Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 652: I am thinking about rabbits by the edge of the nest

"Well, he is a smart boy. It would be bad if he kept going like this in the second year of high school."

Mother Li quickly said that after she hung up the phone, she turned around and called her husband to discuss the matter with her son.

When Li Tao was over from school, he saw Lin Rui.

He immediately made a face, turned and left.

Lin Rui naturally noticed Li Tao's reaction. She suddenly realized it and said to Qibao in the space, "No wonder he ignored me during this period. It turns out that I forgot the birthday gift he asked for."

"Yes." Qibao said unconsciously.

Anyway, he is already standing in line. As for the others, he can only provide candles with friendship.

Lin Rui also thought that he was a bit too much. After all, he promised to give Li Tao a birthday present, but he broke his promise.

She immediately called Zheng Yi, who was far away in the Imperial City, and asked him to help buy a birthday present that boys would like.

After all, Lin Rui didn't know what Li Tao would like. After thinking about it, she decided to ask Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi knows what Yun Shao thinks of Lin Rui.

So when he heard that Lin Rui was going to give a boy a birthday present, he told Yunze about it as soon as possible.

Zheng Yi: Shao Yun, isn't this boy you? I remember, your birthday is also past, and it's not that Lin Feng.

Yunze looked at the text message sent by Zheng Yi, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was silent for a long time.

Then the people in the entire conference room felt that the conference room was getting colder and colder.

Only Chen Qi got up with special experience and poured himself a cup of hot water, and then leaned his hands on it to keep warm.

Zheng Yi was still there and continued to beep.

Zheng Yi: Don't worry, Shao Yun, I will help you find out who is that boy. Don't worry, don't be angry.

Zheng Yi felt that Yunze hadn't replied for so long, and it must have been brewing stormy anger.

He compares his heart to heart. If Qianqian buys gifts for other men, he will probably also... well, he has nothing to do with Qianqian now...

Zheng Yi: Boss, who do you want to give? I don't know his preferences either.

Zheng Yi: You should at least tell me how old he is.

Lin Rui: My classmate.

Zheng Yi squatted and almost threw the phone.

It turns out that the grass on the edge of the nest is thinking about the rabbit? !

Lin Rui swiped in another message.

Lin Rui: If you can't help it, I will ask someone to help.

Zheng Yi: I, I, I, I know what to buy, don’t worry, I’ll buy it today and mail it to your school!

Lin Rui: Well, how much money, I will call you then.

Zheng Yi: Ok.

After listening to the enemy, Zheng Yi told Yunze all this, and Yunze's reply was quick.

Yunze: You can help buy a football, oh, the most expensive one.

Zheng Yi thought for a long time, and finally sighed.

Shao Yun is really black.

Zheng Yi is very nervous, buying this gift by himself and mailing it, is it really all right?

He immediately bought the most expensive football and mailed it to Lin Rui, and then sent a few hundred words of explanation to Lin Rui.

Zheng Yi waited very nervously for Lin Rui to get angry. As a result... After Lin Rui made sure that the other party had helped buy the gift, he didn't take a closer look, and turned around to do the problem.

So in the afternoon of the next day, classmate Li Tao received the late birthday present.

A ball.

Li Tao:...

The temper that had been suppressed throughout the summer vacation finally broke out at this moment.

He came directly to Class One and called out Lin Rui.