorry, it's an internal matter of the company. It's not convenient to disclose."

Si Jun refused very tactfully, but not to let bamboo light rain disgust.

"Well, I understand. I'm sorry. I took the liberty." Bamboo light rain quickly apologized, no matter what Si Jun said is true or false, she did not want to gain or lose him before the research is clear.

"It's OK, Miss Zhu. The company's address and contact information have been sent to your email. Please come to the interview on time tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Qianyu first searched a pile of enterprise information of Xinying entertainment on the Internet, and then opened the mailbox. By comparison, she found that all the information sent by Si Jun was consistent with the enterprise information she collected on the Internet.

Even Si Jun, who has been introduced on the Internet, is a special help from the boss of Xinying. According to a gossip, the boss of Xinying has never been seen before. Usually, Si Jun handles everything on behalf of the boss.

It seems that this is true!

After carefully confirming all the information, Zhu Qianyu couldn't help shouting "oh yeah!" with joy

"Little bamboo, did you win the grand prize? So happy

Another roommate was packing up to go home. She was startled by her sudden cry.

"Hahaha, it's almost like winning the grand prize. I've found an internship unit."

Generally speaking, even if many companies accept interns, they only accept senior students. After the internship, if appropriate, they will become regular employees.

Freshman she can find internship unit, roommates also feel incredible, curiously come to see, "what unit? Professional counterparts? "

Waiting to see the heart shadow entertainment on the screen, roommates can't help exclaiming, "Wow, is it heart shadow entertainment?"

"Yes, they told me to go for an interview at ten tomorrow." Bamboo light rain has always been very confident of themselves, since she can go to the interview, she is confident to stay until the end.

"Tut Tut, little bamboo, you are so lucky! How jealous

At the beginning of its establishment, Xinying entertainment only signed artists, but with the expansion of the scale in the past two years, it also began to invest in making films. This year, half of the hot films were made by Xinying investment.

To practice in such a strong development momentum company, even if it is just a chore, it is bound to learn a lot of practical things. Therefore, it is normal that bamboo light rain will be envied and envied by roommates.

After chatting with her roommate, Zhu Qianyu calls Fang Ziqing and tells her that she won't have to go to work with her tomorrow.

Fang Ziqing asked why, bamboo light rain said to her after, and then, Fang Ziqing's reaction is the same as her roommate.

Finally, he said with regret, "well, I also want to go with you to practice in Xinying, but my parents won't let me go."

Bamboo light rain comforted her a few words, and chatted some gossip, then hung up the phone.

Zhu Qianyu has never worked outside. Although the idea of becoming an intern has been in her mind for a long time, she is a little confused at this stage. What should she do next?

After searching some strategies on the Internet, she always felt that what she wrote was flashy. She thought about it and couldn't figure out why. Finally, she had to ask for help from her omnipotent sister.

When she took out the phone and pulled it out, there was a mechanical female voice in the microphone: "the phone you pulled can't be connected for the time being, please pull it later.".

Bamboo light rain have no way, finally, had to pull through that she thought he would never call.

Almost immediately after the phone rang, "Hello

The beautiful baritone that I haven't seen for a long time suddenly bumps into the eardrum, which makes Zhu Qianyu, who is already psychologically prepared, feel stunned for a moment. His heart trembles uncontrollably and takes a deep breath before he says, "Hello, is that Ji... Teacher Ji? I am bamboo light rain

"It's me, Hello!" The voice from the microphone sounds more magnetic and pleasant than usual. It seems to have a gentle taste?

Bamboo light rain hard to shake head, secretly scold yourself, what do you think? Who are you? Can people be gentle with you?

"Mr. Ji, just now I received a call from Mr. Xin Ying Entertainment Department, informing me to go for an interview at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Thank you for contacting such a good internship unit for me."

Zhu Qianyu has known Ji Huan for some time. For the first time, he spoke to each other in such a soft voice. Unexpectedly, there was silence in the microphone.

Bamboo light rain thought he said something wrong, heart mentioned half empty, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "teacher Ji?"

"Well, it's nothing. It's just a small lift. You don't have to worry about it."