Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 651: I can only help you here

Taoist? A line?

Lin Rui has never linked the two together!

Now that they suddenly joined together, Lin Rui found that he was panicked in his heart.

Qibao was in the space, and the owner Lin Rui could be seen flustered and confused.

He sighed like an adult.

Oops, Ahang, I risked my life and can only help you here.

Next, it's up to you to be upset.

What happened later proved that Ah Xing, that is, Yunze was quite "competitive".

Of course, for the time being, Lin Rui stopped contacting Yunze because of her mood. She needed to recite the Heart-Clearing Mantra 10,000 times.

Fortunately, after coming back to Jincheng, school was about to start, and Lin Rui let himself go back to the days of practice and study.

However, one thing was in front of Lin Rui.

Sophomore in high school.

Lin Rui entered the experimental class of the first grade of high school, which is the class of Chinese teacher Gao Ling.

Luan Ying also joined this class and continued to be classmates with Lin Rui.

However, in Class 10, only two of them were in Class 1 of the second year of high school. Others, such as Zhao Qi, entered Class 2 because of their good science.

The others are scattered in other classes.

Although Li Tao had made great progress in his grades this year, he still couldn't get into the first class. Therefore, after struggling for a long time, he chose science.

He was in class four, and it happened that the head teacher was Li Yingzhi.

Because he just chose liberal arts, he couldn't be classmates with Lin Rui. Li Tao didn't like to study liberal arts, and was better at science.

But after the division into classes, Li Tao was very dull. After school started for a long time, his condition was not good, and he couldn't listen to the class, so he slept on the table during class.

Li Yingzhi finally called Li Tao into the office one day, and asked seriously, "Li Tao, your condition is a bit wrong. Have you encountered any difficulties?"

After more than a year of getting along, Li Tao also had a good impression of Li Yingzhi, the teacher.

So he suppressed his temper and said, "Mr. Li, I'm fine."

"You sleep in every class and don't do any test papers. Isn't that okay?" Li Yingzhi actually guessed some things, but felt that there are some things that children may not accept if they say something wrong.

She said patiently, "You have two years left in high school, and you have to know that your life is very long, these two years are fleeting. In the future, there will be four years of university, and then after graduation, Entering society, wait, wait, it’s very long."

Li Tao looked at the toe of his shoe.

"Yes, it's long. Then the longer and further..." he muttered to himself.

Li Yingzhi sighed.

After talking about it, Li Tao remained the same, and she couldn't help it.

However, even though Li Tao was asked to return to the classroom, Li Yingzhi didn't want to give up Li Tao just like that. After all, she just watched and improved little by little.

This child is clever and has a high level of savvy. If he keeps up with the energy of the first year of high school, he will be admitted to a university by the time of the college entrance examination.

So after talking to Li Tao to no avail, Li Yingzhi called Li's mother again.

Originally, mother Li was very happy because of her son's first year of high school, but when she received a call from Li Yingzhi, she frowned.

She is very grateful to Li Yingzhi, "Thank you, Teacher Li, Xiaotao, I will think of a solution as soon as possible."