Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 624: Inquire about each other

"I'm just an intern, and Lin Rui is mainly studying at this time." Ouyang Qian said with a smile.

Ouyang Qian has a cheerful personality, so she has many friends and classmates.

This Senior Sister Xu Xu was met by her in the student union, and the two of them both chased stars and had a common topic.

It's not bad that they are all in the same company now.

Here Xu Xu said enthusiastically, "By the way, Qianqian, where do you live now? Do you want to come and live with me? I rented a house on Dongfang Road. Dongfang Road is only six stops here. subway."

"No, I live with Lin Rui now."

"Do you live with your celebrities?" Xu Xu was a little envious.

Although most assistants may live with the artist, or live near the artist's home.

But she is still an assistant during the probation period.

However, as an intern, Ouyang Qian can live with artists, which is enough for Xu Xu to envy.

Ouyang Qian thought for a while and explained, "Lin Rui is young, and she lives in a different place. I and her are still fellow villagers, so take care of her."

"That's true." Xu Xu changed his mind and understood.

After all, Sun Zhirou's home is in the Imperial City.

It can be said here that Sun Zhirou and Lin Rui are two of the more concerned people in this batch of trainees, so Xu Xu and Ouyang Qian are also inquiring about each other.

Xu Xu said, "Zhirou's father is the general manager of Yunshi Real Estate, and her mother is the eldest lady of the Yun family. Zhirou likes acting, so she plans to come over as a trainee."

"Is she not going to college?"

"She has already taken the entrance examination of the Vocal Music Department of the Film and Television University of God City. This time she came to the trainee to study during the holiday.

Ouyang Qian nodded.

To some extent, it turns out that Sun Zhirou and Lin Rui are the same.

Here Xu Xu began to inquire about Lin Rui.

She asked, "By the way, is this Lin Rui really from Jincheng?"

"Yes," Ouyang Qian nodded, "Our two families are still very familiar with each other. We are all natives of Jincheng."

"Then how did she know Luohua City, and she was also taken by Luohua City," Xu Xu looked around, lowered her voice, and said, "I'm telling you that Zhirou actually wants to go to Luohua City too, but unfortunately in the end It didn't happen, I don't know why."

Ouyang Qian raised her eyebrows, what did Xu Xu say?

Is it possible that because of this matter, that Miss Sun is a bit dissatisfied with Rui Rui?

Ouyang Qian suddenly remembered one thing, that is, just now, it seems that Sun Zhirou also frequently looked at Rui Rui inexplicably.

Just after Ouyang Qian secretly wrote down the matter, Lin Rui in the inner compartment was looking at Sun Zhirou in front of her.

Fifteen trainees were divided into three groups.

The first group is Lin Rui, Sun Zhirou, as well as Er Yi, Du Su, and Chen Yiyi.

All the most eye-catching people are placed in this group. Firstly, they are more optimistic about the five of them. Secondly, I also hope that there will be a certain competition between them.

"The five of you will get acquainted with each other. When the afternoon starts, you will be trained as a group. You are the best in this group, so I hope you will take it seriously during training."


The teacher in charge is called Liu Zimei, who is the deputy head of the Yunyu Artist Training Department, and is also the trainee trainer responsible for five people including Lin Rui.

A deputy minister specially trained five of them, which is enough to show the importance attached to them.