Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 625: She had no chance to bully me

Sun Zhirou was expecting it, so she smiled generously.

Lin Rui has been calm and calm.

The remaining three people were a little happy, with smiles around the corners of their eyes and eyebrows...After all, they are not too old and can be valued, which is equivalent to half of them having successfully entered Yunyu.

The debut will not be too far!

Even Fell was extremely happy, with a sweet smile on her face.

I didn't know what had been thinking of, Lan Hui turned her head and found that Lin Rui was very calm, and her heart became more confused.

The identity of Sun Zhirou is placed there, and there is a reason to be calm.

But even so, when Sun Zhirou faced her, her brows were gentle.

But what happened to Lin Rui?

How can you be immune to her illusion?

After Liu Zimei talked about some more things, she let everyone disband and rest in place.

The trainees had a special unified lounge, but Sun Zhirou took Xu Xu and walked out. There is also an exclusive resting place for this young lady.

But others looked at Lin Rui.

Lin Rui took Ouyang Qian directly to find Luo Huacheng.

He spit out his tongue at Du Su Chen one by one, and said mischievously, "Hey, it's good to have a relationship. We can only rest here."

Du Su smiled coldly, turned around, walked to the sofa next to him and sat down, looking at his mobile phone.

However, Chen Yiyi chatted with Er Yi very enthusiastically.

Here Ouyangqian followed Lin Rui to Luohuacheng's office, Ouyangqian was still there with emotion, "Oh my God, I feel that elders are too cute, sweetheart!"

The expression on Lin Rui's face was distorted for a moment.

She looked back at Ouyang Qian and asked, "Sister Qian, how old are you this year?"

"Twenty-two, what's wrong with Rui Rui?"

"If you want to be like this ten years later, there is a way."

Ouyang Qian:...

She has a question mark on her face.

How good is it, the topic is here?

Two people entered Luohuacheng’s office one after another. Luo Huacheng just put down the phone, and he smiled and said to Lin Rui, “Lin Rui, you performed very well this time, and the big boss praised you.”

"Well, is that President Yun?"


Here Ouyang Qian suddenly remembered something, and she wanted to say nothing.

After Lin Rui saw it, he said, "Sister Qian, just speak up if you have something to say."

Luo Huacheng's eyes also looked over.

Ouyang Qian still has a little respect for Luohua City. On the surface, Luohua City is very easy to get along with, but it is all because of Rui Rui's face.

Although Ouyang Qian is still a college student, she is not the kind of person with low EQ, so she respects Luo Huacheng very much.

Luo Huacheng said with emotion, this Ouyang Qian is indeed a smart little girl.

He nodded and said, "Go ahead."

"Even I heard that Sun Zhirou also wanted to come to Luo Ge... but she didn't seem to be successful. The look in her eyes at Rui Rui just now was a bit unkind.

Ouyang Qian would not pretend to be friends, but Rui Rui should be reminded that she would never leave.

Sometimes smart people know what to say and what not to say.

Luo Huacheng said, "There is such a thing, Rui Rui, if Sun Zhirou really bullied you, you don't have to be afraid of her."

You know, Aze is behind you!

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows lightly, with a calm tone, but with a strong momentum.

She said, "She has no chance to bully me."

Luo Huacheng:...

Okay, how could he forget that Lin Rui, a little girl, has never suffered.