Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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Now that Nie Qinghao has gone to sea, he can only report to Chu Lei.

When Chu Lei heard about it, he immediately dispatched the guards and asked them to go out on yachts and speedboats to search for him. A lively dinner party was lost because of Nie Qinghao\'s disappearance, and everyone who knew it was worried.

However, just when the men were fully armed and rushed to the beach to board the boat, Nie Qinghao came back.

Holding a large bouquet of pink flowers in his hand, with a smile on his face, he looked at a group of soldiers, including Shao Bing and Zhou Zixuan, and asked strangely, "Where do you want to go?"

Shao Bing raised his brows together, with hesitation on his face, he turned around and dragged his younger brother Shao Qiang by his side, and left.

Zhou Zixuan hurried over and asked Nie Qinghao: "What\'s the matter with you? It\'s getting dark, and you just came back?"

A good dinner party was disrupted by him.

"I\'m sorry, the yacht is out of gas. I got someone to fill it up before I came back. Look, these are the flowers I picked for Lan Lan. Are they good-looking?" Nie Qinghao didn\'t know that everyone was in a hurry to find him.

Zhou Zixuan didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry, "You went to the opposite island just to pick this kind of flowers?"

"Yeah, when I was walking by the sea, I saw a fisherman girl holding such a bouquet of flowers. I asked her where she picked them, and she said that the opposite island is the famous island of flowers, where these flowers grow. Agapanthus..."

Before he finished speaking, Shao Lanlan\'s angry roar came from not far away: "Nie Qinghao!"

Nie Qinghao raised a hand to respond, but Zhou Zixuan pressed his hand and reminded in a low voice: "Be careful, we thought you were missing before, and we were going to find you. You didn’t even have a good dinner, which made everyone unhappy, and she will definitely scold you to death.”

Nie Qinghao\'s face changed slightly, "I..."

"You deal with her yourself, I\'m going back." Zhou Zixuan waved his hand and left with the guards.

On the beach, the moonlight sheds a faint light, illuminating the opposite lovers.

"Nie Qinghao!" Shao Lanlan stared at him angrily, "Why haven\'t you matured yet?"

Now Nie Qinghao really knows that he has "caused trouble". You must know that tomorrow is Shao Kexin\'s wedding. Shao Bing and the others came over tonight. Everyone gathered happily to eat and drink, but the news of his "disappearance" made people panic , parted on bad terms...

How many people would despise him and call him childish in their hearts.

He originally wanted to pick a bouquet of flowers to express his love to his wife and make her happy, but in the end...

"I\'m sorry, wife, I didn\'t mean it. There was a problem with the speedboat. I dealt with it, and was too late."

He moved towards Shao Lanlan carefully, and slowly stretched out a large bouquet of flowers in his arms, "Look, I picked this for you. It\'s called love flower, and it\'s very fragrant."

"I don\'t want it!" Shao Lanlan waved her hand angrily.


A bouquet of flowers was scattered on the white sand.

Under the bright moonlight, the white sand against the pink flowers is particularly beautiful, and the petals after the water drops are crystal clear under the moonlight, which is even more charming and beautiful.

Nie Qinghao slowly knelt down and picked up the flowers one by one.

When he went out to sea, he was only wearing a white shirt and black trousers. Because the speedboat was driving fast, his shirt was half wet, and even his hair was half wet.

The hair on his forehead was drooping, half covering his black eyebrows, under the long eyelashes, those slender eyes had a hint of melancholy, no matter how you looked at them, they were "poor".

Shao Lanlan\'s heart skipped a beat, and she regretted losing her temper at him.

He... Maybe he really wasn\'t just for fun, but to pick such a bouquet of love flowers and give it to her.

Finding two flowers at her feet, she slowly raised her feet... wanting to move away.

"Don\'t step on it!"

Nie Qinghao shouted in a hurry, stretched out his long arms to pick up the flowers, and then blew carefully, blowing off the sand on them.

He was so careful, even his eyes were sincere, and his deep voice was full of sincerity, "I picked it with my heart."

These words actually hit Shao Lanlan\'s heartstrings...

Her heart was beating fast, and her eye sockets were also slightly hot.

Nie Qinghao raised his head slightly, Mingrui glanced at her secretly, seeing the subtle expression on her face, he was overjoyed.