Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 646: Can't i control you

But I don't know why, when the little girl said so, he suddenly felt very relieved and warm.

It feels good to be in charge.

The corners of Yunze's mouth could not be restrained and raised slightly, with a gentle voice, "Xiao Rui, are you planning to control me?"

"Can't I care about you?" Lin Rui frowned.

Looking at the little girl's seriousness, Yunze laughed blankly.

He nodded, "Yes."

Lin Rui frowned slightly, she felt that the conversation continued like this, and it was going in a strange direction again!

She said, "Okay, sit down and I will press your head."

"Yeah." Yunze nodded obediently at once, then sat with his back to her.

If you let other people who are familiar with Yunze see him so obedient and so obedient, I guess his jaw will drop.

Is this the Yun Shao they knew?

If Yundian were here at this time, he probably wouldn't know his grandson anymore.

Because Yunze turned his back to him, the strange feeling in Lin Rui's heart temporarily disappeared.

She also calmed down and began to press her head on Yunze.

Yunze's headache was due to the seal.

Ordinary pressing definitely won't work. Lin Rui would input spiritual power when pressing.

On the other hand, for Yunze, there are some psychological reasons.

After all, this person is Lin Rui.

Not others.

So those headaches that occurred from time to time really eased slowly.

Yunze felt particularly peaceful in his heart. He was in a daze, and his eyes slowly closed.

And the familiar touch on the lips struck again.

Yunze tried to open his eyes to see if it was what he thought, but he didn't know why, his eyes just couldn't open.

Finally... he tilted his body and fell directly into Lin Rui's arms.

Lin Rui:! ! ! ! !

Her hands were embarrassed in the air, and the expression on her face was particularly tangled.

With the effects of spiritual power and the nourishing pill, Yunze naturally slowly relaxed and then fell asleep, but if someone else hit her like this, Lin Rui would have kicked her.

But this person is Ahang...

Little Qibao covered his eyes with his hands, and looked out secretly from the gap between his fingers, his aunt smiled again at the corner of his mouth.

Hey, progress is pretty good.

Lin Rui's ears were hot and his heart was angry, but after a long period of silence, he did not kick Yunze away.

She used her spiritual power to suspend Yunze's body, and then slowly moved to the bed.

At a moment, the thin quilt also flew up, gently covering Yunze's body.

The two people were sitting on the carpet before, but after finishing all this, Lin Rui simply crossed his knees, still sitting on the spot.

"Master, aren't you capable of dreaming? Ah Xing is sleeping here. If he dreams, you can see what he dreams of."

"Dream cannot be used easily."

"It's okay, anyway, Ah Xing is not someone else, is it? And the master, don’t you want to know how Ah Xing did after you failed to cross the Tribulation? I was also greatly affected at that time, some memories There are also deviations, I don't remember clearly."

To be honest, Lin Rui really wants to know all this.

She turned around, looked at Yunze who was sleeping, and said softly, "If he doesn't accept my breath by then, I won't be able to enter."

No matter how weak Yunze's body was, he was still a great power in the fairy world.

If it wasn't for the purpose of traveling through various realms to find Lin Rui's soul fragments, he would have been a person who could have ascended.