Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 641: The emperor is not in a hurry, but the **** is anxious to death

Luo Huacheng felt that he was about to lose his hair again.

If it is other times, forget it.

This is where I live... What would Lin Zikang think when he saw it! ?

Luo Huacheng: Aze, is it too abrupt for you to make such a decision? What if Lin Rui knows?

Yunze: She invited me to go.

Luo Huacheng:...

These one by one, how the heart is so big!

Luo Huacheng deeply understood what it means that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the **** is anxious to death!

Ah bah bah bah! He is not an eunuch!

No matter what, the meeting tonight is inevitable.

However, Luo Huacheng was still worried that something unmanageable might erupt in Jiang Lan Yunting at night, so he decided to go with Aze at that time.

Luo Huacheng was painstakingly, and here Lin Rui had finished a day of training and met his father Lin Zikang.

Lin Zikang hasn't seen her daughter for several days, and then she immediately looked up and down to see if her daughter has become thinner and tired.

Lin Rui asked, "Dad, did you come alone?"

"Your uncle said that he would come to the Imperial City to participate in an art exhibition, so I came with him."

"Oh, where's my uncle?"

"He said he went to meet some friends."

Lin Rui nodded.

She said, "Dad, go to the apartment where I live. I have asked someone to help buy vegetables. I will cook some dishes for you."

In terms of time, his father, Lin Zikang, should also take the Tonic Pill.

And Lin Zikang originally planned to see where his daughter lives, so he can rest assured.

Several people got into the car while talking.

When the car first entered the community, Lin Zikang took a look at the environment here and looked pretty good.

He asked, "Rui Rui, is this house rented to you by the company?"

"Well, Brother Luo arranged for me."

Lin Zikang nodded, he knew that Luohua City was very reliable in doing things.

But when Lin Zikang went upstairs, opened the door and looked at the group of people inside, he suddenly felt a little confused.

Forget Ouyangqian, Lin Zikang knows that the girl is now an assistant to Rui Rui, and knows the foundation, it is normal to live together.

But the people in this room...

Lin Rui introduced very naturally, "Dad, this is Zheng Yi. He is very good at computers and is responsible for network security and public opinion in my team. This is Brother Luo, oh, you know. The one over there who is moving things. His name is Chen Qi, he is A, Yunze’s assistant."

Lin Rui finally knew that it was not convenient to call out that close address.

When her gaze fell on Yunze, it happened that the other person also looked over, and her gaze met, and she paused slightly.

Suddenly remembered the hug not long ago!

"He is Yunze."

It's okay for others to arrive, after all, Fang Ge will also live here, and it's okay to have a man who understands computer technology.

And Luo Huacheng appeared here... Lin Zikang also thought it was understandable.

After all, Luo Huacheng is Rui Rui's agent.

But why is this young master here! ?

You know, this Yunze is not as simple as an actor, he, he is the next Patriarch of the Yun Family!

When Luo Huacheng saw Lin Zikang's face changed, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face and said, "Mr. Lin, it's been a long time. By the way, I didn't tell you, Aze is my cousin, we will stay There will be another party, so we will come here first."

Although it still felt something was wrong, Lin Zikang understood that, after all, the identity of Luohua City was not ordinary.

Although he came from Jincheng, he had seen some big scenes, so he didn't have stage fright.

Lin Zikang nodded to Luo Huacheng, then stretched out his hand to Yunze a little respectfully.

"Mr. Yun, hello."