Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 642: I can't listen to chess anymore after such an awkward conversation

Yunze's eyes were rather complicated.

You know, it doesn't matter to be respected so carefully by anyone.

But the point is, this person is Xiao Rui's father.

Yun Ze stretched out his hand and shook Lin Zi Kangxu's hand before releasing it.

He nodded lightly, "Hello, Mr. Lin."

"Okay, okay, Lin Rui, it’s been a long time since I have eaten your cooking, I want to eat more today, hahahahaha." Luohua City immediately rounded the field, then pulled Yunze and said, "Aze, come here. Next, let me tell you something."


Lin Zikang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Yunze leaving with Luo Huacheng.

Lin Rui was going to cook, so Fang Ge took Lin Zikang around for a tour.

When Fang Ge took Lin Zikang upstairs, Yunze immediately left the chattering Luohua City and walked into the kitchen.

He coughed slightly, "Need help?"

Lin Rui knew that Yunze had come in, pursed his lips, did not look back.

"You peel the garlic."


The two suddenly became quiet, Yunze knew that Lin Zikang would come down soon, but the others didn't come in until they knew how to do it.

Now, it may be the only time for two people to be alone.

Yunze looked down at Suan and said, "Xiao Rui, I'm a little busy these days."


"How about you, how is it in the company?

"not at all."

This conversation... Qibao in the space simply has no ears to listen to!

Can you say something that can promote the development of the plot?

You can't listen to chess anymore after such an awkward conversation!

With cute eyes flashing, Qibao suddenly said, "Master, don't you ask, is there a Taoist companion for Aze now?"

Lin Rui, who was cutting vegetables, almost cut her finger!

She uttered subconsciously.

After Yunze heard it, he stood up awkwardly, dropped the garlic in his hand, and rushed over.

He asked nervously, "Xiao Rui, what's the matter? Are you injured?"

Yun Ze couldn't help but said, grabbing Lin Rui's hand, and carefully checking each of her fingers.

The big hand is holding the small hand, and there is tension and worry in his eyes.

Lin Rui found that that strange feeling appeared again!

She subconsciously threw away Yunze's hand, her eyes floating a little.

"It's okay, how could I get hurt."

Yunze's eyes were a bit dim.

What's wrong, little girl? When she pulsed herself before, she held her hand.

And now...

Does the little girl hate him?

"Xiao Rui, how are you..."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Yunze:! ! ! ! !

He was shocked, his mouth slightly opened, but he couldn't say the sentence he was going to ask!

The atrium, once, once, hit his heart!

As if to break out of the cocoon!

Hot, intense, lingering.

Seeing Yunze staring at him intently, his eyes seemed to contain the sea of ​​stars. Lin Rui pursed the corners of his mouth and said dryly, "Yes, you are not in good health right now, and you are not suitable. Find a girlfriend."


The little Qibao in the space covered his eyes.

Well, his master can only play this kind of straight ball...

Yunze felt a bit dumb in his throat, raised his head, and his eyes grew deeper.

"Xiao Rui, do you know what that means?"

"I, I care about what you mean." Lin Rui thinks that Ah Xing's body is still very weak.

Things in the entertainment industry, as well as the future of the Patriarch, were enough for him to work hard.

I really shouldn't waste time looking for a girlfriend.

Well, it must be so.