Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 647: Master is several hundred years old, why don't you find a Taoist companion?

In other words, his cultivation base was already higher than Lin Rui when he was crossing the robbery!

Seeing that Lin Rui agreed to go to the dream here, Qibao thought that Ah Xing would definitely not refuse to go to the dream.

Certainly not.

The dreaming technique was easier and easier than Lin Rui imagined.

Almost the moment her spiritual sense touched Yunze, Yunze relaxed.

Let her unblocked.

Lin Rui's heart shook slightly.

How much do you trust her!

Lin Rui found that Yunze's dream turned out to be a bamboo forest, and the melodious sound of the zither echoed in the bamboo forest.

It was the song she played at Yunyu that day.

The person playing the piano at this time is Yunze.

Yunze wore a white dress with long hair fluttering, just what he was wearing when he was making tea at Wolong Mountain Villa.

No, this is Ahang!

When Lin Rui came, if he felt something, the piano sound continued, but he raised his head and smiled at Lin Rui.

It was originally an extremely prosperous face, but after seeing Lin Rui, it was even more bright as a hundred flowers blooming.

The corners of the eyes are full of affection.

Make no secret of it.

Lin Rui was in a daze, not sure if the scene at this time was in a dream or when they were playing the piano together.

"Master, do you know how to play this song?"

"I will!" Lin Rui replied subconsciously.

Ah Xing smiled and shook his head, "Last time you said yes, but you didn't play it right. Come and I will teach you again."

"Are you the master or am I the master?"

"You are the master." A Xing said with a smile, "to be a teacher for one day, and to be... a master for life."

Lin Rui felt strange, but he still came over and sat next to A Xing.

A Xing's fingers are long and white, but his eyes are soft.

Not long ago, the embarrassed young man had grown up and became elegant and handsome.

Lin Rui remembered that Qibao had said that many female cultivators wanted to be A Xing's Taoist companions, but Ah Xing had never looked at any female cultivator more.

Lin Rui himself is a person who has no interest in Taoist companions, so he has never paid attention to his apprentice Axing.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered, so before playing the piano, she asked directly.

"Axing, you have reached the age to find a Taoist companion. Have you ever had a favorite female nun?"

A Xing's hand who was about to play the piano gave a slight pause.

A strand of hair fell down, blocking his twinkling eyes.

"Master, why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"I'm not your master, this, this is caring for you."

Ah Xing was silent for a while, then said softly, "Never."

He raised his head and looked at Lin Rui, already returning to his usual expression.

A Xing pretended not to ask, "What about Master?"

"What am I?"

"Master is several hundred years old, why don't you find a Taoist companion?"

Lin Rui was a little bit angry, and she said angrily, "What's the matter with hundreds of years old? Whoever stipulates that you must find a Taoist partner when you are a few hundred years old! It is too much trouble to find a Taoist partner, I have you and Qibao enough. Hey, no Do you know where that kid Qibao went?"

A Xing lowered his eyes slightly, and the corners of his eyebrows were filled with an imperceptible gentleness.

"me too."

Lin Rui felt a little bit too dreamy, and wanted to say something more, but A Xing took her hand and started teaching her to play the piano.

The lingering melody sounded, pleasing to the ears.

Inside the bamboo forest, breeze hits, leaves rustling, and occasionally unknown birds and beasts are legendary during the period.

The years are quiet.

Lin Rui suddenly didn't want to say anything, and couldn't say anything.

This is Yunze’s dream, and Yunze is Ah Xing, so Lin Rui can only cooperate with what Ah Xing will do in the dream...