Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 603: Wang Jie regrets it

Uncle Zhong said, "Mr. Lin Zijian is not here, he is out."

Wang Jie has always regarded Uncle Zhong as just a subordinate of the Lin family. She frowned and said angrily, "Don't lie to me! A good dog doesn't stand in the way, you get out of my way!"

After speaking, Wang Jie stretched out his hand to push Uncle Zhong away.

Although Wang Jie is a woman, she is still an elderly woman, but her explosive power is amazing.

In addition, she has been depressed all this time.

Now Wang Jie is very irritable, thinking that Uncle Zhong deliberately stopped her from entering, so he pushed hard and still had a lot of strength.

This push was still very sudden, and Uncle Zhong didn't react at all, and he shook his body staggeringly.

Fortunately, this time a pair of small hands supported Uncle Zhong.

Only to save him from falling.

Uncle Zhong turned his head and looked at each other gratefully, "Miss!"

Lin Rui nodded, she walked out and looked at Wang Jie coldly, "Aunt Wang, are you planning to make trouble in my house?"

"You!" Wang Jie was stopped by Lin Rui's Aunt Wang.

She subconsciously wanted to educate Lin Rui before, but she suddenly reacted to the name Aunt Wang.

Yes, she is no longer Lin Rui's eldest mother.

They shouted that Aunt Wang was fine.

But he knew nothing was wrong, but Wang Jie was still angry.

She angrily said, "Lin Rui, you get out of the way, I'll find Lin Zijian!"

"My uncle is not at home, Aunt Wang, if you want to break in, I can only call the police."

"Dare you!" Wang Jie screamed.

Lin Rui said quietly, "Why don't I dare? After all, you threatened me."

At this moment, Fang Ge and another bodyguard rushed over, stood at the door together, and asked Lin Rui what was going on.

When Wang Jie saw the other four people, she felt a little timid.

She gave Lin Rui a bitter look, then turned and left.

Lin Rui looked calm, watching Wang Jie walk away, she turned back and said to Uncle Zhong, "Uncle Zhong, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. However, I am a little worried about Mr. Lin Zijian." Uncle Zhong sighed, "Now Wang Jie has been suspended from the group. It should be in a bad mood."

"Today's road, she came out on her own, her feet were worn out, and no one can blame others! It seems that she regrets now. As for whether the uncle can forgive her, it depends on the uncle's own choice."

They are all adults.

What choice is made, then, you have to bear the results of this choice.

Uncle Zhong was surprised that the eldest lady was so calm and rational.

He thought that the eldest lady would go to Mr. Lin Zijian to tell him not to talk to Wang Jie anymore.

I have to say that the eldest has a very thorough view on this matter.

Lin Zijian is indeed not at Lin's house at this time, he is sitting in a coffee shop with a woman drinking coffee.

The two talked very happily, talking about the world famous paintings, as well as famous painters, they are all treasures.

It can be seen that both of them are lovers of painting.

The woman looks like her in her thirties. She has short hair with straight ears, slightly curled ends, and a very artistic dress. Although the facial features are average, they are especially charming when gathered together.

It belongs to the kind that looks more attractive.

"If I had a better background in painting, I might not have studied photography." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

Lin Zijian shook his head and said, "In fact, painting and photography are interlinked, composition, color, line, and scenery, etc., all have in common. For example, if you take a portrait of a person, like Mona Lisa, I will also choose a symmetrical point, and then there will be distance, light, etc."

"Well, photography is the same as painting. You can think of ways to keep those beautiful things."
