Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 606: He is not an easy chess

"How is it possible?" Lin Rui put the books neatly in his suitcase, and then arranged the books neatly with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

She said, "He will definitely not like me."


"Because I don't like him."


Qibao has been stunned by the super gangster's logic of his master!

He hasn't recovered for a long time.

When Lin Rui packed up his things and used to meditate cross-legged, Qibao came back to his senses.

My dear master, your order seems to be reversed!

No matter what, Qibao understood that Li Ertao was definitely out of play.

Moreover, no matter how the master is, her Taoist companion will definitely be the one in the Taoist school.

So, Li Ertao OUT!

Qibao meditates cross-legged, not practicing, but pulling and pulling in his mind to see who is suitable for his master.

Bai Jinchuan Wang Ziyang Meng Yuanxi OUT, these three appearances are too old, and now they have just built the foundation, and whether they can cultivate to the golden core in the future is two.

In addition, among their next generation, Mo Ran, Bai Yixiao, Gu Xuanwu, and Pan Jian, the owner of Wolong Villa.

Pan Jian is not young anymore, he is almost like Lin Zikang, he looks ugly, OUT! OUT!

Gu Xuanwu is too fat, Bai Yixiao is too stupid, OUT! OUT! OUT!

Hey, it seems that ink dyeing is not bad.

Young and promising, they are regarded as the most qualified in their generation.

It is said that his current cultivation base has reached the seventh level of qi refining. If he doesn't get it right, he will reach Dzogchen in a few years.

Although the speed is much slower than the master, in this very barren world, Moran is already considered a genius for cultivation.

Qibao thought, after all, the existence of his master is not a genius, it is a monster.

Choosing to choose, just this ink dyeing is still a little better.

Qibao looked at the master who was practicing to the Underworld again, and felt that he was really a difficult chess.

He was also broken for the life-long events of his master.

The next morning, when it was time, Lin Zijian sent Lin Rui to the airport, and Fang was also with him.

But they first went to the hotel where Jiang Yuan was staying to pick up Jiang Yuan.

When Jiang Yuan was picked up, Lin Zijian gave an introduction to both parties.

Jiang Yuan yelled and said, "Aren't you Lin Rui? I'm your cookie!"

After speaking, she smiled again and said, "Although this cookie is a bit old, don't see it."

Lin Rui always likes people who are open and straightforward, she smiled, "So it turns out that sister ** is a sweet cookie, then we will be our own family from now on."

Jiang Yuan covered her mouth and smiled, "Your sister, when you call me younger, I have to call your uncle to be uncle? What do you mean, Uncle Lin?"

Lin Zijian blushed helplessly. He waved his hand and said, "You can call it whatever you want."

"It's okay, I'm friends with you, and I'm Lin Rui's cookies again. We call each other."

It takes more than an hour to drive from the hotel to the airport.

Fangge drove in front, and Lin Rui and the three of them had a good chat.

Lin Rui found that when she talked to Jiang Yuan about painting, her eyes were full of light.

Lin Rui understood a word, friends are easy to find, but confidants are hard to find.

When he arrived at the airport, Lin Zijian sent Jiang Yuan and Lin Rui through the security check, but at this moment, he met an unexpected person.

Wang Jie.

Wang Jie is here to pick up his son Lin Yuanzhou.

The mother and son had been in a cold war for a long time. Yesterday she told Lin Yuanzhou to return to Jincheng. If she didn't come back, she would die and show him!