Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

Chatper 1561

Standing up slowly, he handed over the flowers again, "My wife, I\'m sorry."

Shao Lanlan twisted her fingers in a complicated mood, stared at his face for a long time before asking, "Are you still going to listen?"

"Listen." Nie Qinghao nodded obediently, like a big kid who knows his mistakes and corrects them.

Seeing him like this, Shao Lanlan couldn\'t help but want to laugh again, her heart was sour, spicy, salty... and sweet all came up.

She raised her hand and smoked a flower and smelled it...

It is very fragrant, it is the fragrance of roses, but it looks like morning glory, the flowers are gorgeous, and the stamens are golden and charming.

"From now on, don\'t run around for me!" Shao Lanlan carried a flower behind her back, her chest straightened out, and she looked heroic.

Nie Qinghao squinted those seductive peach blossom eyes, and his eyes swept over her proud figure, with her forward and backward, graceful and graceful...

I just like the "dominant" beautiful appearance of my wife.

"Yes, I\'ll listen to my wife." He smiled, feeling beautiful in his heart.

Shao Lanlan gave him a white look, "Let\'s go!"

"Wife, Hua." Seeing her turn around and leave, Nie Qinghao hurried to catch up.

Shao Lanlan waved her hands, "No!"

"Well, my husband worked so hard to pick it."

"I\'ve already taken it." She shook a branch in her hand.

Nie Qinghao clung to her with a smile, and said ambiguously: "Then I put all these in your room?"

Shao Lanlan turned her head and glared at him, "Do you want my father to know about our relationship? If you\'re smart, I hope you give it to Shao Kexin!"

Nie Qinghao was taken aback, "But... But, this is a love flower."

"Give it to Rosie!"


The guests in the Duke\'s mansion had almost left, and even Shao Bing and his wife accompanied the old man to the hotel.

Shao Qiang was drinking with a few guests, and when he saw Shao Lanlan leading Nie Qinghao over, he beckoned them to eat together.

"Dad, his clothes are wet, and he said he needs to change them first, so you can eat." Shao Lanlan shook her hand.

And the Second Young Master Nie who was following her looked embarrassed, nodded to everyone, said "sorry" a few times, then Mingrui swept his eyes, and rushed over after seeing Rossi...

"These flowers are for you."

Rossi was slightly surprised, "You went to other islands just to pick this kind of flowers?"

Nie Qinghao blushed slightly, "No... no, I picked it by the way, give it to your bride."

Rossi patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Thank you, let\'s sit down and eat together."

"Okay, I\'ll ask the butler to get me a suit of clothes."

When the butler heard that he was going to change clothes, he ordered the servant to prepare a set, but Nie Qinghao refused, saying that he must wear his own.

Andro saw what he was thinking, "Do you want someone to bring your luggage here?"

"Yes, please send someone to the hotel from the housekeeper. My luggage is still in the service desk."

After Nie Qinghao finished speaking, he laughed, and Andro understood that the young master was trying to find a reason to come and live here.

"Okay, I\'ll arrange a room for you."

The housekeeper left, and Nie Qinghao walked towards Shao Junfei\'s table with a smile. There were still a group of children sitting beside Shao Junfei, but everyone had eaten enough.

"Second young master, did you intend to disappear before?" Shao Junfei patted his shoulder after he sat down and said, "Do you want my second sister to take good care of you?"

Nie Qinghao glanced around in a panic, then gently pulled his hand, "Hey, don\'t talk nonsense."

"Where am I talking nonsense, others can\'t see it, so I can\'t see it?" Shao Junfei glanced at his sister\'s table, and stretched out his finger, "Look at my second sister, she is looking at you."

Nie Qinghao pinched his nose in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "That\'s because she was afraid that I would make a fool of myself, and she brought me here."

"Stop pretending, you and my second sister were messing around in the backyard that night, I started to suspect you."

Ling Qiyang on the side heard this, and looked up at Nie Qinghao curiously. Nie Qinghao smiled at him, "Hello! Little handsome guy, we meet again."

Ling Qiyang nodded lightly and stood up, "Eat slowly, I\'ll find my sister."

Only Shao Junfei and Nie Qinghao were the only children left at the table, and they had nothing to shy away from. Nie Qinghao looked at Shao Junfei with a smile, "You are really good, after all, you are the son of the commander."

"Oh! That\'s because your acting skills are too bad. The way you look at my second\'s the way boys like girls, and you don\'t know how to cover it up." Shao Junfei raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Really?" Nie Qinghao took the chopsticks and twirled between his fingers, fixed the direction, and pointed at the two girls who were playing not far away, "The second son likes pickled vegetables very much, right? I also saw the look in your eyes just now." Here we go."

"Don\'t talk nonsense, she is too young to make such jokes."

"Oh, I\'m blushing, hey! Since you see that I am your second brother-in-law, please do me a favor. Don\'t let your uncle know, I\'m a little afraid of him."

Shao Junfei smiled, "My uncle is careless, he must not have noticed the signs yet, as long as you don\'t keep sticking to my second sister, he probably won\'t doubt it, don\'t worry."

How could it be possible not to stick to Shao Lanlan?