Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 656: Why don't you want such a good man

But in Lin Zijian's view, Jiang Yuan's smile was full of bitterness and loneliness.

After all, those who are drifting, none of them really want to drift from the heart.

All helpless.

The back is all depressed.

Lin Rui looked at Lin Zijian and then at Jiang Yuan. She blinked and said, "Uncle, let's keep talking first. I have things to do and I have to go home first."

"Rui Rui, thank you for what happened today." Jiang Yuan said sincerely.

Lin Rui waved his hand and said, "Sister Yuan, if you say that, you will be out of sight."

"Oh, by the way, Rui Rui, that Cheng Jing and Cheng Xiao are also in Jincheng now, you and your family, be careful." Jiang Yuan said a little worried.

Lin Rui lowered his eyes slightly.

"Maybe, who needs to be more careful."

Jiang Yuan was startled, but didn't understand what Lin Rui meant.

But Lin Rui waved his hand and turned and went out.

Lin Zijian was not surprised here. In his opinion, since his niece Rui Rui said so, she had her own reason.

He thought for a while, and said, "It's not convenient for you to live in a hotel now? Yes, you don't have your ID card. Then, you can live in my studio first, and there is a bedroom where you can rest. Anyway, I am now. Live at home. As for other things, take your time and don’t worry about it."

"Thank you, Brother Lin." Jiang Yuan nodded gratefully.

In this way, Lin Zijian took Jiang Yuan and went to his studio.

Lin Zijian changed the location of his studio.

The new studio is closer to the school where he teaches, and the location is right between the Lin Zijian school and the Lin family.

Lin Zijian had been busy for a long time and finally helped Jiang Yuan settle down first.

Jiang Yuan looked at Lin Zijian's profile...In fact, Lin Zijian was older than Cheng Jing, and he was not as handsome as Cheng Jing.

There is no force behind Cheng Jing.

But Jiang Yuan found that every time she gets along with Lin Zijian, she feels very comfortable and very natural.

Not to mention, two people have similar hobbies, and they are particularly speculative in talking and doing things.

Therefore, when Lin Zijian settled her down and planned to leave the studio, Jiang Yuan suddenly asked, "Brother Lin, are you... still planning to get married in the future?"

When Lin Zijian heard this, he couldn't help but cry, "Hey, I was told by my mother for a long time at home, why did you say me when I got to you?"

"Your mother asked you to remarry?"

"Well, she said she was worried that I will be old and no one can support it, hey," Lin Zijian said dubiously, "This old lady, every day I think about it is every day."

Jiang Yuan's expression condensed slightly, she coughed slightly, and pretended to ask casually, "Then if you remarry, what kind of woman would you want to find?"

"I do not……"

"I mean hypothetical."

Lin Zijian was taken aback for a moment, then stared at the person in front of him, his eyes widened, as if angry, but he didn't seem to be angry.

He thought for a while, and finally said honestly, "I don't know either."

Jiang Yuan: ...

"Okay, go and do your job as soon as possible."

Obviously it was Lin Zijian's studio, but Jiang Yuan directly ordered to expel the guest.

Lin Zijian has a good temper and is not angry at all. He also told Jiang Yuan that there is a cake in Jincheng that is very delicious, and he will help her bring some cake next time.

"Also, I have prepared cash for you, and you can use this directly when you buy things. I have prepared a mobile phone for you, and the card is ready. Contact me if you have anything. I will tell you that my studio is My friends borrowed them, and they wouldn’t go to the studio to find me, and..."

Jiang Yuan looked at Lin Zijian's attentive and considerate manner, and she suddenly sighed in her heart.

Why did Wang Jie not want such a good man?