Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 675: Originally smiled for nothing

This time, Lin Rui still went with Grid. There was no way. Even if Lin Rui's force value exploded, in the eyes of his old father, Lin Zikang, he was still worried about his daughter's safety.

There is a saying that the mother is worried about the child.

Dad is even more worried when a girl travels thousands of miles!

Lin Zikang knows that his daughter is very good and will definitely fly high in the future, so he will also learn to let go and let his daughter do whatever he likes to do.

But the premise is that safety must be guaranteed.

Lin Rui understood Lin Zikang's painstaking efforts, so he took the squares easily.

Here is Lin Rui, who Ouyang Qian took Zheng Yi to the airport to pick up. Because the popularity of Kung Fu teenagers has gradually declined, Lin Rui has no works recently, so no fans pick up the plane.

But Ouyang Qian insisted that Lin Rui wear a hat and sunglasses to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Lin Rui is still very cooperative in these matters and will not do anything indiscriminately.

When she was sitting in the car and heading to Jianglan Yunting, Ouyangqian took out a bunch of materials and said, "Rui Rui, do you remember the freak who was at the same time as you? She has already made her debut. She has taken a sweet route and has acting skills. It is also online, and the popularity is soaring. There are already more than five million fans on Weibo."

Lin Rui has more fans than her, but there are also some reasons why Yunze helped turn around and Fu Yunzhi brought some big alliances to help propaganda.

Therefore, it's not bad that there are so many fans for the new debut.

"Moreover, it is also rumored that I have stopped going to school, and now I am dedicated to accepting announcements and scripts."

"Oh." Lin Rui replied without looking up, his eyes still on a composition book in his hand.

As for Chinese composition, Lin Rui has read a lot of books, so when he started to write things, he hand-picked the essays.

She now needs to learn more writing methods and then master them.

It's annoying to deduct points every time you write a composition!

Lin Rui thought so.

While others are working hard to improve their scores, Lin Rui's goal has reached the point of how to turn all subjects into full marks.

She still only spent less than one-third of her usual time studying.

After all, Lin Rui still has to practice.

Her current cultivation base has reached the eighth floor of the foundation building, not too far away from the Golden Core Stage.

In addition, that Dongfang Qingqiu seems to have evaporated from the world, and can no longer be found. Even the Qi Liuhai girl in the original photo also disappeared.

And now the entire Dao Sect, because Bai Jinchuan and others have broken through the foundation building one after another, they also showed a new upsurge in cultivation, everyone worked hard, and the cultivation base has made great progress.

Bai Yixiao finally succeeded in cultivating from the second qi refining level to the third qi refining level.

She can use some elementary mortal spells!

For example, the dust purification technique, such as the primary domain enchantment technique.

But when he pi Dian Pi Dian, when he ran to Mo Ran, he learned that Mo Ran was already the eighth level of Qi training.

Bai smiled:...

Mo Ran said lightly at the corner of his mouth, "Smile, keep going."

"Huh! ╭(╯^╰)╮"

Not surprisingly, apart from Lin Rui and Bai Jinchuan before, the first person in the next generation to break through the foundation building should be Mo Stained.

Currently his cultivation base is the highest.

As for the three elderly people, with Lin Rui's guidance, Bai Jinchuan's cultivation base has reached the third floor of the foundation.

Wang Ziyang and Meng Yuanxi have reached the second floor of the base.

The three of them were very satisfied with their current cultivation level, but they heard that Lin Rui had already built the eighth floor! ! ! ! !

The three older ones:...