Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 655: Not born duckweed

After chatting for a while, Lin Zijian finally understood the whole story.

"As soon as my card is used, they will find me. I still happened to meet Rui Rui, otherwise, I don't know what to do." Jiang Yuan sighed helplessly.

Lin Rui sat next to him and suddenly asked, "Sister Yuan, who is your family asking you to marry the Cheng family?"

"Cheng Jing, he was chosen as the next Patriarch of the Cheng family, so he immediately became hot, and some women from the upper-class nobles wanted to marry him. In the Imperial City, the Jiang family’s status is similar to that of the Cheng family. Marriage is of great benefit to both families. "Jiang Yuan laughed at herself. "I thought I could escape the family marriage, but I didn't expect that I would still be unable to escape this fate."

"Cheng Jing should have a daughter," Lin Rui said suddenly.

Jiang Yuan raised her head, nodded, and said, "Yes! And that girl has changed her name and is now called Cheng Xiao."

"Cheng Xiao," Lin Rui picked up the water glass, took a sip of water, hooked the corner of his mouth.

The Jiang family naturally investigated Cheng Jing's identity clearly, but even though Cheng Jing changed his surname to Cheng later.

But what people say is the next Patriarch.

So the Jiang family didn't mind this at all, let alone that he was married.

As for his child, since it is a girl, it doesn't have much influence.

They won't grab property or something.

At least, the Jiang family thought so.

Jiang Yuan looked at Lin Rui and said guiltily, "Rui Rui, because of Cheng Jing's ex-wife, my family has also investigated your Lin family."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. The marriage is your adults' business, and I don't care about it. However, if the Jiang family really disturbs my house, I won't be indifferent."

Jiang Yuan was startled.

She originally thought that Lin Rui was just a smart and beautiful girl, but she did not expect that this girl was so powerful!

Lin Zijian said next to him, "Jiang Yuan, don't blame Rui Rui for saying this. This girl takes special care of her family. However, whatever Rui Rui does, I will fully support her!"? "The feelings of your family That's great." Jiang Yuan said with some envy.

Although Lin Zijian and his brother divorced one after another, the atmosphere in their home is very good and very warm.

After all, when he was in Wolong Mountain, Jiang Yuan saw them all enjoying themselves.

Not like her home.

The grandma, who thought she loved her most, even organized the game with others, making her a victim of the family.

Jiang Yuan has always been very rebellious and her personality is very open and casual.

The most disgusting thing like family marriage!

After listening to Jiang Yuan's words, Lin Zijian didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a while, he asked, "Then what are your plans for the future?"

"My documents have been detained, and I lost the car I drove before, otherwise they will find me. Now I am penniless and homeless. I hope you can help me first. You Don't worry, it won't take long. I have already contacted my friends abroad. When she helps me send the information, I will be ready to go abroad. When I return to the foreign country to settle down, I will pay you back."

"Don't say that, you are my friend, I will definitely help you," Lin Zijian hesitated before asking, "Aren't you coming back anymore?"

"I used to think that my family was my nostalgia, but now I find that I am still suitable for duckweed." Jiang Yuan smiled when she said this.