Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 676: Why are you crazy about him here without understanding

"No, I'm going to retreat again!" Bai Jinchuan turned and left.

Wang Ziyang nodded and said, "The winter vacation just happens to be coming soon, and I will go to Wolong Mountain for meditation."

Meng Yuanxi looked around and sorted out all the case files, a full one meter high.

Holding this meter-high document, he snapped a picture of his apprentice Mo Ran's desk and said, "Little Mo, Master is going to retreat. You can do these tasks. Oh, yes, the old guy is about to retire. , I may want to be promoted, the deputy will be vacant, and I will recommend you at that time."

Ink stain:...

Seeing Master's back in a hurry to leave, he sighed.

Now the people in the entire group of cultivating immortals have basically worked hard.

But it's okay to do this. People like them have improved their cultivation levels, and they can better resolve irregular cases in the future.

Of course, the cultivation of the people in the Dao Sect has collectively improved, so a series of new rules must be formulated for everyone to follow.

Otherwise, the people inside the Dao Sect will cause chaos, and if possible, the impact will be even greater.

Just do it.

Mo Ran turned around and asked Man Xin and the others to sort out the recent cases, look at the qualitative and the scope of influence of the cultivation base, etc.

The rules must be worked out as quickly as possible.

Every place is busy, and Lin Rui, the first person in the Taoist School...just took a vocal theory class.

Although she does not develop into singing, some basic courses still need further study.

But Lin Rui was not ashamed of learning anything.

And learn faster than anyone else.

Over there, Chen Yiyi had some criticisms of Lin Rui because of his frustration, but half a year has passed since he was originally a lively and simple person.

He approached Lin Rui and asked, "Lin Rui, you understand all these vocal knowledge."


Chen Yi scratched his hair one by one, "But I have a better foundation than you, and I have learned more than you, so I don't understand."


Chen Yiyi:...

Du Su, who was next to him, sneered and said, "Isn't it boring to ask yourself?"

"Hmph, does it have anything to do with you?" Chen Yi snorted, then said, "Do you understand?"

"I didn't understand."

Chen Yiyi was speechless.

I didn't understand why I was mad here with him, what to drag! ╭(╯^╰)╮!

Although Lin Rui did not practice and study with Chen Yiyi and the others during this period, in the past six months, all the theoretical knowledge that the trainees need to learn, Lin Rui has learned in advance.

As for physical training, those are not a problem for Lin Rui.

The main thing is acting class, Lin Rui needs to make up for it during this winter vacation.

Therefore, she can easily catch up with the learning progress of Chen Yiyi and others.

As for the other person in their group...Sun Zhirou hasn't come yet.

Class was over here, Ouyang Qian came over with a glass of water and handed it to Lin Rui.

After Lin Rui took it, the two walked towards Luohuacheng's office together.

"In this winter vacation, you have arrangements, so you will be very busy." Ouyang Qian was worried again and looked at Lin Rui in admiration.

Naturally, the worry is that most people can't stand such high-intensity training and learning.

What's more, Lin Rui is just a girl of seventeen or eighteen.

What I admire is... Lin Rui not only persevered, but never said bitterness or tiredness.

Moreover, she worked hard to complete all the training and learning!