Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 607: Fang Ge will not pity Xiangxiyu

Lin Yuanzhou felt that his mother became more and more unreasonable.

But that is the biological mother, what if something goes wrong.

So Lin Yuanzhou promised his mother to book a ticket back the next morning.

Wang Jie also wants to repair the relationship with his son.

She has only her son left.

But when Wang Jie saw Lin Zijian having a very happy conversation with a strange woman, he directly exploded again.

Stepping on her high heels, she rushed over, slapped Jiang Yuan.

The technique is repeated.

It was exactly the same as when I was in the studio.

But this time, there is Lin Rui.

Lin Rui grabbed Wang Jie's hand quickly, and then slammed it aside.

But at this time Jiang Yuan realized that this woman actually wanted to beat her!

She angrily said, "Who are you, are you sick?"

Wang Jie trembled with anger. She glared at Lin Rui viciously, then pointed to Jiang Yuan's face and said to Lin Zijian, "Lin Zijian, are you hiding from me because of this little fairy?"

Lin Zijian frowned fiercely, worried that Wang Jie would hit someone again, and he immediately stood in front of Lin Rui and Jiang Yuan.

Lin Zijian said to Wang Jie, "Are you crazy? Wang Jie, have you forgotten? We are already divorced!"

"Yes, we are divorced. But the relationship between husband and wife for more than 20 years, Lin Zijian, how can you be so ruthless, say forget and forget!" Wang Jie said while crying.

She has had a bad time during this period, and everything has gone wrong.

She feels wronged.

Why do others treat her like this? What did she do wrong! ?

Watching Wang Jie start to slap, the policeman from the airport also came and asked what was going on.

Lin Zijian had to explain to the police.

At this time, Lin Rui was about to board the plane and they had to go through security checks quickly.

Lin Rui thought for a while, and said to Fang who had just completed the formalities, "Fang, I don't worry about my uncle, you stay and help him handle this matter. Then you book an afternoon flight to the Imperial City to find me."


"It's okay, Sister Qian and Yunzhi Fu will pick me up at the airport then."

Although Fang Ge didn't want to leave Lin Rui, it was Lin Rui's order, and he nodded.

Here Lin Zijian has been entangled by Wang Jie.

Lin Rui said to Jiang Yuan, "Sister **, let's go first."

"Your uncle..."

"There are some things, you still need to tie the bell. But don't worry, I will leave the square to accompany my uncle. Wang Jie won't get any advantage."

Fang Ge is a straight man, he won't consider Lianxiangxiyu.

If Wang Jie dared to hit someone, Fang Ge would definitely kick her.

Even if she is a woman.

Lin Zijian saw that Lin Rui had arranged this matter cleanly, and he looked at Lin Rui gratefully.

Then he looked at Jiang Yuan apologetically. "I am sorry."

Jiang Yuan said, "Don't say I'm sorry, I'm leaving now."

Lin Zijian nodded.

Here Lin Rui and Jiang Yuan went through the security check and arrived at the boarding gate. They had already started boarding, and they both got on the plane.

It happened that the seats for two people were one behind the other and they were still very close.

Jiang Yuan looked at the phone and was silent for a while, then asked, "Lin Rui, why did your uncle get a divorce?"

"You didn't ask him about this?"

"did not ask."

Lin Rui turned her head and said softly, "Wang Jie has a very strong personality and a great temper. But she still had some restraints when she was young, and my uncle and her were still each other’s first love, so we went all the way. It took more than 20 years in a flash. The uncle always believed that every time Wang Jie got angry, his humility would let the other party's anger calm down. But the anger calmed down, but the next time she got angry, it would be worse than the last time."